What is the actual miles from a full charge on the freeway

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planet4ever said:
There is not only a phantom 13th bar, but also a phantom 14th bar.
That's why it would be important to have an agreed-upon battery model and an FAQ. Yes, the SOC meter will help but not everyone will get one, and until Nissan fixes the guessometer, I'd expect range prediction and trip planning to be a hot topic for new owners.
tbleakne said:
I note that you got your car in early May. Is it possible that it has the original firmware with the 8% bars, and not the new firmware with the 7% bars? My car, arriving in early June, definitely has the revised firmware. My experience seems to indicate that Nissan reduced the effective battery capacity with the new firmware.

On this trip I used (11.5-1.5) = 10 bars. Recharging back up to 11.5 bars took 15.7 KWhrs of wall power as measured by my TED. If the charger is 95% efficient (many folks believe the efficiency is less), this is only 1.50 KWhrs/bar. Even if the new firmware has a phantom 13th bar, 1.5*13 = 19.5 KWhrs, much less than the 24 KWhrs originally advertised.
My car came with the revised firmware. I have gone almost 6 miles below "----" (Very Low Battery warning) so there is a phantom 13th bar. Haven't turtled yet and hope not to, unless on purpose.

My tires are at 40 psi, although there is another thread that discounts the effectiveness of this. Most importantly, I try to conserve momentum as much as possible. Watching the Energy screen in Navigation, I try to avoid regen unless necessary for slowing, accelerate gently, let the speed slow some going up hills and increase going down. Also, trying to anticipate slowing ahead so I don't waste energy accelerating or maintaining speed.

Maybe your data looks different because you are estimating the distance you have remaining and the energy capacity you started from?

Hope to see you in Santa Ana the 27th.
91040 said:
My car came with the revised firmware. I have gone almost 6 miles below "----" (Very Low Battery warning) so there is a phantom 13th bar. Haven't turtled yet and hope not to, unless on purpose.

Whether called a phantom bar (or two), or not, the fact remains that a significant portion of battery power exists when all the fuel bars are extinguished.

I don't believe there is a connection with "---" and VLB warning. Going 6 miles into VLB is quite close to "lights out", as I'm sure you understand. Did you happen to note how many miles you drove on Low Battery Warning?

Data Event #----A-----B-----C-----D----E-----F-----G----H



C = Me at about 38-45mph with lots of rolling downhill
E = Edmonds 132 mile run at 35mph on a track
H = not good !!
TonyWilliams said:
I don't believe there is a connection with "---" and VLB warning.
Really? I guess I've only gone down to VLB four or five times, but each time I saw the guessometer change from 3 to --- at the same time I got the audio message saying, "Your battery is very low." I also always see the guessometer start flashing when I get the earlier audio message saying, "Your battery is low," though the number displayed then can vary.

planet4ever said:
TonyWilliams said:
I don't believe there is a connection with "---" and VLB warning.
Really? I guess I've only gone down to VLB four or five times, but each time I saw the guessometer change from 3 to --- at the same time I got the audio message saying, "Your battery is very low." I also always see the guessometer start flashing when I get the earlier audio message saying, "Your battery is low," though the number displayed then can vary.


Now I'll have to pay closer attention to that !!! I had two chances to check that just today....

I drove about 90-ish miles today, and hit VLB twice. The first time I went 8.8 in LB and then 3.7 in VLB. Based on my 60% formula VLB/LB, excluding cell imbalance situations that I've never had, I should have had another 1.5 miles up to 3.3 miles at 80% VLB/LB.

I had to make a 19 mile roundtrip in about 90 minutes, so I knew that it would be equally close. I should have gotten about 18 more miles from L2 in that time, but I decided to "hyper-mile" my way to 11.9 miles in LB, and only hit VLB rolling into my neighborhood. Close to my personal best in LB (which is 13.6 miles).

This is the run I made entirely in "Low Battery" for a total of 11.9 miles. I rolled, in Neutral, the entire distance from the 5 mile mark to the 8.5 mile mark. I started at 60mph at the crest, and the car never went over 65mph while rolling downhill.

TonyWilliams said:
91040 said:
My car came with the revised firmware. I have gone almost 6 miles below "----" (Very Low Battery warning) so there is a phantom 13th bar. Haven't turtled yet and hope not to, unless on purpose.

Whether called a phantom bar (or two), or not, the fact remains that a significant portion of battery power exists when all the fuel bars are extinguished.

I don't believe there is a connection with "---" and VLB warning. Going 6 miles into VLB is quite close to "lights out", as I'm sure you understand. Did you happen to note how many miles you drove on Low Battery Warning?
So far every time I have gotten the VLB warning, it is at the same time as the "---" indication. The farthest I have been was 5.6 miles below VLB, going about 35mph with moderate downhill for the last 2 miles. Sorry, I didn't track the distance from Low Battery warning.

I was very aware that I was close to Turtle! Thanks to your chart, I was brave enough to attempt the distance rather than stop to charge on the way.
91040 said:
I was very aware that I was close to Turtle! Thanks to your chart, I was brave enough to attempt the distance rather than stop to charge on the way.

Well, did you ever see the movie "Animal House"?

If your trip came up short, hey, "You f-ed up... you trusted us! Hey, make the best of it! Maybe we can help."

Glad it worked out.
TonyWilliams said:
91040 said:
I was very aware that I was close to Turtle! Thanks to your chart, I was brave enough to attempt the distance rather than stop to charge on the way.

Well, did you ever see the movie "Animal House"?

If your trip came up short, hey, "You f-ed up... you trusted us! Hey, make the best of it! Maybe we can help."

Glad it worked out.
Maybe I should have used the word "foolish" instead of "brave". If you knew the hill I climbed before that last 2 miles you would know that I am completely nuts! However, it was during the day and I had the time to wait for a tow. It is important to me to know what the car can do when pushed (not literally).

I saw Animal House when it came out but that was a long time ago. I do remember a few scenes but not that one.
91040 said:
I saw Animal House when it came out but that was a long time ago. I do remember a few scenes but not that one.

"Flounder" was bullied into allowing his brother Fred's fancy car to go on a wild party. It didn't come back as nice as when they left....

D-Day: Hey, quit your blubberin'. When I get through with this baby you won't even recognize it.

Otter: Flounder, you can't spend your whole life worrying about your mistakes! You f-ed up... you trusted us! Hey, make the best of it! Maybe we can help.

Flounder: [crying] That's easy for you to say! What am I going to tell Fred?

Otter: I'll tell you what. We'll tell Fred you were doing a great job taking care of his car, but you parked it out back last night and this morning... it was gone. We report it as stolen to the police. D-Day takes care of the wreck. Your brother's insurance company buys him a new car.

Flounder: Will that work?

Otter: Hey, it's gotta work better than the truth.

Bluto: [thrusting six-pack into Flounder's hands] My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.

Otter: Better listen to him, Flounder, he's in pre-med.

D-Day: [firing up blow-torch] There you go now, just leave everything to me.