The forgotten Sept/Oct orders

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I could see Nissan holding back the cars assigned to the Jan/Feb orders for a limited time to get the Sept/Oct orders out.
Probably not actually going to happen.

I really doubt these Jan/Feb orders will lose a VIN as it is reassigned to earlier orders.
Many have April dates on the sheet so we will soon see what happens.
The complaints will become real if this group really starts getting vehicles. So far none show as delivered.

It would appear Nissan messed this up and what is done is done. Hopefully the issue does not expand or get worse.
davewill said:
tbleakne said:
It is good that you and others who were passed-over have begun to see delivery dates. However, if Nissan is really in the process of rectifying the queue, shouldn't at least some of those who were put ahead of their place in line be seeing shifts of their status to "Pending" ? My understanding is that the cars promised these folks really belong to someone ahead of them. I have not seen any such change in status from this latter group. Have I missed some reports?
No, you haven't. Mark my words, "fixing" this is going to amount to nothing more than placating the squeakiest wheels, and making sure the "forgotten people" really are the next in line...after everybody who already has a car assigned. They have no intention of pulling cars back from people who already have VINs.
Based on my conversations with CS (maritz or nissan, don't really know), I have to agree with Dave. Jan/Feb orders without a VIN yet will probably see their dates move back, but Nissan will most likely not be pulling cars from those already with VINs.
Beachcliffs said:
davewill said:
tbleakne said:
It is good that you and others who were passed-over have begun to see delivery dates. However, if Nissan is really in the process of rectifying the queue, shouldn't at least some of those who were put ahead of their place in line be seeing shifts of their status to "Pending" ? My understanding is that the cars promised these folks really belong to someone ahead of them. I have not seen any such change in status from this latter group. Have I missed some reports?
No, you haven't. Mark my words, "fixing" this is going to amount to nothing more than placating the squeakiest wheels, and making sure the "forgotten people" really are the next in line...after everybody who already has a car assigned. They have no intention of pulling cars back from people who already have VINs.
Based on my conversations with CS (maritz or nissan, don't really know), I have to agree with Dave. Jan/Feb orders without a VIN yet will probably see their dates move back, but Nissan will most likely not be pulling cars from those already with VINs.

Well I just had a nice dialog with a CS rep at Nissan chat -
at the critical end point the session was than finally disconnected by Nissan.

This type of one dimensional conversion does not help make the Nissan Way smother at all.

Here is the scripted dialog:

