Location of Speed indicator--not at all driver friendly

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New member
Jul 8, 2013

Recently got a Nissan Leaf 2013, and I have experienced that the vehicle speed indicator is very oddly placed. Most of the time while driving it is hidden from view as it gets blocked by hand on the steering wheel. Given that the digital indicator is the only indicator on the vehicle it is not a very good design from user experience.

Want to know what Leaf owners feel about the same and have they experienced the same while driving.

I've never had that problem. With your hands at the normal position of 9 and 3 or even 10 and 2, I don't see how it could be blocked...

Sam said:
Recently got a Nissan Leaf 2013, and I have experienced that the vehicle speed indicator is very oddly placed. Most of the time while driving it is hidden from view as it gets blocked by hand on the steering wheel. Given that the digital indicator is the only indicator on the vehicle it is not a very good design from user experience.
Want to know what Leaf owners feel about the same and have they experienced the same while driving.
Works well for me. I did have to adjust the steering wheel tilt so the the wheel itself didn't obscure the speedometer, but after that, no problems.
TomT said:
I've never had that problem. With your hands at the normal position of 9 and 3 or 10 and 2, I don't see how it could be blocked...
exactly my thoughts, OP should reconsider his hand position on the steering wheel.
Sounds like you drive with one hand at the 12 o'clock position, or you have hands like this guy:



That's really the only two ways I can think of that your hand could block it.
I am left handed and generally drive with my left hand at 12, and the right one on the arm rest. Really have a tough time getting the vehicle speed. I normally have to move my hand to see the speed and then move it back.
Indeed, a very unsafe driving style. Airbag goes off... you break your arm and further damage your face from your arm smacking it.
Plus you have poor control in an emergency with only a single hand on the wheel and at that position...

iluvmacs said:
Indeed, a very unsafe driving style. Airbag goes off... you break your arm and further damage your face from your arm smacking it.
The split-design is hardly unique to the Leaf. I believe the Honda Insight and Civic use the same setup, as well as some other cars. I have no problems with it. It puts the speed indicator closest to your field of vision. Since it is usually the thing looked at the most often, it makes sense to put it at the top.
It's definitely unsafe to drive with hand(s) above 9 and 3 o'clock due to airbag inflation and subsequent compound fracture of arm into face. They don't teach 10 and 2 anymore for this reason. You never know when someone is going to run a red light in front of you, or veer headfirst into your lane while texting.
Sam, now that you are driving a nerdy car like the Leaf, you need to put those hands at 10 and 2 like your drivers ed teacher told you. Also, put your seat back in a more upright position - no more pimp-daddy reclined cruising, ok?

All kidding aside, you're probably just used to driving a certain way with your last car, and you'll need to make some minor adjustments. After awhile, you won't even think about it.
I'm ambidextrous, and I drive with hands at 9:00 or 10:00 and 2:00 or 3:00, but an injured right arm has me driving with left hand at about 10:00 and the right hand at rest in my lap or on the right armrest. I did have to adjust the wheel so the wheel wasn't blocking the display. Anyway, my point is that "handedness" probably isn't the issue here - you just were taught badly, and need to re-learn steering technique. The sooner you start, the sooner it will feel "normal" to steer the correct, safe way.
Sam said:
I am left handed and generally drive with my left hand at 12, and the right one on the arm rest.

When I saw your first post I was expecting your right hand at 12 o'clock, your left elbow on the driver's window sill, and your seatback reclined so far back that your head is now between and B and C pillars :lol:
Besides adjusting your hand positioning, adjusting the steering wheel angle (and maybe adjust the seat) is another idea to try. I can't see certain sections of the instrument panel myself when the steering wheel is in the most comfortable position, so I had to lower it a little to make up for it.
I love the Leaf's big display up high. I have no problem. When I was shopping for my last car I looked at several models, e.g. a 1999 Audi A4 if I remember right, where the wheel blocked the speedometer and could not be adjusted up and down, only in and out. That alone was reason not to buy that car. Some rentals have that problem, too.
Sam said:
I have experienced that the vehicle speed indicator is very oddly placed.
Strange. Just about every vehicle I have ever owned has the speedometer above the center of the steering wheel. Maybe a little off to one side if it also had a tachometer, but that's about it.
Most of the time while driving it is hidden from view as it gets blocked by hand on the steering wheel.
How in the world would your hand block a speedometer above the center of the steering wheel???
I am left handed and generally drive with my left hand at 12, and the right one on the arm rest.
I'm actually still confused.
Most cars have the speedometer above the center of the steering wheel, like so:

But on the Leaf, it's above the steering wheel.

If your hand is blocking that, then you probably need to tilt the steering wheel down more.
Or raise your seat.