Coolant flush interval changed

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Algae needs something to grow. And it can not live out of distilled water and glycol.
Same for bacteria. Bacteria doesn't live long and needs constantly reproduction. It is not possible
in an environment that doesn't have whatever it needs in the first place.
There is no such thing like environmentally safe coolant. If it is toxic to creatures, it is not safe to spill everywhere.

Inhibitors tend to run out in high load scenarios (more braking). Therefore Leaf is on the safe side compared with
any other DOT3/4/5.1 non-electric vehicle.
Good point, the much of the braking is done by the electric motor... That would make antifreeze and brake fluids something to not worry about for a long time, especially since most Leaf owners are low mileage drivers for local commuting, OR I see that there are so many who are leasing. Man, if I were leasing, I would just be putting air in the tires and that is it...