Chat Transcript
Please wait while we find an agent to assist you...
You have been connected to Michelle.
Michelle: Thank you for contacting Nissan LEAF Customer Support, my name is Michelle. How may I help you today Ralph?
Ralph: Hi Michelle,
Ralph: I have a question regarding my order status,
Michelle: Sure I would glad to help you with that.
Michelle: Could I have your last name and e-mail address, please?
Ralph: I know Nissan had some issue due to the disaster,
Ralph: but, yes Coleman
Ralph: [email protected]
Michelle: Thank you I am looking you up in our system, if you don't mind holding for a minute or two I'll be right back.
Ralph: yes please take your time...
Michelle: Please bear with me I do apologize for the delay I will be right with you.
Ralph: np
--- after nearly 20 minutes she comes back ----
Michelle: My apologies for the delay
Ralph: ok I have been actively communicating on board,
Ralph: and checked the status of other 2bleafers
Ralph: I noticed that quite a few of them have order after me
Ralph: in January and / or Febuary, and they have not been moved from there order month 4/2011 or 5/2011 to pending for exactly the same equipment as I have ordered
Michelle: First, let me express our sincere apologies for the delays however each Customer's issues are different and unfortunately the information relayed in the blogs is not always accurate.
Michelle: I see the your are ETECH approved and placed your order in mid December
Michelle: Unfortunately the events in Japan have delayed your delivery and there is no other information available since yours is one of the orders that has been effected by the disaster
Ralph: I am aware - of the fact that you have to use "canned" scripts in this chat, but...
Ralph: 1st of all - the statement that is not accurate is "incorrect"
Michelle: This is not a canned script sir, these are simply the facts. There is no other information at this time
Ralph: I have conversed with the 2bleafers - just a 2nd please
Ralph: It is incorrect that I should be put on pending - if 10 other people in the CA area that have ordered in Jan / Feb of 2011 - are delivery month April and May - and not pending
Ralph: I have verified this with the potential owners, - I would not want to understand that they are lyres.
Michelle: I can completely understand your frustration however I cannot speak to anyone else's situation but yours. It is unfortunate indeed however we simply do not have any other information available for you at this time.
Ralph: ...please, you are underestimating the power of the internet discussion boards,..
Ralph: I know that a lot of other owners have complaint to Nissan about this issue as well, and since they have persisted to go up the ladder, I don't mind chatting to your supervisor - if you feel "you" don't have any more information - so please connect me with a supervisor -
Michelle: I can connect you right now hold please.
Ralph: yes gladly
Keith: Hello Ralph, How may I assist you this evening?
Ralph: Hello Keith, you are familiar with discussion board right?
Keith: Somewhat, yes. I do not follow it closely.
Ralph: ok, a lot of 2bleafers had to experience a major
Ralph: skip in orders due to the somewhat poorly organized
Ralph: ordering process / shipping fulfillment process for the leaf
Ralph: I had ordered in mid December 2010
Ralph: and am put back on pending - while other orderers stayed at their April / may delivery month
Ralph: with the exact same equipment that I am suppose to get
Ralph: since they ordered after me how can Nissan justify letting them have the cars before people that have ordered before them????
Keith: Ralph, since the disaster in Japan it has been very difficult for everyone. I wish we had answers for folks like yourself whose orders we are not able to fill however there are simply none to be had.
Ralph: no I am not agreeing with you...
Ralph: the people that are "not pending" have order after my order time frame - Jan or Feb - and they are seeing April / may delivery month in the dashboard!!!
Keith: I wish we had a different answer for you but unfortunately there is none.
Ralph: yes there is - communicate with the correct person further up - and have them pull the correct levers, at the port - where some
Keith: Ralph, I wish that were the case. There are many Customers whose status changed to pending and we simply do not have a vehicle to fill your order. As soon as production resumes we will do everything possible to get your LEAF to you as soon as possible.
Ralph: I guess - I am not clear -
Keith: Not clear about what Sir?
Keith: Are there any additional questions I may answer for you tonight?
Ralph: I stated that they have a later order date then me by 30 - 60 days
Ralph: why does Nissan not adjust their ship info
Ralph: to be in line with the order time -
Ralph: I had to wait - and patiently and now I am being simply pushed around - with no "reason" other than someone at the Port is not doing there job correctly????
Ralph: that is unacceptable and does not make sense
Ralph: it sounds like and that is in accordance with a lot of other 2bleafers that had to experience the same thing, which Nissan can accommodate to make it right.
Keith: There are many criteria that go into order timing and we do not have an answer that is going to make this process any easier for your situation. Believe me when I say I understand your frustration however that doesn't change the reality of your situation.
Ralph: no, sorry...
Ralph: so you are telling me that Nissan does not want to correct the situation?
Ralph: even though we have proof that someone at Nissan is not doing their job correctly?
Ralph: The pattern is simple - if the ordered is outside of CA -
Keith: Sir, Nissan wants to deliver your vehicle to you as quickly as possible. We do not have a vehicle to deliver. As soon as we do we will.
Ralph: then they are being put on the back burner -
Ralph: yes you have vehicle to deliver - it is current being assigned to some after me - which order 2 months after me - what in the h... is so hard to understand here????
Keith: We do not have a vehicle assigned to you ate this time. I understand it does not make you happy and I understand you are frustrated.
Ralph: So the person that has order on Jan 24th 2010 - is getting a car on 4/12 in CA - by Dealer Fontana -
Keith: I cannot speak that person's order sir
Thank you for using Instant Service. You may now close this window.
Your session has ended. You may now close this window.

:evil: - Ralph
tbleakne said:
ttweed said:
I have still been trying to check in on the forum but must admit that when my dashboard opened, the anxiety and curiosity factors that have driven my obsession and thirst for any information dropped exponentially. I totally understand where all of you who are still waiting for some kind of resolution on this deal feel at the moment.

I wish you all the best result in the process.
It is good that you and others who were passed-over have begun to see delivery dates. However, if Nissan is really in the process of rectifying the queue, shouldn't at least some of those who were put ahead of their place in line be seeing shifts of their status to "Pending" ? My understanding is that the cars promised these folks really belong to someone ahead of them. I have not seen any such change in status from this latter group. Have I missed some reports?

Tom, I'd advise you to try to escalate your own situation through the CS via phone. It appears that a few have bettered their own situation through that route, but that Nissan hasn't used that information to resolve the situation for the leapfrogged group. Clearly Nissan had some flexibility of unassigned cars at one time. Perhaps they still do.
ralphmc said:
Well I just had a nice dialog with a CS rep at Nissan chat -
at the critical end point the session was than finally disconnected by Nissan.

This type of one dimensional conversion does not help make the Nissan Way smother at all.

