Osama Bin Laden Killed

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What in the heck does this topic have to do with the Leaf or anything to do with electric vehicles.
Stay on topic. There are other sites to talk politics. Stay focused people.
I've been enjoying reading the R praising George "Tora-Bora" Bush :)
As the D from NYC said on CNN last night: "This is the Mission Accomplished Bush only dreamed of"

Boomer23 said:
Pardon the politics, but George, THIS is a Mission Accomplished.
The health care plan that is in the books is like the one they have in "socialist" Switzerland (you know, it helps if you get the news somewhere other than Fox)
And I can only wish the US went the way more "socialist" countries like Norway and Sweden...

Azat said:
"I would rather see that all citizens could afford health care", like failed communist Soviet Union's health care? Then all of us will pay to repair Obama's mistake. I guess you never lived in socialist/communist country and have no idea what does mean health care in socialist/communist country. You socialist/communist just dreaming and your guy is dreaming also. The time you wake up, USA will be gone like USSR is gone by now. :(
Ok, then continue dreaming. :D

Fabio said:
The health care plan that is in the books is like the one they have in "socialist" Switzerland (you know, it helps if you get the news somewhere other than Fox)
And I can only wish the US went the way more "socialist" countries like Norway and Sweden...

Azat said:
"I would rather see that all citizens could afford health care", like failed communist Soviet Union's health care? Then all of us will pay to repair Obama's mistake. I guess you never lived in socialist/communist country and have no idea what does mean health care in socialist/communist country. You socialist/communist just dreaming and your guy is dreaming also. The time you wake up, USA will be gone like USSR is gone by now. :(
What socialist health care might look like:



Doesn't seem like such a bad deal to me. :|

We collectively pay ~50% more for health care than any other country but are not actually healthier for it. I attribute this (though I lack citations) in large part but not entirely on a for-profit heath care system and for-profit heath insurance system, both of which are designed and operated to make money rather than actually improve people's health.

(Hopefully this will derail the thread into an equally off-topic discussion that actually matters, since bin Laden's corpse does not.)
Azat said:
Pardon the politics, but Barack, THIS is how you get LUCKY. Like line jumpers (or lucky ducks) in case of Nissan Leaf.
The proper term of address, Azat, same as for ANY sitting President, is "President Obama". We don't have to respect the specific office-holder, but as Americans we had best continue to respect and defend the highest office in our great nation.

As for the mission: This has nothing to do with luck - this is what happens when intense preparation and ceaseless vigilance meets opportunity. The President, as Commander in Chief, though solely responsible for his very gutsy call, shares the right to enjoy the fruits of a job well done with those down the chain of commend to the E1s that support the SEAL team that were intimately involved in Pakistan.

Additionally, it's another job well done that the nature and timing of the strike wasn't leaked prior to the mission.
AndyH said:
Azat said:
Pardon the politics, but Barack, THIS is how you get LUCKY. Like line jumpers (or lucky ducks) in case of Nissan Leaf.
The proper term of address, Azat, same as for ANY sitting President, is "President Obama". We don't have to respect the specific office-holder, but as Americans we had best continue to respect and defend the highest office in our great nation.

As for the mission: This has nothing to do with luck - this is what happens when intense preparation and ceaseless vigilance meets opportunity. The President, as Commander in Chief, though solely responsible for his very gutsy call, shares the right to enjoy the fruits of a job well done with those down the chain of commend to the E1s that support the SEAL team that were intimately involved in Pakistan.

Additionally, it's another job well done that the nature and timing of the strike wasn't leaked prior to the mission.

Andy...very well said!!! The lack of respect in this country (for leaders, teachers, parents.....) is what's hurting this country. We can have our differences (having the ability to have and debate our differences is also what makes this country great), but at the same time we need to learn to repect those differences.
Some times the most effective thing you can do as a leader is be supportive and not interfere with the experts working on a problem. I'm not a big Obama fan but I will certainly give him that.

As for the specifics of the operation I think most would agree he pretty much delegated the work. The disagreement will be over how much "credit" he gets for putting the machinery in place that got this job done vs his predecessor. I'm inclined to believe the real credit goes to people whose names we'll never know. Who knows the POTUS may not even know.
Boomer23 said:
It is being considered a very gutsy move by President Obama, considering the potential political fallout of an unsuccessful operation.
No politics intended at all by the following statement ... "do you really believe we would have ever heard about a failed mission?"

