Will current heat wave affect dealers new Leaf?

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Sep 4, 2014
I am planning to lease a new 2015 Leaf this month. With the heat wave in Los Angeles area occurring for the last 5 days, where the day average temperature is up to 110 degrees; will that affect the battery degradation process of the new Leafs that are parked in the dealers lot?
If they have the "Lizard" battery and aren't kept at high state of charge, I wouldn't expect a problem. If charged to 100% and left there, not sure.
I'm outa town on business; but my wife has been driving the Prius due to the current heat wave. The Leaf is in the garage, with 50% SOC; the battery temp on my Leaf has never been over 89 degrees. Since I bought it new, I've only QC'd once for 5 minutes, just to make sure the QC works. So, I guess you could say I'm overly cautious. :roll:
TomT said:
I have not seen my battery temperature drop below 95 in over a week... I did a QC from 40% to 85% in Playa Del Rey yesterday and saw 108...
Ouch - mine has been topping out around 96F even when parked in the sun in eastern SD county. But this morning it was at 90F - not cooling off much in the warm garage.

derkraut said:
I'm outa town on business; but my wife has been driving the Prius due to the current heat wave. The Leaf is in the garage, with 50% SOC; the battery temp on my Leaf has never been over 89 degrees. Since I bought it new, I've only QC'd once for 5 minutes, just to make sure the QC works. So, I guess you could say I'm overly cautious. :roll:
And yet your Ah reading is basically the same as mine despite your extra caution and I have over 32k miles now. Not that I have a ton of QCs, probably around a dozen or so. But parking it seems counter productive - just drive it!

As far as the OP's question - biggest concern as Stoaty says is if the car was left at 100% SOC. If not - the car is very likely to be fine. If so - really depends on how long the car has been sitting fully charged and how good the new chemistry is.
Thanks all for the reply

derkraut said:
As far as the OP's question - biggest concern as Stoaty says is if the car was left at 100% SOC. If not - the car is very likely to be fine. If so - really depends on how long the car has been sitting fully charged and how good the new chemistry is.

Is there a way to check for history in the car display if the new car has been charged at 100% SOC?
I do not want to lease a car where the battery has been improperly charged by the dealer.
drgchino said:
Is there a way to check for history in the car display if the new car has been charged at 100% SOC?
I do not want to lease a car where the battery has been improperly charged by the dealer.

There is nothing wrong with charging to 100%. Just don't leave it there for a long time. Originally, there was an option to charge only to 80%, but Nissan determined that wasn't necessary, especially since it was negatively impacting their EPA range. Now, if you use the charging timer, the assumption is that you will charge to 100% every time.
Maybe a little perspective is in order.

My LEAF's battery temp rises into the 90s, and stays there almost continuously, day and night, starting in May and going all the way through early October.

Heat and duration are both important. A few days in the 90s is not a big deal. When you start to talk about weeks or months of continuous 90s and low 100s temps, then there's a cause for concern.