Here is the scripted dialog:

:evil: - Ralph

Ralph, I really feel bad for you and the others that have been skipped over and it appears that continuing to communicate with Nissan is the only recourse you have. The only comment I'd have about your conversation with Kieth is that I don't think it is the fault of people at the port, but the people directing the deliveries at Nissan North America. Of course, changing that aspect of your discussion would have had zero impact on your conversation with Kieth, who is just there to deflect your anger so that Nissan execs don't have to hear it. If you can figure out a way to get in touch with Nissan directly, you folks might stand a chance.
Boomer said:

Ralph, I really feel bad for you and the others that have been skipped over and it appears that continuing to communicate with Nissan is the only recourse you have. The only comment I'd have about your conversation with Kieth is that I don't think it is the fault of people at the port, but the people directing the deliveries at Nissan North America. Of course, changing that aspect of your discussion would have had zero impact on your conversation with Kieth, who is just there to deflect your anger so that Nissan execs don't have to hear it. If you can figure out a way to get in touch with Nissan directly, you folks might stand a chance.

Yo Boomer; I think you should go to work for Nissan CS. Your comments make more sense than most of theirs?? ;) ;) ;) ;)
Boomer23 said:
If you can figure out a way to get in touch with Nissan directly, you folks might stand a chance.
I spoke with a supervisor today (not Keith) and he stated that the production line in Japan was allocating VINS out of order. He said that Nissan made the decision to NOT pull those vehicles back. He said that they decided that it would create greater problems for them further down the line. He indicated the greater problems would be in delivering cars, not in customer ill-will. He said that he was currrently working to find cars for some of the Sept/Oct orderers that were skipped. Nissan is pulling back some cars that were going to dealers to be demos. They are also "pulling back orphans."

As for the Jan/Feb 2011 orders, he said they will get their cars at the end of April.

He also mentioned some of the problems in Japan. He said the paint shop "is pretty much gone," because it was in Northern Japan (non-Nissan he said). He said that Nissan is currently sharing power with Toyota and Honda, which means that their plant is only online 1-2 days per week because of electricity shortages. Finally he said that the Nissan GTR is their priority now, as 90% of them were destroyed in the earthquake. Because the GTRs are only built once per year (and now is that time) they are focusing on those.

So if you had a Sept/Oct order, and you have made some noise, you will probably get a car this time around. If you ordered in November, chances drop a bit. Drop even more for December.
For what it's worth...In response to an email sent to CS last week, I was told that "there are no abandoned cars available". I was trying to straighten out confusion with my PD (the QC option wasn't added in time to my order). Perhaps you have to be very persistent... Oh, the only email I have received from Nissan post-tsunami was regarding donations to Japan, nothing about the car being delayed or on schedule.

Res. 4/20/10
Ord. 10/30/10
Del. May(be) 2011?
derkraut said:
Boomer said:

Ralph, I really feel bad for you and the others that have been skipped over and it appears that continuing to communicate with Nissan is the only recourse you have. The only comment I'd have about your conversation with Kieth is that I don't think it is the fault of people at the port, but the people directing the deliveries at Nissan North America. Of course, changing that aspect of your discussion would have had zero impact on your conversation with Kieth, who is just there to deflect your anger so that Nissan execs don't have to hear it. If you can figure out a way to get in touch with Nissan directly, you folks might stand a chance.

Yo Boomer; I think you should go to work for Nissan CS. Your comments make more sense than most of theirs?? ;) ;) ;) ;)

derkraut, I wouldn't take that job if I were starving! :lol: :lol:
leafkabob said:
Boomer23 said:
If you can figure out a way to get in touch with Nissan directly, you folks might stand a chance.
I spoke with a supervisor today (not Keith) and he stated that the production line in Japan was allocating VINS out of order. He said that Nissan made the decision to NOT pull those vehicles back. He said that they decided that it would create greater problems for them further down the line. He indicated the greater problems would be in delivering cars, not in customer ill-will. He said that he was currrently working to find cars for some of the Sept/Oct orderers that were skipped. Nissan is pulling back some cars that were going to dealers to be demos. They are also "pulling back orphans."

As for the Jan/Feb 2011 orders, he said they will get their cars at the end of April.

He also mentioned some of the problems in Japan. He said the paint shop "is pretty much gone," because it was in Northern Japan (non-Nissan he said). He said that Nissan is currently sharing power with Toyota and Honda, which means that their plant is only online 1-2 days per week because of electricity shortages. Finally he said that the Nissan GTR is their priority now, as 90% of them were destroyed in the earthquake. Because the GTRs are only built once per year (and now is that time) they are focusing on those.

