Turning On The Fan (without running the heater)?

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I've been having some trouble with that as well.

I generally never use heat or AC, but it's been very damp and rainy and cold for the last few weeks, and I've moved so I no longer have the benefit of parking in an insulated garage.

This morning I tried having the CC preheat about 20 minutes before I needed to leave. I swear that makes the car even foggier than if I just get in and start driving. I only run the front defroster for about a minute at a time. Does the rear defrost draw power from the 12V or the main battery?

What about headlights? I'm wondering why my efficiency has plummeted in the last month. I used to get to work with about 4 total bars used, now it's 6. Arguably since moving it's an additional 12 miles each way, but that's almost 2 extra bars which seems a bit much to me.
Lynza said:
I've been having some trouble with that as well.

I generally never use heat or AC, but it's been very damp and rainy and cold for the last few weeks, and I've moved so I no longer have the benefit of parking in an insulated garage.

This morning I tried having the CC preheat about 20 minutes before I needed to leave. I swear that makes the car even foggier than if I just get in and start driving. I only run the front defroster for about a minute at a time. Does the rear defrost draw power from the 12V or the main battery?

What about headlights? I'm wondering why my efficiency has plummeted in the last month. I used to get to work with about 4 total bars used, now it's 6. Arguably since moving it's an additional 12 miles each way, but that's almost 2 extra bars which seems a bit much to me.

Quite a few of us are seeing a sudden drop in efficiency presumably due to the effect of cold on the battery and CC and even some are saying air density.

As for the moisture issue, what you are describing is similar to what I noticed at first. I think for those of us who have been avoiding CC, we have been inadvertently accumulating more residual moisture in the car's upholstery. My car actually started to smell funny which I just chalked up to having a kid in diapers. For a while I've been driving around thinking I needed to clean the windows because a subtle film was forming, then it got cold and I preheated and the car turned into a sauna the first time or two. I tried leaving the doors open in the garage overnight and preheating to 80 degrees a few times, opening all the windows at the end and releasing the moisture. You don't have the benefit of a garage for leaving the doors open over night but I bet if you pre-heat several times to say 80 degrees and then vent out the moisture that you take care of much of the problem. Since I've gotten the car dryer, it's much easier to manage the fogging without using much CC, windows are crystal clear and no more funky dank smell. I would still very much like the option to turn the heat completely off if I choose. My latest take on it is that the cold is the bigger culprit for loss of range. Even if I'm very conservative with the CC, I can't get the MPkW over 3.8, it used to be able to do as well as 4.6 if I tried.
I am retired so I do not have a commute, but it is clear that even my casual driving is going to require a bit more planning for the next several months.

Left mid-morning today – rain, mid 30’s F. Eleven fuel bars and SOC meter showing 88.4%. Used continuous defrost and heat set at 67° F. Total miles 36.5, all but about 5 miles on the freeway at 60 MPH. Used ECO entire trip, light foot on the accelerator. Upon return home, two bars and 29% on the meter. 3.1 m/kWh.

Yes, I could have continuously modulated the defrost button, but there has to be a better way. I need Ingineer Phil’s mod.
