SoCal Branch LEAF-Gathering Year 2 - #24c: 25 Aug 2012

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Boomer23 said:
Hi gascant. We do have a meeting planned in Santa Ana on April 28. We'd love to see you.
I think we have an Earth Day event on the 28th, but if I can get enough LEAF coverage there, I might be able to swing it. Santa Ana would be perfect, actually! I could drop the wife off in Long Beach for Pilates and head on over.
You don't need to eat breakfast before you join us, and you
probably don't need to plan to eat lunch after! :eek: :D

However, it is possible to Gather with us but not eat, but
very few are able to resist the variety of foods offered.
(usually $5.99 + optional drink-bar + mandatory tax)

Latest meeting dates (14th & 28th April) and the location
details are in this thread's first post.

Keep in touch, and thanks for all your support and hard work.
Cheers, Gary
garygid said:
You don't need to eat breakfast before you join us, and you
probably don't need to plan to eat lunch after! :eek: :D

LOL, no, I'll definitely eat--I want the full SoCal LEAF Gathering experience. So, I'll be sure to bring cash. Might have to show up in a (hybrid) ICE, though. Wife isn't quite up to putting the LEAF on flat bed and hauling it with us.
Any vehicle that gets you there is welcome.

It's what's inside the vehicle (the person) that counts.

We might be able to get you a LEAF-lift riding with
somebody from the near-Cypress (405/605/22) area.

Also, HTB takes credit cards.

Is there anything that I can bring for you?

I will try to bring a first prototype of our 2-line LCD GID-Meter.
JPVLeaf said:
Is anyone from LA/OC area planning to head to San Diego/Poway for their meeting on Saturday?

Access to the new chargers at the Oceanside Transit Center and a possible QC in Poway make the trip very tempting:

Plus the chargers at Nissan dealers in San Juan Capistrano (Weseloh), Oceanside, and Escondido (both Mossy), and of course two separate L2's within 2 miles of our meeting site (Mossy Poway and Walgreens).

The genset will be bigger than we require for the DC charger, so you can charge with your on board charger on 120v or 240v. Bring the proper gauge extension cords for this, since we can't get all the cars right next to the generator. I will have several hundred feet of industrial grade cables.

PLEASE, PLEASE, mark your Nissan / Panasonic with your name and/or license plate number. It might help when there are dozens of cars with similar looking equipment. Don't think because you have an EVSE Upgrade unit that yours is special... half of them there may be the same.

Nobody from San Diego should need a charge, so tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment are at your beckon call for "northerners". Don't let it go without use.

garygid said:
If you need a ride, or a place to stay, let us know.
Hope to see you in 3 weeks.
Thanks! I think I'll be covered--just waiting to see if mrs. gascant is going to be making the trip. That will determine the final arrangements.
I'll likely be there on Saturday. Question though, do people usually hit up the Mitsubishi L3 before or after the meet? I'm 40 miles from Cerritos so I'll only need about 10 minutes of L3 just to give me cushion for a journey I have to make from home in the afternoon but wanted to try to time it so I'm not adding to any potential quick charger congestion.
Devin said:
I'll likely be there on Saturday. Question though, do people usually hit up the Mitsubishi L3 before or after the meet? I'm 40 miles from Cerritos so I'll only need about 10 minutes of L3 just to give me cushion for a journey I have to make from home in the afternoon but wanted to try to time it so I'm not adding to any potential quick charger congestion.
Hey Devin - it's a mixed bag ... sometimes no one will stop by Mitsu ... other times there will be a couple. Hopefully someone arriving from your direction will chime in.
Devin said:
I'll likely be there on Saturday. Question though, do people usually hit up the Mitsubishi L3 before or after the meet? I'm 40 miles from Cerritos so I'll only need about 10 minutes of L3 just to give me cushion for a journey I have to make from home in the afternoon but wanted to try to time it so I'm not adding to any potential quick charger congestion.

Cool, Devin. I'll look forward to meeting you. Congrats on your adventurous spirit to motor on down from the Valley.

BTW, Cerritos Nissan is very close by and one of us can pick you up there and drop you after the breakfast meetup, and you can charge at L2 while you're eating and meeting. Let us know on this thread if you want to do that and we'll figure things out.