So if you had a Sept/Oct order, and you have made some noise, you will probably get a car this time around. If you ordered in November, chances drop a bit. Drop even more for December.

From everything I've seen and heard, this is the most straightforward and accurate information I've seen here. You Sept, Oct and Nov folks need to be hammering the higher level people at Nissan CS and escalate, escalate, escalate until you get a Nissan person, not a contract marketing person. Tell them your own ordering timeline and situation and see if you can better your own placement.
What is the latest info on who to call, and what phone number (not CS) to call them (almost) directly?

There are many in CA who still want to "Squeek" because it means $5000 to them.
Update to my 3/31 post:

edatoakrun said:
I just got a call from Nissan CS re my 10/1 order, saying I have a May 3 delivery date scheduled. I was told I would get an email/dashboard update within a few days. It was implied that many other Sept/Oct orders will also, and (maybe) I got the call only because I had (twice) "escalated" CS calls.

This has not shown up on my dashboard yet-still "month of May" so not sure if this will correspond to "week of" or a tentative delivery date, when it does. Just wanted to point out there may be some news coming soon, for many.

No change for 5 days so I thought I'd call back-was beginning to harbor paranoid delusions about being punked. Confirmed that "Brian K...." who I spoke to last Tuesday, does work at CS. Was just told that "May 3" is still estimated, but my dashboard update may take "another week or two", and I would get an email when this occurred (though I never have for the earlier changes).

So, I still tend to believe (based on what CS has previously told me) my repeated calls and emails did not accelerate my order, and I am still skeptical as to what I was told about the certainty of "May 3".

Just posting so that others may make their own determination as to whether it's worth the time and effort to contact/harangue Nissan CS, rather than wait for the lottery results to be announced.
With $5,000 at stake, I can muster a lot of artificial angst.
I guess I have to call and make sure that they put me on the Squeaky Wheel list.

Maybe even the "Inflated Beyond Safe Limits" wheel list.
Boomer23 said:
leafkabob said:
I spoke with a supervisor today (not Keith) and he stated that the production line in Japan was allocating VINS out of order. He said that Nissan made the decision to NOT pull those vehicles back. He said that they decided that it would create greater problems for them further down the line. He indicated the greater problems would be in delivering cars, not in customer ill-will. He said that he was currrently working to find cars for some of the Sept/Oct orderers that were skipped. Nissan is pulling back some cars that were going to dealers to be demos. They are also "pulling back orphans."

As for the Jan/Feb 2011 orders, he said they will get their cars at the end of April.

He also mentioned some of the problems in Japan. He said the paint shop "is pretty much gone," because it was in Northern Japan (non-Nissan he said). He said that Nissan is currently sharing power with Toyota and Honda, which means that their plant is only online 1-2 days per week because of electricity shortages. Finally he said that the Nissan GTR is their priority now, as 90% of them were destroyed in the earthquake. Because the GTRs are only built once per year (and now is that time) they are focusing on those.

So if you had a Sept/Oct order, and you have made some noise, you will probably get a car this time around. If you ordered in November, chances drop a bit. Drop even more for December.

From everything I've seen and heard, this is the most straightforward and accurate information I've seen here. You Sept, Oct and Nov folks need to be hammering the higher level people at Nissan CS and escalate, escalate, escalate until you get a Nissan person, not a contract marketing person. Tell them your own ordering timeline and situation and see if you can better your own placement.
I agree, Leafkabob, that the detail in your report sounds very credible. Thanks. It does paint a different picture than the more vague promises ttweed was told by his contact at "Nissan Corporate."

Boomer23, I view your advice as very realistic. However, it appears likely that my car, being a November order, would not have been produced before March 11 (earthquake), even if the Jan/Feb mis-allocation had not occurred. If the paint shop is "gone," it sounds like there are not going to be very many post-earthquake Leafs produced for some time. Lobbying hard to get one of the remaining cars seems contrary to my own personal goal of not wanting to take delivery of a Leaf ahead of anyone who ordered before me.

As I said in another thread, if the delay of my delivery continues, I would be tempted by an offer to have my order moved to the front of the line for the 2012 Leaf model, delivered to me at the 2011 price. Does anyone think I would have any hope getting a favorable response to such a request, if I lobbied hard ?
tbleakne said:
As I said in another thread, if the delay of my delivery continues, I would be tempted by an offer to have my order moved to the front of the line for the 2012 Leaf model, delivered to me at the 2011 price. Does anyone think I would have any hope getting a favorable response to such a request, if I lobbied hard ?

