SoCal Branch Year 3 LEAF-Gatherings - See Year 4

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I'd love to come but my electrician is coming tomorrow morning to install my new 220 line... Otherwise I'd love to come meet all of you!!

Next one I guess in a few weeks!!

JasonA said:
I'd love to come but my electrician is coming tomorrow morning to install my new 220 line... Otherwise I'd love to come meet all of you!!

Next one I guess in a few weeks!!


We'd love to have you come, Jason. Sylmar is a bit if a distance from Cerritos and certainly from Sana Ana, but maybe you could hitch a ride with someone who's coming from somewhere near you.
I am planning to come tomorrow, May 11 Cerritos. I plan to stop off at Cerritos Nissan before breakfast to get enouch QC for the ride home. I did QC there 2 weeks ago. Since I will be depending upon this charge, I will fill up at home only to 80%, which is not enough for a round-trip. Is anyone else doing QC before breakfast ?

I have done QC 3 times in last 8 days. Each time it kicked my battery, which was quite cold (low 60s F) into 6th T-bar, where it remained for rest of the day.
I'm probably not going to make it this Saturday due to my mom's health. She's hospitalized but not in immediate danger.

Hope to see you guys in SA later this month.
garygid said:
About 10 hours until our Gathering in Cerritos.

Boomer, please let me know if there is anything
that I can do for your family. We will miss you.

Thanks, Gary. I may be there after all. Mom is resting comfortably and I may come to breakfast for an hour or so.
Way cool meetup this morning in Cerritos.

Lots of old friends to hang with, a diversity of EVs and fun conversations.

Tony trucked up in the RAV with a buttload of different portable EVSEs and adapters, including a Tesla trickler.

Sparky came in his new EV (hint, it has an "S" in its name). Gorgeous dark green.

KeiJidosha showed up in Mrs Jidosha's C Max Energi and gave test drives.

Plus Mr Gary, of course, tbleakne, Jeremy, EricH, Dory, Gerald, and Chris and his Mrs (sorry, my memory has gaps).

Thanks Gary for selling me an ELM and KJ, you know why.
I demonstrated a "spare" Leaf Battery App system
to TB in his car, and he just had to have it. ;)

Tony asked if there was a RAV4 EV version yet. :mrgreen:

I helped another person get their phone
set up with the Android app, and tested that
in their car. Seemed to work well.
What brand and model of phone was that, please?

We had about 13 people show up, and everyone
seemed to have a good time, with many lively
discussions going on.

Thanks everybody for making the effort to attend.
The next Gathering will be in Santa Ana on May 25th.

In june, it appears that we will have a special treat,
a breakfast pot-luck at Boomer's home in Irvine.
More info coming soon, I believe.
It was, indeed an excellent meeting!!

I helped another person get their phone
set up with the Android app, and tested that
in their car. Seemed to work well.
What brand and model of phone was that, please?

Thanks for doing that install for me, Gary! And that model would be the brand spanking new, Samsung Galaxy S4, my Mother's Day gift :D

In june, it appears that we will have a special treat,
a breakfast pot-luck at Boomer's home in Irvine.
More info coming soon, I believe.

That'll be fun, looking forward to it!!!
Just a note about my own ELM/Android experience. I'm up and running!

Gary kindly sold me one of the "good" and tested-by-Gary ELM units and KieJidosha very kindly gave me Mrs. Jidosha's old but gently loved Droid X2. By that evening, I was up and running after some troubleshooting on the forum and especially the ELM thread.

Some of the "opportunities for problem solving" that I encountered were:
I had to enable download of non-Market apps under Settings/Applications
Downloaded v0.23
I had to find the downloaded app in a "downloads" folder, clicked on it and installed
The ELM and the phone connected by Bluetooth quite quickly, but I was baffled by the message "paired but not connected".
After some reading, I learned that I needed to go into the app's Settings screen by pushing a dedicated Settings button on the phone (never heard of such a dedicated button on a phone, I'm all Apple :lol: ), and selecting the OBDII device that the app should read from.
That done, I got readings right away.

The battery life on Mrs. K's good old Droid is tiny, but no problem, I got an Android car charging cable from Target and I'll just keep it plugged in.
I'm in the market for an OBDII splitter cable so that I can keep my Gidmeter and the ELM dongle connected simultaneously and avoid wear on the car's OBD receptacle. Unless I hear a better suggestion, I'm going to order the combination of the two cable devices that Stoaty suggested in the Wiki: a short connector with a right angle bend and a Y splitter.

