How do you change CARWING Nickname?

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Active member
Dec 31, 2011
Orlando, FL
Hopefully someone can help me out here. I want to change my CARWING Nickname? Currently it says "MyLeaf", and even in CARWINGS rankings, I'm listed as "MyLeaf". In my attempt to change it, I have logged on to my Nissan Owners portal, and under "MANAGE ACCOUNT" tab, "CARWINGS Information" section, there is a box for CARWING Nickname? I assume the default nickname is "My Leaf", which is what mine says. When I try to change it then safe the changes, it reverts back to the default nickname "My Leaf". How do I change my CARWING Nickname?
I was in the same spot you're in. When I first set up Carwings, I wanted to change my nickname. I ended up having to delete the account and just start over. Hopefully, you haven't set up too much stuff yet, RSS feeds, etc.
Changing the nickname has never worked for me either. Not sure I want to delete the account and start over just to change the nickname but its good to know that is an option.