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TonyWilliams said:
I'd like to know what this refers to:

"...with the cost of regular maintenance and up-keep, which requires ordering special parts from the dealer, pretty much diminishes whatever practical values the vehicle may offer for the everyday user."

When I read stuff that is just completely bogus like the above quote, it makes me question the true motive behind such an article. Hmm, "regular maintenance, ordering special parts", that's just a pot shot coming from someone who has no experience of what they write, apparently intended to discourage potential buyers. With any luck EV's will be less maintenance, not more. The Prius doesn't even require more regular maintenance than a non-hybrids but it is a lot of extra money for a medium improvement in gas mileage, requiring many years to recoup the initial investment, but it's apples to oranges to lump the Prius in with the Leaf, it's just too early to know what will happen once people of any race really figure out that the LEAF is on order of 4 times more economical to drive than a Prius (variations in utility costs and driving habits not withstanding), drastically reducing the time it takes to recoup the initial added investment. 50 MPG's is impressive to a limited number, while the cost equivalent of 200 mpg's turns practically everyone's head I've talked to. The universal language that will bridge all socio, economic, race, political groups is economy, the ultimate practicality of EV's. As battery price drops and word gets out that an EV can be driven for 1/10th cost of a comparable gas car with superior performance, there will suddenly be demand for sexy versions of today's ultra efficient EV's, in every imaginable shape and size, appealing to much more than just eco friendly techie geeks.