Lil' mo info about the Bay Area Air District's program

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2010

Basically they will rebate you 25% of your home charger installation costs up to maybe $1,000.

Details will be worked out for launch of the program in December.

I talked to Damian, and he said that they would like to coordinate the program with dealers, because BAAQMD is most interested in getting Electric Cars on the road.

So they want to be sure you have an EV, before they help you put in a home charger ( I can't answer why anyone would put one in if they didn't, but whatever).

Also, if they are giving the rebates via the dealers, rather than directly to the customer, they distance themselves from being seen as playing favorites.

For example, if their staff buy electric, and they give their staff a rebate, people get upset. But if the dealer gives them a rebate, it looks better.
So if we go ahead and have a charger installed this year (expecting the car to be delivered in December), they will pay for 25%? Not too bad....50% tax credit and a 25% rebate, leaves 25% out of pocket. For a $2,200 install, that would be $550. Not free like the other EV Project areas, but we're getting closer. Now if we can only get the L3 for free!!!
wwhitney said:
The best part about that article was a reference to plans to install 50 L3 chargers around the Bay Area. Wayne
Yes, that is great news, but only if our cars come with a L3 port for charging. There is still no word from Nissan on the issue and some of us order our car in 3 days!! If Nissan was smart they would include L3 for free, at least in those areas with L3 infrastructure like we are going to see in the Bay Area.
Lots of details to work out before the end of the year for sure.

I'm sure Nissan doesn't want to offer it for free before the infrastructure is in place.

It is different if someone else pays for it.

But basically, someone has to take the first step.

Perhaps that is BAAQMD, but I would rather see them help with installing evse's in homes and at workplaces.

That way people can commute with their electric car.

This is WAY more important for the Air District, than L3 charging so that people can drive longer distances.
I spoke with my "preferred dealer" today and advised him that unless I have the option to purchase the optional L3 unit on my Leaf, I'd move to the less expensive model.

His reply is that there is a known problem with the Leaf website where some people don't get the L3 Option and others do. He advised me that, come time to really configure the car (in response to the invitation email from Nissan), I'd again get the chance to add the L3 Option to the car. If not, he'd call his contacts at Nissan and get the L3 added for me.

I'm an August order, so I expect to see this in the next two days or so. If the L3 Option is not provided, I'll post that information.
Please do post the info about the L3 option Randy3, perhaps on it's own thread.

But don't expect BAAQMD to subsidize your EVSE installation as Fresno is outside the district.

The BAAQMD covers all of Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, San Mateo, San Francisco, Marin, and Napa counties.

Also about half of Sonoma (South East), and half of Solano (South West).

BAAQMD may help your workplace install a dock as long as it is located inside their jurisdiction.

On the Bright side, San Joaquin air district may flow you some cash for your purchase, as part of the Remove II program


From their Site:

Applications are also available by calling (559) 230–5800. The SJVAPCD is currently accepting REMOVE II Program applications.

I don't know how this works as I live in San Francisco, but it looks like Nissan will cite this program if you plug in a San Joaquin zip code on their site.
friendnumber1 said:
I talked to Damian, and he said that they would like to coordinate the program with dealers, because BAAQMD is most interested in getting Electric Cars on the road.

Nissan dealer recommend AeroVironment charger but most of us think Leviton charger will be cheaper.

Can I use Leviton charger and still get rebate or work with dealer means stuck with AeroVironment?
Can I use Leviton charger and still get rebate or work with dealer means stuck with AeroVironment?

A lot of details need to be worked out. I work at BAAQMD, and so Damian's response was specific to my stating that it shouldn't disqualify me from the 25% grant.

The primary interest of BAAQMD is in their name: Air Quality. So they want to help people get chargers so that they don't drive ICE's. However, BAAQMD's jurisdiction for the most part is only "stationary sources" like powerplants, refineries, auto-body shops and drycleaners.

CARB has jurisdiction over mobile sources in CA (because you can drive or transport them from one District to another). That is why it is CARB that is administrating funding of the $3,000 rebate for vehicles.

BAAQMD wants to help, but can do so only in limited ways. They have grant programs for retrofits to control diesel emissions from trucks at Ports for example. And they administer vehicle buy-back programs, and rebates for electric lawn mowers. And on and on.

SO, they want to be sure that the money they give out goes to help get people into electric cars. And they want some sort of separation from giving the money directly to individuals.