I haven't yet calibrated the app to my car for the 12V battery or for energy economy and offsets. But I'm puzzled by the Capacity number that I'm seeing. The app is showing 86.55% capacity for my battery, but I know for sure that my range on a full charge has dropped from 86.5 miles when the car was new to 70 or less miles now, driving at the same 4.1 mi/kWh. That's a 20% drop, so I was expecting a CAP of 80%. Is the issue that my 86.5 miles when new reflected a "better than normal" new battery? (I had 281 Gids at full charge for the first 14 months). So is this 86.55% current capacity "Nissan capacity", even though my true range is now only 80% of new?

Many, many, many thanks to Gary and Matt for their generosity! It was fun for me to figure it out this far.
garygid said:
In june, it appears that we will have a special treat,
a breakfast pot-luck at Boomer's home in Irvine.
More info coming soon, I believe.

OK, down to some serious planning for this!

Regarding a date: I can host either Saturday June 1 or Saturday June 15. Unfortunately, the natural June meetup dates appear to fall on June 8 and June 22, and those are no good for us, and neither is June 29.


A) we can either do our potluck at my house on June 1 or June 15 in addition to a Cerritos meetup on June 8 and a Santa Ana meetup on June 22 and have three meetups in June....OR.....

B) we could replace one of the standard HTB meetups in June with the potluck at my house but we'd be out of sequence so that we'd have two consecutive meetups with a three week gap somewhere.... OR...

C) We could wait until July for a potluck at my house.

I'd love to have everyone there who would like to attend, so feel free to weigh in on personal preferences for dates.

I am encouraging comments...................... wait for it........................... NOW!

Sorry to be slow responding. My dog ate the mouse...

Is the proposed pot-luck to be breakfast, brunch or lunch? June 1 looks good so far. The 15th conflicts with the EVAOSC meeting, which is from 10am to 12pm. However, it would never be as fun.

TonyW is hosting a meeting in Encinitas on the 8th.

I am working on the 22nd and 29th.
sparky said:
Hey Boomer,
I'n case I can make it down there, where in the O.C. are you?

Irvine, very close to UCI. Would love to have you come, Sparky, and that gorgeous car of yours would certainly class-up the neighborhood. :D

(All of the driveways are flat around here, too.)
If we have the potluck breakfast on the 1st, then I could
go to Encinitas on the 8th (who wants to ride with me?).

Then we could have a Cerritos Gathering on the 15th
and a Santa Ana Gathering on the 29th in Santa Ana.

Or, just a Santa Ana Gathering on the 22nd?

Just my thoughts, not firm dates.
91040 said:

Sorry to be slow responding. My dog ate the mouse...

Is the proposed pot-luck to be breakfast, brunch or lunch? June 1 looks good so far. The 15th conflicts with the EVAOSC meeting, which is from 10am to 12pm. However, it would never be as fun.

TonyW is hosting a meeting in Encinitas on the 8th.

I am working on the 22nd and 29th.

We're thinking breakfast, just like the one at Jeannie's last year.

Okay, that's one vote for June 1
garygid said:
If we have the potluck breakfast on the 1st, then I could
go to Encinitas on the 8th (who wants to ride with me?).

Then we could have a Cerritos Gathering on the 15th
and a Santa Ana Gathering on the 29th in Santa Ana.

Or, just a Santa Ana Gathering on the 22nd?

Just my thoughts, not firm dates.

So I hear two votes for June 1...
Completed a survey which, as a reward, gave me a code for $50 off a Clipper Creek LCS-25, Level 2 Charging Station or an AV L2.

Anyone want to use it to buy one?

P.S. I wasn't allowed to go to Jeannie's last year because I was working.
91040 said:
Completed a survey which, as a reward, gave me a code for $50 off a Clipper Creek LCS-25, Level 2 Charging Station or an AV L2.

Anyone want to use it to buy one?

P.S. I wasn't allowed to go to Jeannie's last year because I was working.

Yeah, I got that, too. No real use for it, and it expires in a few months, right?

Hey, by the way, I was told that that EV study in May that we talked about got postponed. The one that you had to do the diary for. Did yours get postponed too, or were they shining me on?
The AV is pricey but there is probably someone who could use the Clipper Creek. Any amount off helps.

My Leaf Survey went as scheduled last Wednesday. Two other forum members attended and we ran into a SoCal Branch attendee when we left in the evening. Not sure what activity he was involved in. As for yours, who knows?

I won the door prize, which is the use of a yellow GTR for a year! ;)