The Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Trivia Game

My Nissan Leaf Forum

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Well-known member
Staff member
May 22, 2013
Upstate New York, US
Here are the rules: anyone can pose a question to try to stump the other "players." For 24 full hours after that, no one can use the Web or even the local public library to find the answer - it's brainpower only for 24 hours. (It's also the Honor System.) After that, the thinking caps are off, and fingers and voice searches take over.

I'll start, of course: what company created the first modern hybrid car? It wasn't the first hybrid car ever, but as far as I can tell it was the first one built after WWII. One last hint: it was yellow.
LeftieBiker said:
Here are the rules: anyone can pose a question to try to stump the other "players." For 24 full hours after that, no one can use the Web or even the local public library to find the answer - it's brainpower only for 24 hours. (It's also the Honor System.) After that, the thinking caps are off, and fingers and voice searches take over.

I'll start, of course: what company created the first modern hybrid car? It wasn't the first hybrid car ever, but as far as I can tell it was the first one built after WWII. One last hint: it was yellow.
Pure guess from the hint: Checker.
I remember a photo of it. It had 4 wheels in the back. Don’t remember the company or model.

I’ll make a wag that it was a Honda.
It's a bit less than 24 hours, but the guesses have tapered off and I'm ready for bed. Here is one last, gigantic clue. If you want to stick strictly to the rules, you can start searching at 9:45am, EDT.

Eh, I'll do it now, at least in Giant Hint form. This is probably the actual winner, as both cars officially came out in 1980, but the second was already built in 1979. Oops! This is what happens when you work backwards from a reference in a YouTube video. Still, the first car is much, much more Bizarre...

LeftieBiker said:
Correct. It was a car, not a Snow Cat (which has tracks, IIRC).
The one I was thinking of had tires, not tracks, but only 4 of them. And it was huge:
jlv said:
LeftieBiker said:
Correct. It was a car, not a Snow Cat (which has tracks, IIRC).
The one I was thinking of had tires, not tracks, but only 4 of them. And it was huge:

Neat vehicle, but pre-war, and I'm gonna say "not a car"!
Since time is up I'll answer after a google search.

Briggs and Stratton! Who'd have thunk it? Apparently the dual rear axles were required to support the weight of the lead-acid battery pack. Technology has thankfully moved on a lot since then and the pace of change seems to be accelerating. Maybe Gen1 Leaf's will be collector items someday, at least if they still have enough bars to get around town.