Using clone ELM327 Bluetooth OBDII adapter with Leaf

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1. Like the helpful miles/kWh that you have after the DTE on Screen 3,
you could add Max-Min temperature after the Battery Temperature.

2. A mode-change function could be added to the Histogram screen,
with the default mode being Auto-Center (what you do now), and
the second mode Sliding-Center, where you just freeze the horizontal
axis. Then, the user could see the distribution slide to the right during
Regen or Charging, and slide to the left as more power is being used.

Yes, one has to handle the histogram bars being off-graph, but you
are probably handling that already, for the simple Auto-Center mode.

The mode-toggle "button" could be the center of the display, a real
visible button over the SOC, or even touching the SOC text "box".

3. Or, you might have a more creative method of handling buttons,
like... any touch in the non-Button area of the screen brings up
the active buttons over the screen for several seconds, giving
the user real feedback on what can be done (like the now-hidden
"buttons" to change screens), including the histogram mode-change.

4. A helpful mode change for the Bars screen would be a mode
to freeze the vertical axis of the plot. As it is now, the axis jumps
with each refresh of the data, and it is really difficult to get a
good idea of what is happening with the cells.

Of course, you might have to trim the data to fit the frozen
vertical axis, and probably turn off the auto-scaling flag.

Just suggestions, you are doing excellent work.
Released version 0.17. See first post for screenshots and zip file.

Features added since 0.16

* Screen 3, added controls to Setting screen to allow monitoring of either Max, Avg or Min temperature
* different color for temperture number
* separate Reset button to reset Watt/Hour used
* added currently selected miles/kWh to end of remaining miles label
* Screen 1, invalid temperatures will now display as "??" instead of the number -11699.8
Turbo3 said:
* Screen 3, added controls to Setting screen to allow monitoring of either Max, Avg or Min temperature
* different color for temperture number
* separate Reset button to reset Watt/Hour used
* added currently selected miles/kWh to end of remaining miles label
* Screen 1, invalid temperatures will now display as "??" instead of the number -11699.8
Looks great! I have a suggestion and a wish:

1) It would be really nice to have the the battery temperature displayed in different colors depending on how high the temperature is (with ability to set the ranges on the settings screen. For example:

Blue - less than 65 degrees f.
Green - 65 to 75 degrees F.
Yellow - 75.1 - 86 degrees F.
Orange - 86.1 - 95 degrees F.
Red - 95.1 degrees or over

I have a Galileo thermometer in my office and it is really nice to look at the color of the floating balls and know instantly about what temp it is. This would be a nice visual cue:" onclick=";return false;

2) As requested by others, a close approximation of Percent Gids from the data available. All of the reasons that this is not needed do not sway me; I find it the single most helpful number for my driving.
Stoaty said:
As requested by others, a close approximation of Percent Gids from the data available. All of the reasons that this is not needed do not sway me; I find it the single most helpful number for my driving.
This would be stored energy in kWh divided by 0.2248 or multiplied by 4.45, I believe. For the time being, you can emulate this number by entering 4.44 or 4.45 miles/kWh in the DTE preference section Jim created on Friday. The miles-to-empty estimate will then show a value close to Gid %, if you set the reserve to zero.

Gid % (est) = Stored Energy (kWh) * 1000 / 80 / 2.81
Stoaty said:
Turbo3 said:
* Screen 3, added controls to Setting screen to allow monitoring of either Max, Avg or Min temperature
* different color for temperture number
* separate Reset button to reset Watt/Hour used
* added currently selected miles/kWh to end of remaining miles label
* Screen 1, invalid temperatures will now display as "??" instead of the number -11699.8
Looks great! I have a suggestion and a wish:

1) It would be really nice to have the the battery temperature displayed in different colors depending on how high the temperature is (with ability to set the ranges on the settings screen. For example:

Blue - less than 65 degrees f.
Green - 65 to 75 degrees F.
Yellow - 75.1 - 86 degrees F.
Orange - 86.1 - 95 degrees F.
Red - 95.1 degrees or over

I have a Galileo thermometer in my office and it is really nice to look at the color of the floating balls and know instantly about what temp it is. This would be a nice visual cue:" onclick=";return false;

2) As requested by others, a close approximation of Percent Gids from the data available. All of the reasons that this is not needed do not sway me; I find it the single most helpful number for my driving.

