Where do you keep your L1 charger?

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BrainDonor said:
I am away from my LEAF now, but I was wondering... if I get the EVSE upgrade, will the updated unit still fit in the L1 pouch, along with the additional L1 cord?

yes. the upgrade does not change the actual size other than the unit will come with a short extension for the 120 volt option. i think you can request different sizes. mine is about 14-15" long
DaveinOlyWA said:
yes. the upgrade does not change the actual size other than the unit will come with a short extension for the 120 volt option. i think you can request different sizes. mine is about 14-15" long

I keep this small extension permanently in my car in the small compartment on the driver side of the trunk where the jack and tools are stored. It will fit in the bag with the EVSE if you like, but I found it easier to store it separately.
The size and appearance of the upgrade is unchanged, save for a slightly longer AC cable, and the 120v adapter adds roughly another 2 feet for 3 feet total.


I have a plastic milk box -- you can get them at the grocers -- and I keep it coiled there for easy use, as well as the headsets from the backseat. I find it much simpler to plug in at work, as I dont have to coil tightly and put on the straps.
I dont have to haul kids, as they are grown ups, now.
davewill said:
Sounds like you could use a cargo organizer. My L1 (plus assorted other hardware) lives in the smaller bin (right), and I've got storage in the larger bin, plus a large flat area on top to stow bigger stuff like your stroller.
That's exactly what I do, except that "other hardware" includes my rather extensive tool kit. I did also buy an upgraded EVSE from Phil that I use as my one and only home charging dock, but that one stays plugged in at home.

The last time I used my (standard) L1 was when we picked up our son at the airport Monday night. He flew into San Jose terminal A, which has two EV parking spaces, but they have only one Avcon and one paddle. I took one of the spaces and plugged in to a 120V outlet there (using my little padlock). We ended up being at the airport nearly an hour, and it was close to 1 AM by my son's mental clock (he flew in from the east coast), so I cranked up the speed and heater on the way back. I got LBW three miles from home, making me very grateful for the L1 charge.

BrainDonor said:
I am away from my LEAF now, but I was wondering... if I get the EVSE upgrade, will the updated unit still fit in the L1 pouch, along with the additional L1 cord?

Short answer is yes. Here is what I have that goes in the original bag:

From this thread: http://www.mynissanleaf.com/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=5222" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

We are still accepting orders, but nothing will ship until after Jan 2nd. I fully expect us to be backed up for a few days after I return, and all orders will be filled first-in, first-out, so if you get your orders in sooner, they will be filled sooner. Obviously if you are sending a unit in for upgrade be prepared for the delay, as it will sit there until we start processing orders again, but if you are ordering a new unit or an advanced replacement, these will go out sooner if you order sooner rather than wait.

palmermd said:
DaveinOlyWA said:
**edit** ah Michael!! beat me by a minute!. but to add. in my "area" i consider to be within 30 miles, over 100 L2's have been added so the need to carry a plug only really applies in certain situations and those situations are shrinking every day.

I have zero. Yes I've counted them more than once. Zero charge stations within 35 miles of my home.

Actually that is wrong. There is one at the Nissan dealer 2 miles from here, but it is in an area I never go and so I've never plugged in there. I might as well go home it is so close. I realize this is an unusual case, and for most people there are plenty of places to opportunity charge without using the supplied L1 that the need for it is diminishing rapidly.
The only charge station within 150 miles of my home is 93 miles and three mountain passes away at the only LEAF certified Nissan dealer in this area. Even 240V places like RV parks are closed around here in winter. So, 120V opportunity charging with the factory Panasonic/Nissan EVSE is critical in my area when pushing the range. Calling for a tow is not my idea of a good time...

My Phil-upgraded EVSE lives in my garage and I will only carry it in the car when traveling via RV parks in summer (I have a 14-30/14-50 to L6-20 adapter). I'm glad I got it before Nissan increased the price.

Life is different out in the boondocks.
Ingineer said:
We are still accepting orders, but nothing will ship until after Jan 2nd. I fully expect us to be backed up for a few days after I return, and all orders will be filled first-in, first-out, so if you get your orders in sooner, they will be filled sooner. Obviously if you are sending a unit in for upgrade be prepared for the delay, as it will sit there until we start processing orders again, but if you are ordering a new unit or an advanced replacement, these will go out sooner if you order sooner rather than wait.

Phil, do you know if the upgrade qualifies for the 30% federal tax credit for this year? If it does, would you be able to bill this year in order to get the credit?
BrainDonor said:
Phil, do you know if the upgrade qualifies for the 30% federal tax credit for this year? If it does, would you be able to bill this year in order to get the credit?
I am far from a Tax attorney, but I can tell you many of our customers have reported they were claiming the credit, and I've heard no problems. If you buy whatever option from the website you wish to purchase, that will be the date on your invoice, which you can print immediately, even though you won't receive it until after the new year. So if you purchase an upgrade now, you can wait until later, hopefully when we are caught up and back to 24 hour turn-around to service your unit.

That's great about the tax break. I had mine done before Christmas, and I've been keeping mine in the garage except when I commute to Tracy. For those trips I bring the upgraded charger with a 120 circuit combiner I built to get 240, and an extension cord, and I charge while I'm working.

I used to spend almost $20 in gas for my 120 mile commute - now its a $2 night charge on me, and the work complex covers the day charge.

To answer the original question, I keep it in the trunk when needed, otherwise it's in my garage.