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Mar 3, 2014
Wow! My dealer here in Montreal told me not to expect delivery of my Leaf SV until the last 2 weeks of April. He just called yesterday to tell me it has arrived! I am thinking to tell him to store it until the end of April. Because: 1) We still have mounds do snow and tons of salt on the roads here in Montreal. I expect that to vastly improve in the next 4 weeks. Why should my leaf start it's life with an extra season of corrosion? 2) I didn't yet have my electrician install my Clipper Creek Level 2 charger yet because of all the snow that would have to be cleared away just to install it. (I am a no-garage homeowner.) 3) I am planning to sell my Toyota RAV4 2000 privately. It will be easier to sell when the weather turns warmer.
One of my worries is just whether the dealer will know how to take care of the 12v battery for long term storage.
Any opinions out there? Better wait or better take it now?
As a rule dealers don't know how to treat the batteries. I can't imagine a dealer holding on to a car in the lot waiting for the purchaser and missing the end of the month bonus for selling.
ksnogas2112 said:
I can't imagine a dealer holding on to a car in the lot waiting for the purchaser and missing the end of the month bonus for selling.

That would definitely be a first :shock:
All I can say is that the manager said he would be willing to store it. I didn't realize how unusual it is!(He must really be desperate!)
Does that count as a vote to wait?
As long as it's not plugged in, the 12v should be ok. The Li traction battery pack should only be charged to about 50-60%, for better storage. Not over 80% in any case. If they're willing to keep it safe and store it in that condition for you, then why not, it'll give you time to resolve those other items.
Calling the electrician is easy enough to do soon. Selling a great old RAV4 now in mid winter might also be possible. Won't know until I try. But getting rid of all that snow might take some work. I suppose I should start venting my furnace heat to the outside now . . .