Excellent Article! -- "Myths And Facts About Electric Cars"

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ENIAC said:
Here's an excellent article entitled "Myths And Facts About Electric Cars". From the article...
As automakers are starting to bring electric vehicle (EV) technology into the mainstream, conservative media outlets have repeatedly misled consumers about electric cars by trying to paint them as environmentally harmful and unsafe, among other false claims.

Posted here:

http://www.mynissanleaf.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5328&start=160" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Please try to post to existing on-topic threads, rather than starting new ones.
I would have missed the link buried in 17 pages of other blather in that thread.
This article is rather unique and comprehensive enough to warrent a new thread, JMHO.
Quite excellent.

Media Matters details and debunks the right wing attack on EV's and PHEV's.

It's interesting that the EV has become one of the targets for the billionaires who fund the climate change deniers.

Here's an article http://www.guardian.co.uk/environme...te-documents-climate-scepticism?newsfeed=true about documents leaked by the Heartland Institute, one of the groups that funnels money into various projects like climate change denial.
edatoakrun said:

Please try to post to existing on-topic threads, rather than starting new ones.
Before I posted, I did a search of the site and it found nothing. I even did a Google advanced search with the article URL and it found nothing.
I wish you left wingers would stop politicizing electric cars (or tying them to AGW), its bad enough that SOME right wingers are doing it. Some of us right wingers like electrics a lot, for several reasons that have nothing to do with AGW. Please stop using the term "denier", its disrespectful to Holocaust victims.
Yeah, it's just SOME of the right-wingers...

...like the media, and the pundits, and the politicians. :roll:

Nice job playing the antisemitism card there, BTW. I think trying to compare climate change with the Holocaust, and using that as an emotional shield to protect your own views, is much more disrespectful.
Herm said:
I wish you left wingers would stop politicizing electric cars (or tying them to AGW), its bad enough that SOME right wingers are doing it. Some of us right wingers like electrics a lot, for several reasons that have nothing to do with AGW. Please stop using the term "denier", its disrespectful to Holocaust victims.

I agree.. I think this is going to be a difficult step to bring EV's to mass adoption because most right wingers have been fed nonsense by the media that the only reason to live with the "terrible inadequacies" of an EV is to combat climate change. They feel threatened by EVs because any time they hear a success story (like high demand for the vehicles) they feel it is confirming that lots of people feel strongly about climate change.

I've been saying it for a while now.. If we could get away from the environmental message of EVs and start concentrating on their other benefits I think we'd see adoption grow a lot faster. After all, if your whole argument is based on climate change, you're fighting a losing battle. I say that because the folks who don't believe in climate science will not change their minds no matter how much evidence you provide. It isn't a matter of logic or science. So stop trying to change their minds.
adric22 said:
So stop trying to change their minds.

So what benefit of EVs can "right-wingers" get behind? It seems like no matter what the benefit, there is always some objection to it, simply because "left-wingers" and "right-wingers" seem to find a need to argue for arguments sake!
I would think everyone (except mechanics/Jiffy Lube places) would get behind the lower cost to maintain the vehicle. Talk about conservative -- I just went through 3000 miles the other day, which would have had me taking time to go get an oil change.

I think many people could get behind quieter city streets as well.

those are just two, I'm sure others will come up with more.
lpickup said:
adric22 said:
So stop trying to change their minds.

So what benefit of EVs can "right-wingers" get behind? It seems like no matter what the benefit, there is always some objection to it, simply because "left-wingers" and "right-wingers" seem to find a need to argue for arguments sake!
  • Convenience of not having to visit a gas station, being able to charge in your home.
  • lower fuel costs
  • lower maintenance cost
  • high tech appeal
  • uses domestic energy, creating more domestic jobs and economic prosperity.
  • lowers the demand, therefor the cost of gasoline for other drivers.
  • fun to drive.
adric22 said:
  • Convenience of not having to visit a gas station, being able to charge in your home.
  • lower fuel costs
  • lower maintenance cost
  • high tech appeal
  • uses domestic energy, creating more domestic jobs and economic prosperity.
  • lowers the demand, therefor the cost of gasoline for other drivers.
  • fun to drive.
Yes, but if President Obama is for those things, then Fox News is definitely against those things.
Herm said:
I wish you left wingers would stop politicizing electric cars (or tying them to AGW), its bad enough that SOME right wingers are doing it. Some of us right wingers like electrics a lot, for several reasons that have nothing to do with AGW. Please stop using the term "denier", its disrespectful to Holocaust victims.

I call BS on that, and I have a host of relatives burned up the chimneys by the ultimate right-wingers who ran Germany.

And this revives an earlier-in-the-year discussion. If you drive an EV, you are a environmentalist. You may not like the tag, but there is is. Just as - if you dont eat meat, you are a vegetarian.
lpickup said:
adric22 said:
So stop trying to change their minds.

So what benefit of EVs can "right-wingers" get behind? It seems like no matter what the benefit, there is always some objection to it, simply because "left-wingers" and "right-wingers" seem to find a need to argue for arguments sake!

Oh, there's lots, and lots...

1. You get to travel in parts of your town that you normally wouldn't frequent, because your friend "Very Low Battery" moved to over off Martin Lex Luthor King and Crenshaw.

2. You reduce your chance of being robbed at a gas station to nearly zero, nearly (See 1 above).

3. You get to feel really good about yourself and how the spending of $40 Large or much, much more is gwann save the earth from the RepubliKKKans. Throw up some solar panels, you're Heaven-bound (unless you don't believe in that). Every time a Leaf is sold, an Angel gets his wings and an evil Repub is sent to Perdition's Gates.

4. Free fuel for cars, except when it isn't and only in those places where they didn't just pass a tax on EV's.

5. You get to feel really good about yourself because you're so much better than the person driving around in that SUV, CUV or that f-ing unworthy Plug-in Prius that just took the last charger spot (See 4 above and then see 1 above).

6. You get to feel really good about yourself. And your new set of ripped leg muscles.

7. You get to feel really good about yourself.
nlagnew said:
I would think everyone (except mechanics/Jiffy Lube places) would get behind the lower cost to maintain the vehicle. Talk about conservative -- I just went through 3000 miles the other day, which would have had me taking time to go get an oil change.
Must be a very old vehicle. Most stuff is 5,000 to 10,000+ these days. ICE vehicles are often way over maintained. Really going to cut into the service business when we only go in every two or three years.

Quite frankly the whole business model of a big shop might be reduced. House call could become common same as servicing your laundry machines.