Spreadsheet : VINs, Delivery Dates, Order Dates etc

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Mine's all screwed up too.

Revert to some week-ago backup, lock the spreadsheet down, and create a thread where people can post updates.

Or, start by Not Allowing anonymous users.

I'm miffed not for my own data, since I know what that really is, but the general picture of how deliveries are moving along. This will become especially interesting through January as we can start matching deliveries with expectations.
LOL! I was able to find my data ... all intact, and easy to find since I have ordered one of the few black LEAFs.

But, what should be jpvLeaf data now belongs to ... mogur?!? :p
Almost no washington state indicated now, my name associated with dates and details that dont match at all. Too bad because I am going to be very interested when the next batch of delivery dates come.
Guys, google keeps backups of almost every change. Theres no need to revert to an offline copy. You just revert right in the app. The problem is I don't know how far back to go. I didn't go very far back which fixed the obvious crap that was there.. To me it looks like someone sorted a column without highlighting the whole spreadsheet so it only sorted certain columns, which would mismatch everyone. But until it's locked down (which only the creator can do) it's probably futile to try and revert.
Ok I restored it back to 12pm today. I can see at 1 someone sorted just the order date column, then they just sorted the state column. So it should be somewhat good now.
Sooo, it seems there isn't an option to allow only people that have a google account to edit, unless you want to give each person explicit permission.

The spreadsheet is locked at this point, csriram will have to unlock it. Apparently in trying the lock setting I removed my own permission to change it back. :oops:

I think at this point the best thing to do is change the link to the spreadsheet and don't list it publicly here. Make people request the link via PM (I can do this). I think explicit permissions would be way too much work.
turbo2ltr said:
Sooo, it seems there isn't an option to allow only people that have a google account to edit, unless you want to give each person explicit permission.

The spreadsheet is locked at this point, csriram will have to unlock it. Apparently in trying the lock setting I removed my own permission to change it back. :oops:

I think at this point the best thing to do is change the link to the spreadsheet and don't list it publicly here. Make people request the link via PM (I can do this). I think explicit permissions would be way too much work.

Or send out a mass PM link to those listed on it currently.
Ok It seems like things have gone off hand? My own order date was incorrect so not sure how much more info is missing or is incorrect. Do you guys want me to lock it as it is now or revert to a certain time. I am not sure if Google has a version control system and allows me to revert but let me go and have a look.

Please let me know how you would like to share this for future?

Edit: The sheet was already locked and google does have a revision history. I corrected my info . On further analysis my own info seems to have been incorrect for quiet a while. Someone must have mixed up the order dates. No big deal I fixed mine but I can not say what other info is incorrect now. The question is which version do I revert to. The file has been edited almost every 5 minutes. I suggest anyone who is still following this thread look at your info once again and confirm. If you need correction, save a copy highlight your row and send it to [email protected] with corrections.

Once we have have few more volunteers who can manage the sheet I can share the sheet with few other forum members.

This is a really long edit. :-D
I rolled it back to 12 already so it would have to be from before then. Someone really messed with it huh?

My info is fine and the couple of people I checked that said their info was bad, seemed right, though I can't say for sure. We'll have to wait for them to speak up.
Just an Observation, No Need to Panic:

This is probably a good example of what often happens when there are un-monitored, un-verified changes allowed to a database: small or large errors introduced accidently, or on purpose.

The data could have been Charging Locations and their status, etc. or Roads on Maps, POI lists ... or worse.

Apparently there are a few people who cannot resist the urge to mess things up for the rest of us. Or, there could even be some that might want to sabotage the whole EV movement.

Hacking, introducing dangerous code, etc. is a real threat to popular, highly-visible targets like PCs, ... and perhaps new EVs, PHEVs, etc.

Like: Flash! Get your new firmware for your LEAF to get <new feature or performance improvement> ... Beware!

Firmware hacks could destroy your car AND kill or injure you and people nearby.

HOPEFULLY Nissan will have made remote LEAF-hacking via CARWINGS absolutely impossible ... but the OS is MS code, right?

At the Test-Drives, the orientation staff said that the LEAF's software/firmware could/would be kept up-to-date via CARWINGS. To me, that is ... a very cool, but extremely dangerous feature.

Just saying.
turbo2ltr said:
I rolled it back to 12 already so it would have to be from before then. Someone really messed with it huh?

My info is fine and the couple of people I checked that said their info was bad, seemed right, though I can't say for sure. We'll have to wait for them to speak up.

That looks a lot better.

Hard to believe that someone maliciously messed with it as there were entries which had the color changed, the order date changed, the PD dealer changed, etc. Don't know what the point of that would be - you'd think if someone intended to mess with it they would have inserted crude remarks, changed forumites names, er, maybe I should stop before giving someone ideas.
My data was deleted the other day so I reentered it.
Then my data was changed (order date, delivery est and SL to SL-e) so I changed it back except for the SL-e. I guess someone was looking for uniformity (OCD?).
My own suspicion is that the problems were created by ignorance, not malicious intent. People tried to sort on a column, not knowing that other columns wouldn't track unless they were selected. Or they tried to extract pieces of the data they were interested in. In most cases they probably thought they were working on a private copy, not a commonly shared version. Of course they should have realized that if it wasn't the live data, then they wouldn't be able to add their own information, but in my experience most people decide that computers behave in magic and incomprehensible ways at times.

csriram45, this is a very valuable facility to have, but it is going to take significant effort to try to maintain it manually. Perhaps the work could be shared among a number of people. I'd be willing to offer my services.
The fact that A1 does not have content could mess someone up wanting to sort.

My data is still intact. How about a poll correct/incorrect ? At least we get to measure how many are still following this data/thread and how many rows need to be fixed.
garygid said:
Just an Observation, No Need to Panic:

This is probably a good example of what often happens when there are un-monitored, un-verified changes allowed to a database: small or large errors introduced accidently, or on purpose. The data could have been Charging Locations and their status, etc. or Roads on Maps, POI lists ... or worse. Apparently there are a few people who cannot resist the urge to mess things up for the rest of us. Or, there could even be some that might want to sabotage the whole EV movement.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . snip
Just saying.
Open and free environments ALWAYS bring out the bad. Mountain top repeater radios belonging to amateur radio groups (that serve in times of emergencies for communication) get vandalized. Even in the times of major earthquakes ... these nut jobs will get on and jam out the radio transmissions of emergency responders (red cross - fire equipment, etc.). How much more so for our spreadsheet.
hill said:
Open and free environments ALWAYS bring out the bad. Mountain top repeater radios belonging to amateur radio groups (that serve in times of emergencies for communication) get vandalized. Even in the times of major earthquakes ... these nut jobs will get on and jam out the radio transmissions of emergency responders (red cross - fire equipment, etc.). How much more so for our spreadsheet.

You must be referring to the .435 repeater. :twisted:
DaveinOlyWA said:
Getting reports that some are pickng up their cars TOMORROW!!! .update the charts!!!

You mean one.

Considering omkar, myself, and this Michael Sabo guy are supposed to get the first three cars locally and omkar's is the only one to show up thus far, it doesn't bode massively well for anyone else in the immediate future.