3 Car seats in the back of a LEAF is possible

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I too am reading this thread with interest.

I sure would be great to have some agreed metrics and specifications to answer the question of "Does this seat/stroller/whatever fit into this car?"

The "liters of cargo" or air volume of the cabin seems less and less useful as there is such variety in layouts and door configurations. Nothing captures the complexity of a strange hatch shape, or seats that fold down, but still sit high.

In any case, just knowing a list of strollers that fit into Car X, and a different list that fits into Car Y lets people draw conclusions. Does the Prius fit a wider variety of seats and strollers than the Leaf, for example.
While car seats will fit. How do you keep the back of the front seats from scuffing from the kids shoes? Is there something to put over the back of the front seats to protect them?
stanley said:
While car seats will fit. How do you keep the back of the front seats from scuffing from the kids shoes? Is there something to put over the back of the front seats to protect them?
Evil looks of death work for me. ;)
cinmar said:
stanley said:
While car seats will fit. How do you keep the back of the front seats from scuffing from the kids shoes? Is there something to put over the back of the front seats to protect them?
I can vouch for this product as well. It'd give them 4-Amazon-stars.
garygid said:
Or, pull socks over their shoes?
Clever ;)
Except these would take time to 'install', 2x per day, 365 days per yr.
Too much time. At least until 'lil ones can self-install.
Time is an invaluable asset.
Sorry for delayed response. Getting ready to head to SEMA. At 49.5 inches, the Sunshine Kids Radians should fit. I am going to have them send me 3 of them and then i will fit them when I get my next opportunity with a car. Thank you so much for that spec.
GroundLoop said:
I too am reading this thread with interest.

I sure would be great to have some agreed metrics and specifications to answer the question of "Does this seat/stroller/whatever fit into this car?"

The "liters of cargo" or air volume of the cabin seems less and less useful as there is such variety in layouts and door configurations. Nothing captures the complexity of a strange hatch shape, or seats that fold down, but still sit high.

In any case, just knowing a list of strollers that fit into Car X, and a different list that fits into Car Y lets people draw conclusions. Does the Prius fit a wider variety of seats and strollers than the Leaf, for example.

Most of the new model strollers will be hitting the market in Jan-Feb 2011. I will have access to many models at that point. I may need to round up a bunch of cars to do a story like that. Thanks for the suggestion.
I have triplets that are 4 years old and we had no problem with the 3 car seats!
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Darren said:
GroundLoop said:
I too am reading this thread with interest.

I sure would be great to have some agreed metrics and specifications to answer the question of "Does this seat/stroller/whatever fit into this car?"

The "liters of cargo" or air volume of the cabin seems less and less useful as there is such variety in layouts and door configurations. Nothing captures the complexity of a strange hatch shape, or seats that fold down, but still sit high.

In any case, just knowing a list of strollers that fit into Car X, and a different list that fits into Car Y lets people draw conclusions. Does the Prius fit a wider variety of seats and strollers than the Leaf, for example.

Most of the new model strollers will be hitting the market in Jan-Feb 2011. I will have access to many models at that point. I may need to round up a bunch of cars to do a story like that. Thanks for the suggestion.

What seats did you use?
I now have 3 car seats in hand that I believe will work in the back seat of the LEAF. I am just waiting to get a vehicle from Nissan to test it. We should have an answer soon.
We recently were able to get a hold of a Nissan LEAF to try out car seats and strollers in the trunk. The full results are here. http://busymommymedia.com/2010/12/putting-the-nissan-leaf-to-the-test/.

Basically if your car seats are any wider that the 17” wide Radian XT’s, 3 seats will not fit. You simply will not be able to close the rear doors.

Most strollers should be fine but some will require removal of the cargo cover.

I will be glad to answer any additional questions as well as Nissan was kind enough to let me spend quite a bit of time with the vehicle.
Darren said:
Basically if your car seats are any wider that the 17” wide Radian XT’s, 3 seats will not fit. You simply will not be able to close the rear doors.
Would using three carseats in this fashion interfere with the deployment of the side curtain airbags?
Clippy said:
Darren said:
Basically if your car seats are any wider that the 17” wide Radian XT’s, 3 seats will not fit. You simply will not be able to close the rear doors.
Would using three carseats in this fashion interfere with the deployment of the side curtain airbags?

Not any more than two adults in the back would...er, wouldn't. ;)
Clippy said:
Darren said:
Basically if your car seats are any wider that the 17” wide Radian XT’s, 3 seats will not fit. You simply will not be able to close the rear doors.
Would using three carseats in this fashion interfere with the deployment of the side curtain airbags?

Recently, I interviewed the child safety expert of a major car seat manufacturer. In the interview, I asked that same question just not specifically related to the LEAF. I was reminded that the primary purpose of side airbags is to prevent people's heads from hitting the glass. I was told in the interview that if a car seat is secured properly it should have no interaction with the side airbag. While I am no expert in crash testing, I believe that would be the case even in the LEAF and this application. The airbags should deploy fine in between the glass and the head protection system of the car seats as they are fairly shallow in design compared to the fron airbags. Furthermore, side impact protection on the car seat is much more tailored to the size of the child than the side airbags.

That was a great valid question! Keep them coming.
Darren said:
Recently, I interviewed the child safety expert of a major car seat manufacturer. In the interview, I asked that same question just not specifically related to the LEAF. I was reminded that the primary purpose of side airbags is to prevent people's heads from hitting the glass. I was told in the interview that if a car seat is secured properly it should have no interaction with the side airbag. While I am no expert in crash testing, I believe that would be the case even in the LEAF and this application. The airbags should deploy fine in between the glass and the head protection system of the car seats as they are fairly shallow in design compared to the fron airbags. Furthermore, side impact protection on the car seat is much more tailored to the size of the child than the side airbags.