It may be that they will rely on EVSE providers to be that bridge, rather than the car dealers. But, It really depends on who will work with the District. They definitely don't want their money just to go to the margin's of overpriced EVES suppliers. It might end up being Leviton, it might be AV, It might be PG&E.
It looks like the bay area is really promoting the EV with a great program. If you missed the L3 discussion in another thread, here is the jist:

Optional, only on the upscale SL trim for $700. Not able to add later if not factory installed.
friendnumber1 said:
Can I use Leviton charger and still get rebate or work with dealer means stuck with AeroVironment?

A lot of details need to be worked out. I work at BAAQMD, and so Damian's response was specific to my stating that it shouldn't disqualify me from the 25% grant.

The primary interest of BAAQMD is in their name: Air Quality. So they want to help people get chargers so that they don't drive ICE's. However, BAAQMD's jurisdiction for the most part is only "stationary sources" like powerplants, refineries, auto-body shops and drycleaners.

CARB has jurisdiction over mobile sources in CA (because you can drive or transport them from one District to another). That is why it is CARB that is administrating funding of the $3,000 rebate for vehicles.

BAAQMD wants to help, but can do so only in limited ways. They have grant programs for retrofits to control diesel emissions from trucks at Ports for example. And they administer vehicle buy-back programs, and rebates for electric lawn mowers. And on and on.

SO, they want to be sure that the money they give out goes to help get people into electric cars. And they want some sort of separation from giving the money directly to individuals.

It may be that they will rely on EVSE providers to be that bridge, rather than the car dealers. But, It really depends on who will work with the District. They definitely don't want their money just to go to the margin's of overpriced EVES suppliers. It might end up being Leviton, it might be AV, It might be PG&E.

It's great that there is someone for BAAQMD here!! My question is timing. I'm in the first order period for August, so I should have the car by December, January at the latest. When will we know the details on how to get the charger rebate? I'll probably get the L3 option, will there be some type of discount on that as well, since it will not be standard on the SL for the Bay Area. I live in Alameda Co. (Pleasanton), if that helps. Thank you!
BAAQMD is looking to launch this in December.

I doubt that they would give additional incentives for you to have L3 charging capabilities on your leaf.

There is only so much money, and I believe they want to focus on the infrastructure (i.e. charging stations).

It makes more sense to the District to spend the money on helping people install ports at home and their workplace than to install quick charge stations.

They want to reduce emissions during the commute, that is when vehicle emissions have the greatest effect on smog production.

If your commute is greater than the range of your leaf, than you should be taking Public Transit.
Any update to the BAAQMD program? Since the Bay Area was suppose to be the hub of the EV movement :? , where are the plans for the public charging stations....Level 1, 2, or 3? The questions that I get when driving the my LEAF is "Where do you plug in, other than home?", it would be nice to give them an answer. Other than some private and a few L1s my charging station button in the East Bay is pretty lonely.
I have not seen anything yet at the BAAQMD web site--I just spent the past 1/2 hour there looking. Best thing to do is write to them through their on-line contact form and see where they are at. My last response from them (in November) indicated an end-of-the-year rollout, but they didn't say what year :lol:
Program update:

Should be finalized in 3-4 months
Works with three vendors to pay $700 direct for an EVSE
Can do own installation but must have permit
Must own home
Monitoring may be required
Good for EV purchases after Dec 2010

That is a rough outline-
Program update:

Should be finalized in 3-4 months
Works with three vendors to pay $700 direct for an EVSE
Can do own installation but must have permit
Must own home
Monitoring may be required
Good for EV purchases after Dec 2010

That is a rough outline-

So if you got your EV cash and carry in December, your out of luck?!?!
Program update:

Should be finalized in 3-4 months
Works with three vendors to pay $700 direct for an EVSE
Can do own installation but must have permit
Must own home
Monitoring may be required
Good for EV purchases after Dec 2010

That is a rough outline-

hmmm, wonder if that leaves us "early installers" out in the cold? I purposely had my EVSE installed in November in order to take advantage of the 50% tax credit and be in on the ground floor of the BAAQMD rebate. AND, of course, to be ready for DECEMBER delivery of my LEAF per my PD.
gascant said:
Program update:

Should be finalized in 3-4 months
Works with three vendors to pay $700 direct for an EVSE
Can do own installation but must have permit
Must own home
Monitoring may be required
Good for EV purchases after Dec 2010

That is a rough outline-

hmmm, wonder if that leaves us "early installers" out in the cold? I purposely had my EVSE installed in November in order to take advantage of the 50% tax credit and be in on the ground floor of the BAAQMD rebate. AND, of course, to be ready for DECEMBER

delivery of my LEAF per my PD.

Unless you get a second one. Those after Dec are ok and even if you bought one after Dec you MAY be able to get the credit depending on the final rules.