So we got a offer of $8200 for our wrecked car

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Jul 19, 2012
Here is the link of the damage done to the car:" onclick=";return false;

I has 10k miles on it as it sits.

Any comments or thoughts would be appreciated. TIA
wheelspin said:
Any comments or thoughts would be appreciated. TIA
The pack alone should be worth it. Presumably, the battery container is difficult to damage, and it looks like it should be intact in your car.
I would counter for $11 and hope to settle on $10. As others have said, the battery pack alone is worth more than $8,200. Not to mention the charger and other equipment in the back plus anything else salvaged. But then again, $8,200 + the insurance money is $25,200 which doesn't seem like a bad amount for a LEAF with 10,000 miles. So it depends on if you need the money or need the car gone - what's that worth to you.
on the market, i dont think the battery pack is worth anywhere near $8, least not yet. i think Nissan is set to change our perception of battery costs real soon.

i am guessing there is simply a lot of stuff on the car. EVs have an advantage in having less fluids so a wreck is going to preserve a lot of interior items. is the charger, DC components etc ok? hard to say with that front end collision but it does look like the force was directed away a bit. those items are pretty spendy and not prone to degradation

i would ask for $11 hope for 10. why not? worse they can say is no
wheelspin said:
Here is the link of the damage done to the car:" onclick=";return false;

I has 10k miles on it as it sits.

Any comments or thoughts would be appreciated. TIA
last year our 7 year old Prius with 100k miles was totaled and they gave us $14,000. I almost soiled myself.
I don't see why you have to negotiate. If you were not at fault then the other party is responsible to put you back into a position that you were in before the accident, i.e., make you whole. That said, the amount you deserve is what Edmunds or Kelly Blue Book says you car's worth.
hill said:
last year our 7 year old Prius with 100k miles was totaled and they gave us $14,000. I almost soiled myself.

His insurance company quoted the car's value at $28k
His insurance company quoted the repair work at $17k (hence it wasn't "totaled" and he is not being offered a "totaled" amount for it)
He is trying to sell the car for $8,200-$11,000 AS-IS (wrecked without the repairs).

If you add the amount his insurance is willing to give him for the repair work to the as-is (wrecked) sale price, he'll land $25,200-$28,000, which ain't bad at all.