Spreadsheet : VINs, Delivery Dates, Order Dates etc

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Yep, now the 11th. I wish they would have just left it as the month of January and avoided teasing us with all this Brownian imprecision. I feel especially bad for all the pixels that have given their lives due to the repeated and violent editing of the shared spreadsheet.
GroundLoop said:
At least put a window on it so I can decide whether to put new tires on the old car or not.

New tires? I'm so cheap that I'm agonizing over whether to put new wiper blades on. As the passenger side one, at least the bit that's already separated, flaps around like a dying seal. :lol:

OK, sure, I'll put new blades on for next winter...when Naomi's grandson has the car and needs them. But I'll be darned if I want to spend even that much on this car until then.
I am not sure if you guys are actually enjoying the vascillations or not. I wouldn't. So ... should I be happy it only says (and has said) "Month of January" ? Or should I start screaming "where's my VIN/CarWings/DeliveryWeek" ? :?
LEAFer said:
I am not sure if you guys are actually enjoying the vascillations or not. I wouldn't. So ... should I be happy it only says (and has said) "Month of January" ? Or should I start screaming "where's my VIN/CarWings/DeliveryWeek" ? :?

Come to think of it, I've heard that lithium helps settle the mind... :lol:
AndyH said:
LEAFer said:
I am not sure if you guys are actually enjoying the vascillations or not. I wouldn't. So ... should I be happy it only says (and has said) "Month of January" ? Or should I start screaming "where's my VIN/CarWings/DeliveryWeek" ? :?

Come to think of it, I've heard that lithium helps settle the mind... :lol:

Pass the lithium please!
We all screamed we wanted transparency in the delivery process. Now our delivery dates are updated every 24 hours based on the last 24 hours of information.

Careful what we ask for?
Whoa! An order sequence number? Has anyone else seen anything like this? If so, why don't we have a column for it on the spreadsheet? Or are you perhaps talking about a Volt order? I understand GM is providing such a number.
With the LEAF Reservations and with each or our Orders, there is a sequence (number), even if it is not generally available to us: the "date and time" it was "consumated". At least Nissan should have that "sequence" in their database somewhere.
I was told by Nissan VP's that cars where made in all colors then shipped. No names on the car until later. That is why VIN's seem to not make sense.
So they fixed my dashboard. :? I no longer need to order my car I guess since now it says "complete". The tone of the final email was a bit "different" and pretty much stated that there was nothing wrong with our account (ever?). The delivery month is still January and I was told to expect more information on January 14th. looks like our 8/31 car is on a later boat for sure but at least the dashboard appears to make sense now. No conflicting information like before. Its progress.