4/22 Dashboard delivery dates inexplicably on hold?

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FOR ENTERTAINMENT VALUE ONLY, I thought I'd do an online chat with Nissan EV CS.

Q: So, what's up with my depollenated car? Ready to go, like they said it would be when you guys called me last week?
A: Looks like now the only thing holding it up is accessories (gives me a list of all my ordered accessories, except the silly little safety kit, which is apparently in abundant supply).

Nicely done, Nissan CS!
lonndoggie said:
FOR ENTERTAINMENT VALUE ONLY, I thought I'd do an online chat with Nissan EV CS.

Q: So, what's up with my depollenated car? Ready to go, like they said it would be when you guys called me last week?
A: Looks like now the only thing holding it up is accessories (gives me a list of all my ordered accessories, except the silly little safety kit, which is apparently in abundant supply).

Nicely done, Nissan CS!

Nissan EV CS doesn't know anything. They're a couple removed from the action.
lonndoggie said:
CS called me out of the blue (Ocean Blue, in fact), last Thursday, said I was getting de-pollinated, and that all that should be resolved with my car in a shippable state by 5/16.

No update since; db still says wk of 4/22.
I've had this vision of you getting your car on the 26th and having to drive straight from the dealer to the car show. Now even that is starting to look like a viable option. I hope they unstick your dashboard. That's the real signal.
gbarry42 said:
I've had this vision of you getting your car on the 26th and having to drive straight from the dealer to the car show. Now even that is starting to look like a [less] viable option. I hope they unstick your dashboard. That's the real signal.
I'm picturing that too! Flying down the I-5, burning up electrons and eco-trees to make it to the show on time...

My wife called me yesterday, said she had a premonition we were going to get The Call then. Guess her ESP module is on the fritz.

Thanks for the good wishes, and may they apply to all the Wk of April xx'ers out there.
lonndoggie said:
FOR ENTERTAINMENT VALUE ONLY, I thought I'd do an online chat with Nissan EV CS.

Q: So, what's up with my depollenated car? Ready to go, like they said it would be when you guys called me last week?
A: Looks like now the only thing holding it up is accessories (gives me a list of all my ordered accessories, except the silly little safety kit, which is apparently in abundant supply).

Nicely done, Nissan CS!

AMAZING!!! I hereby nominate lonndoggie for the Official "Nissan Runaround Award" :(
Great news everybody. My date shifted this morning from week of the May 16 to week of May 23. Based on when my VIN came through, my car has been in Long Beach CA, (15 miles from my dealer) since March 22, 2 months! Great work Nissan! I can't tell you how pleased I am. Really, I can't.

I am losing interest in owning a Nissan very fast though. Sure won't be recommending buying a Nissan to anyone I don't hate anytime soon. What else can I say.

Thanks for absolutely NOTHING!!
Lucky you, Willie!

I'm still stuck on 4/22 for 6 weeks now!
Have heard everything imaginable from CS reps and supervisors......alll bs!

Yesterday, when I questioned a supervisor why other cars were invoiced to my dealer (cars res & ordered months after mine) and still no sign of mine, i got another cock and bull story about "invoice timing."

I asked for a call back from someone higher up with a full(er) explanation as to why, since the car is no longer on hold at the port according to CS, it was not invoiced with the others going to my dealer this week...especially in light of the fact that mine was reserved and ordered more than 4 months prior to most of these cars.......Haha...no call back, of coursE!

Did you talk to Steve Lopez from LA Times?

I have a call into him as well!

Nissan is really messing this one up!
It's no longer simply about a frkn car, it's about being abused by Nissan Corp., who seems
hell bent on hiding the facts about the roll out mess ups, and about being unwilling to make any effort to appease us poor suckers...
At this stage, with all that has happened here...my car should be delivered to my home by a Nissan top executive wearing white gloves!
That might make me forget their abuse! Hahah
Woke up this morning to an "expected delivery" email and "week of 5/26" dashboard date. Maybe now they'll intentionally under promise and it will arrive in a few days.
nader said:
Woke up this morning to an "expected delivery" email and "week of 5/26" dashboard date. Maybe now they'll intentionally under promise and it will arrive in a few days.
My bet is your Leaf is on a truck right now or will be tomorrow. If not then it is just waiting for the next truck to your area.
Received email, indicating delivery date has changed. Dashboard updated from week of May 26 to week of May 27. Received call from dealer an hour later that my car arrived. Picking up Friday morning.
rstar said:
Received email, indicating delivery date has changed. Dashboard updated from week of May 26 to week of May 27. Received call from dealer an hour later that my car arrived. Picking up Friday morning.
Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Ordered in Dec, too...that ought to provide some hope to lots of other 2010-order folks.

Latest from Nissan:

"This unit is still on hold at the port because of the pollen issue. There are about 30 units that still need to be addressed and this is one of them. The commitment, as I understood it, was that all the vehicles affected would be completed and shipped the “week” of the 16th, not delivered to the dealer on the 16th. Let me know if you have any further questions."

Kyle B. Lentz
Nissan North America
Electric Vehicle Operations Manager - West Region South

Vin 1873
Reserved 4/20
Ordered Oct.
Dashboard Stuck on 4/22 6+ weeks
Car in port 8+ weeks
They told me the "week of 5/23" as well and they stressed that very much on the phone with me. That the car necessarily won't be ready on the 23rd.
So, cdub,

They told u week of 5/23 and me week of 5/16...
Who do think might get the car first?
I'm not holding my breath!

Hope we get them on same day!
Just called Nissan CS. They told me my Leaf is still in port, and that all the "pollen" cars are supposed to be shipped out by May 23. He told me to call again if that doesn't happen (and dashboard would change) and he will escalate my case. Could be getting closer, hard to know.
Willieworks said:
Hey Gang.

Just got the call from Nissan of Downtown L.A. They have the invoice for my car. They expect it no later than Monday. Could this lie be true?!

I'll let you know.


Willie - my dealer was invoiced almost three weeks ago (I am posting this on 5/20) - based on this invoice they registered the car with the DMV and I signed the lease. Today, three weeks later... NO CAR
wernerg said:
Willie - my dealer was invoiced almost three weeks ago (I am posting this on 5/20) - based on this invoice they registered the car with the DMV and I signed the lease. Today, three weeks later... NO CAR
You SIGNED THE LEASE :shock: without a car ???????????????? :shock: :shock: :shock:

Did NILT send you an invoice already for your *second* payment ? (If you signed the Lease, you must have also made the downpayment (?) which includes the first month's payment ...

If the truck driver accidentally crashes into a pedestrian while unloading the car ... who is liable :geek: What would your insurance say ?
