Nissan LEAF Press Release : Reservations restart May 1st

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Just to clarify. The $99 Reservation is for a spot to order a car. Not for a car. You and your name do not get connected to a specific car or VIN# until the vehicle is ordered and place in production. Even then Nissan reserves the right to change VINs prior to delivery notification. No big deal since this notification is likely the very first time you will hear your VIN#.
relytgerg said:
kmp647 said:
take a look at the new registration page on the leaf website
"beginning May 1, Nissan will reopen reservations .......)."

Hey folks, I was just looking at the disclaimer under packages and features. I won't paste the whole thing, but look at the last line:

.......... Offer valid only for orders placed online through the Nissan LEAF Customer Journey website on or before May 2, 2011.

Therefore, new folks only have 1 day to order before.....This may be a hint at a price increase.

redLEAF said:
Perhaps that's another hope on their part that these people (including myself) will simply cancel and get a refund so these cars can be sold within the areas they've deemed worthy

Unfortunately, it's crystal clear at this point that Nissan doesn't need us to cancel our reservations in order for them to sell Leafs to others in areas that are deemed more worthy.
TRONZ said:
Just to clarify. The $99 Reservation is for a spot to order a car. Not for a car. You and your name do not get connected to a specific car or VIN# until the vehicle is ordered and place in production. Even then Nissan reserves the right to change VINs prior to delivery notification. No big deal since this notification is likely the very first time you will hear your VIN#.

Apparently it's not even for a "spot," unless you define a spot as a vague promise that, maybe someday if and when Nissan feels like it, they'll let you order one after thousands of others who got their "spot" up to more than a year after you did have already received theirs.
first I would like to say how much I have enjoyed this forum over the past year or so. I've lurked the entire time, but recent events have given me the impetus to chime in.

I reserved a Leaf on April 20, 2010 like so many others. I live in a non-launch state, I had no expectation of getting the car soon, and that was fine by me. Even back then, the fine print indicated it might be 2012 before I would get my car. I could live with that. What I did not figure on was that one year later, there would be no clear understanding of when I might be able to order a vehicle. Certainly the natural disasters experienced by Japan in March have not helped the situation, but I am convinced that even if there had been no earthquake and subsequent tsunami, I would have no clearer idea of when I could order a Leaf.

The final straw for me, however, is the second round of reservations for the launch states. It has been discussed a bit here, about what this means, and I think it means I will not be able to order my Leaf until nationwide general availability. Which means no sooner than people who did not register with Nissan, and did not plunk down $99 for a reservation at any time (let alone on April 20, 2010). There is the rub. Nissan made an offer, admittedly very open ended, but one which implied some preferential treatment in the ordering process. In the end, I will have received nothing for my $99 deposit. Yes it is fully refundable, but there is an opportunity cost associated with that $99. not much to Nissan, but $99 is real money to me.

Next week I will begin my search for a new car. My family currently owns two Nissan vehicles, but I can tell you Nissan is not high on my list now. Perhaps my interpretation above is wrong, but I can't wait around for weeks or months to find out. Nissan has been quite vague on this topic. They make seemingly clear (though very non-specific regarding timelines) statements, but then you read these forums, and there is much room for interpretation. Certainly I don't have an order placed yet, so anything Nissan says regarding "orders" means little to me. Would it be so hard for Nissan to simply send an email to current reservation holders, telling them what to expect in terms of order scheduling? I don't need a full-blown press release, but after twelve months, you would think they could at least provide some guidance beyond "2011, maybe 2012". I have the very real proposition of having to wait another twelve months (or longer) before I can order. And who knows when I will take delivery, judging by some of the order problems that have been detailed here.

I'm still excited by the prospect of owning an electric car, and will no doubt continue lurking here. Hopefully when my wife is in the market for a new car two or three years from now, there will be better availability, and maybe even some real variety.
relytgerg said:
For me, one of those in "the rest of the country," summer 2011 has become 2012, without any reference to a month or quarter. From the press release (highlighting is mine):
More markets will follow, with market availability in the southeastern United States (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Maryland, South Carolina, and Virginia) this fall, and nationwide ordering in 2012.

I hadn't thought about this before, but the forgotten 36 could have just gotten shoved to when the TN production facilities come online at the end of 2012.

I wouldn't be surprised with the forgotten 36 having to wait on Smyrna, TN plant Leaf production at all, with the continuing drop in the dollar Nissan will be taking it in the shorts with all the foreign produced Leafs they sell here - if they can reduce overall deliveries (while bringing them up in the launch markets) till TN is open they'll loose less money.

Just have to wait and see. I'm not mad at Nissan, but am disappointed with the news (ordering in 2012). I'd fully expect price increases by that time (2012 model) since I doubt our reservation locked the price in on the Leaf.
noleaf said:
I'm still excited by the prospect of owning an electric car, and will no doubt continue lurking here. Hopefully when my wife is in the market for a new car two or three years from now, there will be better availability, and maybe even some real variety.