+1 I like the color coding too.
surfingslovak said:
Stoaty said:
As requested by others, a close approximation of Percent Gids from the data available. All of the reasons that this is not needed do not sway me; I find it the single most helpful number for my driving.
This would be stored energy in kWh divided by 0.2248 or multiplied by 4.45, I believe. For the time being, you can emulate this number by entering 4.44 or 4.45 miles/kWh in the DTE preference section Jim created on Friday. The miles-to-empty estimate will then show a value close to Gid %, if you set the reserve to zero.

Gid % (est) = Stored Energy (kWh) * 100 / 80 / 2.81

Thanks George! That's awesome info. Since the mpk setting only allows tenths, would it still be accurate to use 4.4m/kW h? Unless Jim can extend the setting another place.
LEAFfan said:
Thanks George! That's awesome info.
Happy to help! It would be good to hear if the Gid % estimate was reasonably accurate and useful. While the multiplier for the DTE display was correct, please note that there was a typo in the formula. Here is the correct version:

Gid % (est) = Stored Energy (kWh) * 1000 / 80 / 2.81
Stoaty said:
1) It would be really nice to have the the battery temperature displayed in different colors depending on how high the temperature is (with ability to set the ranges on the settings screen. For example:

Blue - less than 65 degrees f.
Green - 65 to 75 degrees F.
Yellow - 75.1 - 86 degrees F.
Orange - 86.1 - 95 degrees F.
Red - 95.1 degrees or over
Version 0.017t in DropBox now has this coloring.
Turbo3 said:
Stoaty said:
1) It would be really nice to have the the battery temperature displayed in different colors depending on how high the temperature is (with ability to set the ranges on the settings screen. For example:

Blue - less than 65 degrees f.
Green - 65 to 75 degrees F.
Yellow - 75.1 - 86 degrees F.
Orange - 86.1 - 95 degrees F.
Red - 95.1 degrees or over
Version 0.017t in DropBox now has this coloring.
Wow, that was fast! I didn't think real carefully about the ranges (assuming they are hard coded rather than settable), except for the fact that below 75 degrees (5 bars) is known to be good, and some effect on battery life is clear above 86 degrees, while above 95 degrees is really not good for the battery.

PS Just wish I had my ELM327 (probably coming tomorrow) to test out the app.
surfingslovak said:
LEAFfan said:
Thanks George! That's awesome info.
Happy to help! It would be good to hear if the Gid % estimate was reasonably accurate and useful. While the multiplier for the DTE display was correct, please note that there was a typo in the formula. Here is the correct version:

Gid % (est) = Stored Energy (kWh) * 1000 / 80 / 2.81
Version 0.17t now has simulated Gids.

My WattsLeft showed a real Gids of 211. It should say "Gids (simulated)" and does on my Nexus 7 but on the smaller screens the "(simulated)" is dropped. Will change to just "(sim)" unless someone comes up with better labeling. If your screen is too small then Gids will not show. Just rotate screen.

I would like people with the ability to read real Gids to log both values to see if the formula needs a correction factor.

Stoaty said:
Turbo3 said:
Version 0.17t now has simulated Gids.
Almost there! Now we just need an option in Settings to chooses simulated Gids as either Raw or Percent.

Yes! I did the math on mine and the % was exactly the same as the SoC % on the App.

Thanks again Jim for all your time and work on this Awesome App. What causes the third BT sensor to give a false reading? Will this ever be able to be fixed?
Turbo3 said:
Updated version 0.17t again to add %'Gids.
So close I can taste it. ;) I would still like a Setting to make % Gids be the first one (in large font) and the raw (simulated) Gids to be in parentheses. Nice to have both on the same screen, but I would only look at % simulated Gids most of the time.

Couple of small bugs (assuming you intend to fully support portrait mode for screens 1 and 2, which would be a good idea if the phone is going to be in a fixed position):

--Screen 1 cuts off the text for the voltages and some of the temperatures when phone in portrait orientation (Fusion 2 phone)
--Screen 2 doesn't display the X-axis numbers correctly when phone in portrait orientation - they all run together (Fusion 2 phone)
Turbo3 said:
As Gary suggested you need to enable Debug and select "Temps" and post the data that shows up on screen 3.

Oh! Right. I forgot that post. I'll try that. I'm working on my memory problem.