Hello From San Diego! Need Help with Question on Lease or Purchase Offer

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Active member
Jan 17, 2016
San Diego, CA
I have read through many of the threads and know on a lease, the idea is to put down as little money as possible. Any thoughts on this offer from a dealer to lease or purchase? Thank you to everyone who contributes to this forum. I have learned a great deal of information!

2016 SV with CHAdeMO charger port included in addition to the 6.6 KW charger:
MSRP of $ 34,420.00,
Selling Price of $ 31,566.00 which is $ 3,854.00 under MSRP.
NMAC Lease Customer Cash of $ 11,250.00
Net price of $ 20,306.00.

36 Month Lease
12,000 miles per year
Residual is $ 11,334.40

Assuming a tier 1 or 2 credit rating you will receive .00003 Money Factor on a 36 month lease.
$ 0.00 down payment your monthly payment is $ 337.92
Down payment of $ 2,999.00 your monthly payment is $ 252.14.

The .00003 money factor is the best financing that is available and will cost you approximately $ 34.60 through the life of the lease.

(California has a $2,500 State Rebate for leases of 30 months or longer that is not included in the lease.)

Purchase instead of Lease:
If you are considering a purchase the selling price is also $ 31,566.00 and you will also receive NMAC APR Customer Cash of $ 4,000.00, which is a net price of $ 27,566.00.

Assuming top tier credit rating you will receive a 0% APR for 72 months. With $ 0.00 down payment your monthly payment is
$ 425.50
This appears to be a "Base" SV without the Premium Package. If you have no interest in the Around View camera system (which is great) or the Bose upgraded Stereo, it looks like a good lease deal. I'd lease it and then decide if you want to buy it when the lease ends, as the residual is low. You might save a few dollars by buying it now, but then you have no choice but to keep it, or sell it at a large loss.
LeftieBiker said:
This appears to be a "Base" SV without the Premium Package. If you have no interest in the Around View camera system (which is great) or the Bose upgraded Stereo, it looks like a good lease deal. I'd lease it and then decide if you want to buy it when the lease ends, as the residual is low. You might save a few dollars by buying it now, but then you have no choice but to keep it, or sell it at a large loss.

Thanks for your reply. Can you suggest a good price to negotiate for the premium package?
Thanks for your reply. Can you suggest a good price to negotiate for the premium package?

IIRC it's a $1500 option, but it's not that simple. The cars only come with or without this package from the factory as far as I know, and the ones without are harder to sell, so they are advertised with lower prices to move them and to get people in to the showroom. You can certainly try saying that you'll pay $1500 more for an SV with Premium, but they will want to sell you the ones without it. Before 2016 you could look for an SV with no QC port and get a better price, but since now they all have it, your only other option is to tell them you'll take whichever color isn't moving. In the Northeast, that would be the white ones...
LeftieBiker said:
Thanks for your reply. Can you suggest a good price to negotiate for the premium package?

IIRC it's a $1500 option, but it's not that simple. The cars only come with or without this package from the factory as far as I know, and the ones without are harder to sell, so they are advertised with lower prices to move them and to get people in to the showroom. You can certainly try saying that you'll pay $1500 more for an SV with Premium, but they will want to sell you the ones without it. Before 2016 you could look for an SV with no QC port and get a better price, but since now they all have it, your only other option is to tell them you'll take whichever color isn't moving. In the Northeast, that would be the white ones...

My color preference is white, so at least I have that as a positive. I read white and silver EV's are the best choice for a car with cooler temperatures.
If you're dealing locally, the only choices are the chain of Mossy dealers and Pacific Nissan.

If you sent an email describing exactly what you want to several Southern California Nissan dealers, and asked them for their best price, you can probably get a better deal...And you get an EV driving adventure to boot...
I've done it with a previous car purchase...

I sent out the email and copied several dealers at the same time. Over the course of a day or two, they reply to me with their relevant stock and pricing information. When you get enough response(s) back, then you can start to narrow down the process and send replies back to those dealers that are "in the ballpark"...My experience was that with a half-dozen responses, a couple were price leaders and the others were not...So you can narrow it down from there and get a couple of them to give you their best and final offer...

But as far as your question goes, I wouldn't share emails from one dealer to another by cc'ing them. I don't think that would be as productive, because you'd be sharing the bottom price and then they would know exactly what the bottom line is from the other guy....Better to keep that information to yourself...