I think that would be a very fair position for Nissan to take. In fact, in light of the delay and that you may get a lower rebate from CA, I think that they should offer a 2012 at 2011 price, LESS a further discount, AND your already agreed upon dealer discount should stand.

I was just discussing this situation with my wife and we think that Nissan should have an executive call all of the Sept, Oct, Nov orders who will be delayed, have a very straightforward conversation about the situation, admit that they made mistakes with order sequencing, LISTEN to your concerns, and then offer an accommodation such as the one I mentioned above.
Boomer23 said:
I was just discussing this situation with my wife and we think that Nissan should have an executive call all of the Sept, Oct, Nov orders who will be delayed, have a very straightforward conversation about the situation, admit that they made mistakes with order sequencing, LISTEN to your concerns, and then offer an accommodation such as the one I mentioned above.
Don't want to sound like a quibbler Boomer, but . . . in my opinion, no 2011 orders should be put ahead of 2010 orders. (Obviously last week of December is not much different from first wee of January, but in my case Dec. 10 is 6+ weeks ahead of the late January orders that are getting VINS and mid-April delivery dates.) So how about they include all 2010 orders. ;)

By the way, I suspect a lot of folks have been waiting to see if they get a VIN before they start complaining. VINS don't seem to be coming as quickly as was expected.
One thing some of you might consider is trying to get an orphan LEAF if your ordered car is delayed indefinitely.

I have no idea whether many dealers are selling orphans at close to MSRP, but you might try that route. I do know that some folks who never reserved or ordered are now driving new LEAFs.

I know, we've all hoped to avoid the "dealer's priority list" model of business and being at the mercy of the dealers. The other side of the coin is that if you could get a LEAF at MSRP and start your electric driving experience sooner, you might be happier. If you are in CA and are looking at maybe getting a reduced rebate if you are pushed into the next year of funding, you might be better off overall.

I don't mean to throw you into a new round of anxiety, just a thought on what I might do if I were in your shoes.
leafkabob said:
Boomer23 said:
I was just discussing this situation with my wife and we think that Nissan should have an executive call all of the Sept, Oct, Nov orders who will be delayed, have a very straightforward conversation about the situation, admit that they made mistakes with order sequencing, LISTEN to your concerns, and then offer an accommodation such as the one I mentioned above.
Don't want to sound like a quibbler Boomer, but . . . in my opinion, no 2011 orders should be put ahead of 2010 orders. (Obviously last week of December is not much different from first wee of January, but in my case Dec. 10 is 6+ weeks ahead of the late January orders that are getting VINS and mid-April delivery dates.) So how about they include all 2010 orders. ;)

By the way, I suspect a lot of folks have been waiting to see if they get a VIN before they start complaining. VINS don't seem to be coming as quickly as was expected.
As altruistic as I am, I have to agree with leafkabob here--it's simply not fair that those of us who followed the process and exhibited such a high level of enthusiasm by reserving on April 20th (and ordering the day our RAQ was opened) are penalized by a clerical mistake.

That being said, I had a very good visit with my PD yesterday (posted in the April deliveries thread) that reassured me that mine will be delivered in April. They were not trying to blow smoke at/into me, but really wanted to help. They clearly did not use the dodge/placate strategy that Nissan CS uses. Whether the PD's prediction comes true remains to be seen but for now my anxiety level is significantly reduced.
There are still early September orders that have not been delivered yet... Things seem very compressed with first week of September orders and December/January orders both scheduled for delivery in the same 6 week period. And then, if someone is in that range and doesn't have a VIN or delivery date I can see how that is beyond frustrating. AS I have said before, this will be a business school case study on how not to roll out a new product. But, in the big picture Nissan really isn't going to suffer any negative PR here since so few people read these types of forums.
gascant said:
leafkabob said:
Don't want to sound like a quibbler Boomer, but . . . in my opinion, no 2011 orders should be put ahead of 2010 orders. (Obviously last week of December is not much different from first wee of January, but in my case Dec. 10 is 6+ weeks ahead of the late January orders that are getting VINS and mid-April delivery dates.) So how about they include all 2010 orders. ;)

By the way, I suspect a lot of folks have been waiting to see if they get a VIN before they start complaining. VINS don't seem to be coming as quickly as was expected.
As altruistic as I am, I have to agree with leafkabob here--it's simply not fair that those of us who followed the process and exhibited such a high level of enthusiasm by reserving on April 20th (and ordering the day our RAQ was opened) are penalized by a clerical mistake.

Absolutely, I understand the frustration and anger and should have included all of the April 20. etc reservers in my comments. I count myself very lucky not to have been caught up in this delay. I'd be so disappointed and beside myself with frustration in your shoes.