White House petition for more chargers

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Feb 15, 2012
In case you haven't seen this, there is a petition for installing a fast charging network along the us highway system. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/create-fast-charging-network-wide-scale-adoption-electric-vehicles/zf0nNH7b" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Won't sign. Leaf is not a highway vehicle. Stopping to charge every 50 miles is crazy. Put those same chargers strategically placed in all the majors cities makes the Leaf a totally viable city vehicle.
So how much do you think it would cost to fulfill all of the charging stations in your petition (purchase, installation, maintenance, and operating costs)?

And who are you envisioning to pay for all of these costs (since most of the drivers on this forum are "on record" as not wiling to pay anywhere close to the real cost)?
Randy said:
So how much do you think it would cost to fulfill all of the charging stations in your petition (purchase, installation, maintenance, and operating costs)?

And who are you envisioning to pay for all of these costs (since most of the drivers on this forum are "on record" as not wiling to pay anywhere close to the real cost)?

The taxpayers of the United States, who want clean air, want construction jobs for people during a terrible recession, and are the same taxpayers who now give big federal tax breaks to overprivileged little whiners on the pubic's dime, to install an EV charger in their own private garage to serve their car and their car only....

If selfish people like these ruled the day, the Eisenhower freeway system would never have been built and every bridge in this country would have a $20 toll.... And every public bus or subway ride would cost full freight, with no taxpayer subsidy, $7.

So if you are special enough to get tax credits for your own little EV filling station set up in your garage, at the public's largess, then you really don't have a right to complain about public chargers and similar tax expenditures meant to serve the public good and create a modernized, 21st-century electrified highway system.
If this gets passed who would administer making it happen? Ecotality?

Is there no path to evs being mainstream that doesn't involve the government?
Exactly. And why I also will not sign. EVs (with the exception of Tesla) need far more range to make this practical. With current battery technology and range they are not road vehicles.

Newporttom said:
Won't sign. Leaf is not a highway vehicle. Stopping to charge every 50 miles is crazy. Put those same chargers strategically placed in all the majors cities makes the Leaf a totally viable city vehicle.
Just signed! #223

only 99,777 left to go!!!!

http://wh.gov/lCeTq" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I agree, and also won't sign. The whole country would be cluttered up with stations. Increase the range (shown by Tesla and a Rav4) and then the spacing works out...

Not with a Spark and a Leaf. It's inter-city. Not Continental :roll:
Not everyone who owns a Leaf (or may own a Leaf) lives and works in one city. More people would buy the car if they had the option to charge on the highways.

When these people buy more EV's because of the better infrastructure then local government will install chargers in cities as well.

I have two clients that are 150 mile round trip, I have to keep my ICE car because of these two clients. If there was a QC on the Garden State Parkway I could get rid of my ICE car.

How did you get 50 miles?, Do you drive 100MPH on the highway!

Newporttom said:
Won't sign. Leaf is not a highway vehicle. Stopping to charge every 50 miles is crazy. Put those same chargers strategically placed in all the majors cities makes the Leaf a totally viable city vehicle.
I'm sorry in advance and if you hate me after saying, well I don't give a ****.. All the people on this post that say they won't sign are idiots.
Well, that courtesy, attitude and well-reasoned position will certainly win you supporters to your cause! :lol:

Lasareath said:
I'm sorry in advance and if you hate me after saying, well I don't give a ****.. All the people on this post that say they won't sign are idiots.
I suggest you do the math. You are not likely to regularly drive to VLBW (unless you are not risk adverse), and a QC will typically take you to 80% SOC... Throw in a little battery degradation, some weather, and 50 miles is actually already well beyond the fringe edge of the practical distance between multiple recharges on a freeway with the amount of usable charge that remains... It's been discussed many times elsewhere on the forum... (I won't even bother to point out that the Leaf's top speed is 94... :lol:)

Lasareath said:
How did you get 50 miles?, Do you drive 100MPH on the highway!
Lasareath said:
How did you get 50 miles?, Do you drive 100MPH on the highway!

Probably should be less than 50 miles.

Do the Math.

Range of a new Leaf at freeway speeds is less than 84 miles. 100% to Turtle, on a warm dry day, no reserve, no climate control usage, no wind and no hills.

Add in EOL battery at 70% and range is less than 59 miles. Batteries do wear out with time and with use. Plan for it.

Add in good for battery life and the nerves 20% SOC minimum cycle limit and you are at less than 47 miles.

Add in realistic and faster charge times with an 80% SOC maximum charge and you are at 35 miles.

Add in wind, cold, rain, snow, hills... and that number should be decreased more.

Add in climate control usage (heat, AC in the car)... decrease even more.

The Leaf is a very fine commuting car, and is fine for around town and even a few longer trips. But the realistic range for daily trips is far less than the advertised 100 miles. When I bought my Leaf, I figured that maximum distance I could rely on it for daily trips with no worries to battery EOF was about 35 miles. Double that if reliable workplace charging is available. Much longer trips realistic in good conditions, I'm a member of the "100 mile club".
That's OK. I don't need those non-voting closed mined people to Vote, there have been 35 more votes in the Past 3 hours. I'll just have to do all the campaigning myself.

TomT said:
Well, that courtesy, attitude and well-reasoned position will certainly win you supporters to your cause! :lol:
JasonA said:
I agree, and also won't sign. The whole country would be cluttered up with stations. Increase the range (shown by Tesla and a Rav4) and then the spacing works out...

Not with a Spark and a Leaf. It's inter-city. Not Continental :roll:

Cluttered up with stations? OMG is this a joke. Like we are cluttered up with light poles and public mailboxes?

Perhaps the best idea is then to stop, immediately, any and all tax breaks for individuals to install L2 chargers in their homes. None, zero. Want one, pay full freight. No more taxpayer handouts for you.

That tune would sure change fast after that!
LTLFTcomposite said:
If this gets passed who would administer making it happen? Ecotality?

Is there no path to evs being mainstream that doesn't involve the government?

In the UK, they have Zero Carbon World, not sure of the details, but it's set up as a charity that installs, and I suppose, maintains stations. Maybe someone here could start similar.
Lasareath said:
I'm sorry in advance and if you hate me after saying, well I don't give a ****.. All the people on this post that say they won't sign are idiots.

I want an Oompa Loompa!

Oompa Loompa doobledee doo . . .

No chocolate factory for you!

Hmmm, can't unsign, ah well.
And another user makes it to my Foe list! Congratulations on your achievement!

Lasareath said:
That's OK. I don't need those non-voting closed mined people to Vote, there have been 35 more votes in the Past 3 hours. I'll just have to do all the campaigning myself.