Good luck noleaf, we'll see you driving an EV at some point.
noleaf said:
The final straw for me, however, is the second round of reservations for the launch states. It has been discussed a bit here, about what this means, and I think it means I will not be able to order my Leaf until nationwide general availability. Which means no sooner than people who did not register with Nissan, and did not plunk down $99 for a reservation at any time (let alone on April 20, 2010). There is the rub. Nissan made an offer, admitted very open ended, but one which implied some preferential treatment in the ordering process. In the end, I will have received nothing for my $99 deposit. Yes it is fully refundable, but there is an opportunity cost associated with that $99. not much to Nissan, but $99 is real money to me.

Your place on the reservation list will determine when you get to order. Granted, Nissan will add people 'in front of you' with this new round of reservations, but no new people from the non-rollout states will be allowed in front of're already holding down your spot. IOW, if you're the 5th person in the line right now for your area, you'll be the 5th person allowed to order when Nissan starts taking orders for that area....nothing in this new round will change that. The line behind you will just get longer when they eventually open up your area.

People are thinking that Nissan should open up the forgotten 36 before they continue with the initial roll-out areas. Nissan's take on this is that they're not going to open up the forgotten 36 until they're DONE with the initial roll-out areas. The problem is that Nissan has given no indication when they think they'll be 'done' with the initial roll-out areas. The Smyrna plant may be the deciding factor.

I agree that Nissan needs to be more open about thier plans!!
I cannot emphasize enough how important early reservation timing is in your state! I get that people are frustrated but having an early reservation in your state is like gold when you are waiting for "THE" eMail inviting you to order. Trust me. I have been through the entire process including a very frustrating detour when our soon to be delivered LEAF went missing for a month. An early reservation in your state can mean many months of difference in order timing.
Yes, you wanna reserve as soon as you get that email. If you're at work, let people who work with you directly know ahead of time that you're gonna need a couple minutes of peace when you get that email. (edit: oops just realized the 1st is a Sunday so most of you will not be at work. But wherever you'll be, be ready at your computer/smartphone. Don't go to the movies!) Have your credit card out and ready! And they've probably already worked out the AMEX bugs but I wouldn't chance it. Use a Visa or MasterCard. Good luck everyone!

I just also want to add: even if you're not quite sure yet you want the Leaf, or you haven't discussed it with your spouse or something, it's only $99. You're gonna have plently of time to do your research and figure it all out. It's refundable at any time, even right up until before you sign the papers. I almost canceled my order a couple times but decided to hang in there and I'm so glad I did. And if you really decide you don't want it after all and your Leaf is almost here, well hey, you might be able to make a few sheckles by "selling" your reservation to someone else (even though it's not exactly allowed but some people apparently have managed to do this).
TRONZ said:
I cannot emphasize enough how important early reservation timing is in your state! I get that people are frustrated but having an early reservation in your state is like gold when you are waiting for "THE" eMail inviting you to order. Trust me. I have been through the entire process including a very frustrating detour when our soon to be delivered LEAF went missing for a month. An early reservation in your state can mean many months of difference in order timing.
Looks like you are so pessimistic, things will go faster as we see already.
TRONZ said:
Just to clarify. The $99 Reservation is for a spot to order a car. Not for a car. You and your name do not get connected to a specific car or VIN# until the vehicle is ordered and place in production.

Actually, you won't receive your VIN until the car is in the U.S. port at Long Beach. That's also when you will receive a 'week of' date. So the car could be in production, but Nissan could still give that car to someone else if need be.
Jimmydreams said:
The problem is that Nissan has given no indication when they think they'll be 'done' with the initial roll-out areas. The Smyrna plant may be the deciding factor.

I agree that Nissan needs to be more open about thier plans!!

For Nissan, I think this makes sense from a financial standpoint (since they've pushed everything back so far already, why not push it some more and make'm wait on Smyrna and save alot of money on exchange rate losses). But as I think about it, more implications are popping up from this possibility (none particularly nice).

Smyrna isn't supposed to be making Leaf's till the end of 2012 and those won't be 2012 model year Leaf's.

You'd be talking about 2013 model year Leaf's for those April 2010 reservation holders who put down $99 for a Leaf that was to be rolled out nationwide by the fall of 2011, presumably model year 2011's. This would be a big shove off by Nissan.

It would be nice if Nissan gave the original reservation holders the original price as a token gesture, although I doubt they'll do this.

Another question that arises is whether Nissan would bother to keep this reservation system going through the end of 2012 (that's a long time for something that was probably planned to end with 2011), since the # of reservations are presumably small, would it be surprising to see Nissan throw it over the side before the forgotten 36 rollout, if Nissan is waiting on Smyrna?