Very gutsy move by Navy Seals (and good job by the politicos for staying out of the way).
Beachcliffs said:
No politics intended at all by the following statement ... "do you really believe we would have ever heard about a failed mission?"
Not from the U.S., but if Pakistan got wind of it I'm sure we would have heard something.
The bombing of the medicine factory by Clinton, Bush's Tora-Bora and the JFK's Bay of Pigs come to mind when thinking about failed missions.
I'm sure there are plenty that we've never heard about. But major screw ups have a way to become public.

Also, "The politicos" (like Leon Panetta) were the people behind the mission, and the Navy Seals did crash the helicopter without being hit by enemy fire.

Beachcliffs said:
Boomer23 said:
It is being considered a very gutsy move by President Obama, considering the potential political fallout of an unsuccessful operation.
No politics intended at all by the following statement ... "do you really believe we would have ever heard about a failed mission?"

Very gutsy move by Navy Seals (and good job by the politicos for staying out of the way).
derkraut said:
Wouldn't it be nice if this thread could just die, like Osama did? GEEESH! :roll:

Yeah, but you can't not read it, can you? :lol:

Speaking of failed missions don't forget the Iranian hostage rescue. What's with helicopters anyway? They always seem to let you down right in the middle of some covert operation.
LTLFTcomposite said:
Speaking of failed missions don't forget the Iranian hostage rescue. What's with helicopters anyway? They always seem to let you down right in the middle of some covert operation.
It only looks that way because they helos are the only way to get into most of these hard places.

(That's hard for a fixed-wing pilot and AF vet to type. ;))

Yes - in this electronic age we'd almost certainly find out about a failed mission. Did you see the tweet from some guy in Pakistan that reported on the helos over the compound? ;)

Look at 1 May:
After 8 years in the USMC I have a pretty good idea for the chain of command and currently it starts with President Obama. He is the Commander In Chief, very smart and established the priorities for his hand picked administration. This equally, smart hand picked Administration solved the REAL problem of directing Intel resources, finding Bin Laden and keeping it all a secret. Give respect to everyone involved. Killing Bin Laden, a single man, was NOT a military problem it was a geographical problem. The President and his administration figured out where Bin Laden was, the President Ordered the generals to go get him and Special Ops executed the mission with amazing speed and precision. It's called teamwork and how you get big things done.
TRONZ said:
After 8 years in the USMC I have a pretty good idea for the chain of command and currently it starts with President Obama. He is the Commander In Chief, very smart and established the priorities for his hand picked administration. This equally, smart hand picked Administration solved the REAL problem of directing Intel resources, finding Bin Laden and keeping it all a secret. Give respect to everyone involved. Killing Bin Laden, a single man, was NOT a military problem it was a geographical problem. The President and his administration figured out where Bin Laden was, the President Ordered the generals to go get him and Special Ops executed the mission with amazing speed and precision. It's called teamwork and how you get big things done.

OK, OK. I got it. Obama=God. :shock:
Azat said:
TRONZ said:
After 8 years in the USMC I have a pretty good idea for the chain of command and currently it starts with President Obama. He is the Commander In Chief, very smart and established the priorities for his hand picked administration. This equally, smart hand picked Administration solved the REAL problem of directing Intel resources, finding Bin Laden and keeping it all a secret. Give respect to everyone involved. Killing Bin Laden, a single man, was NOT a military problem it was a geographical problem. The President and his administration figured out where Bin Laden was, the President Ordered the generals to go get him and Special Ops executed the mission with amazing speed and precision. It's called teamwork and how you get big things done.

OK, OK. I got it. Obama=God. :shock:

No, but you seem completely unable to give the President any credit whatsoever. And yet you wonder why people take your log-in name and change it to something else.

In politics, there is never any one absolutely correct answer and neither side ever has sole custody of the truth. But the inability of one side to recognize any correctness or truth in the other side can only lead to bad things.

As Sgt. Hulka once said:

Azat said:
OK, OK. I got it. Obama=God. :shock:
Sorry man - in a friendly way - clearly you "don't got it".

1. President Obama

2. The key points (kicking podium now) are TEAM and Chain of Command and sending quality info up the chain and expertly executing orders that flow down the chain.

When all the parts work as they should, the mission is completed successfully - in spite of failed equipment - and everyone that went in comes back out. Extra credit if all pieces and parts are in the same general arrangement on the way out as they were on the way in. ;)

One more time and we'll have a blanket party and/or start remedial training. :lol:

TRONZ - this Zoomie lowers his gaze - just a bit ;) - in your direction. Thank you Marine.