Well, at least the forgotten 36 will get a fully debugged Leaf with possibly 2 model years under its belt, maybe they'll have gotten rid of the spray on carpeting and added a leather option by then...
Below is what I posted in the other related thread on this issue.


In truth, I am not that frustrated about waiting to take delivery of my LEAF. We knew many months ago that those in the outlying areas wouldn't even be able to order their vehicles until "late fall 2011/early winter 2012." I understood and accepted that timeline. After all, there are more customers, more demand, more infrastructure in the primary rollout states, and it only makes sense to release the LEAF into those markets first.

No, what upsets me is that Nissan would now open up a second round of reservations, and let those newcomers butt in line ahead of those of us who gave them deposits on day one of the first round, one year ago yesterday. My jaw hit the floor when I saw that Tavares told the news media that if those new customers place their orders early in May, they could conceivably take delivery by August.

Yet what upsets me most of all is that Nissan would make these decisions with nary a word to us, the first reservation holders. They might have very good reasons to take a second round of reservations in the initial rollout states, and let them move ahead of us in line, but they don't bother to explain those reasons, let alone express an apology, or even convey a modicum of sympathy, empathy, gratitude, and appreciation.

All I am really asking is for some basic courtesy and good manners. That's all. Treat customers as real people, and not just dollars on a budget sheet. I mean... isn't the whole point behind the EV movement to build a better world? What kind of a world will it be if it lacks common decency? And this isn't the first time Nissan has failed to communicate openly with us reservation holders.

Okay. That said, it is true that I actually will be happier with a later LEAF. For example, I would prefer the 6.6 kWh charging, the cold weather package with heated seats and steering wheel, and all the software "bugs" worked out of the system. So I can accept not getting my LEAF right now. That's what I expected anyway. I just didn't expect Nissan to rudely let a second round of reservation holders butt in line, without an explanation or even an apologetic glance in my direction. Sigh... :(
I think it's very likely Nissan will be selling the may thru October production of 2011 cars to the tier 1 areas. Some people will be lucky and go from res to order to delivery in a very short time<90 days these customers are in EV ready mostly warm climate areas with dealers who have been thru the unique order process.

At the end of those orders (aug?). Nissan will roll out the 2012's pricing and cold package options and begin orders for tier 2 for production in late October on to be delivered in Jan 2012 at earliest. Being that I reserved on the first day I might be able to place an early order for a 2012.

This is all great , but we shouldn't have to guess at all this.

In the end I will get what I want (cold package equipped car). And be better off for it.

But again , they could be just slightly more informative ;)
First we have Line Jumpers and now Line Butters? Neither of these groups are active agents taking away your place by some devious method. The first is due to a screw-up by Nissan, the second a planned limitation of the rollout area by Nissan.
Sasparilla said:
I hadn't thought about this before, but the forgotten 36 could have just gotten shoved to when the TN production facilities come online at the end of 2012.
I was told, at the DC drive electric event a month ago, that my car would be coming from Smyrna. I was thinking I'd have another year to wait, but if this is true, I might be waiting two more years!
I believe the reason Nissan is having the 'other 36' wait until 2012 (TN) is so drivers will be able to get the 'winterized' LEAF with heated seats, steering wheel, and battery warmer. Without the battery warmer, your range will really be affected and you probably wouldn't be very happy with the car.
tps said:
I was told, at the DC drive electric event a month ago, that my car would be coming from Smyrna. I was thinking I'd have another year to wait, but if this is true, I might be waiting two more years!

tps, ugh....I was talking about Smyrna mostly as a thought experiment and was hoping Nissan wasn't going to pull that.

What you've said here would seem to make it likely Nissan is now planning on waiting for Smyrna TN production for the forgotten 36 states - that's not supposed to start until the end of 2012 and they'd be 2013's with delivery at the end of 2012 or 2013.

Of course Nissan isn't going to tell anyone this, for the 36 the change in code has gone from nationwide rollout in 2011 to orders in Fall 2011 to "orders in 2012".

Tying the forgotten 36 to Smyrna is a major downer because it will be a long time for that (another year and a half at the earliest).
LEAFfan said:
I believe the reason Nissan is having the 'other 36' wait until 2012 (TN) is so drivers will be able to get the 'winterized' LEAF with heated seats, steering wheel, and battery warmer. Without the battery warmer, your range will really be affected and you probably wouldn't be very happy with the car.

It would be nice if this were the case, but since Nissan has already been offering it for their Customers in Japan this supposition just isn't true.

It looks like Nissan has decided to push the forgotten 36 customers back to Smyrna production (end of 2012) for other reasons that are valid to Nissan management. Its sure would have been nice to be told this, instead of having to piece things together and figure it out based on a "order in 2012" hint from Nissan.

Going to an end of 2012 delivery date is true bummer.