SOP - State of Power. Parameter that shows electric grid quality.

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Feb 19, 2017
Kraków, Poland
SOP (State of Power) is a new parameter, calculated and monitored by our electric car chargers (Accelev), starting from 2.12 firmware (update your charger to see SOP).
SOP is intended to be a piece of information about energy grid delivery quality.


Technically SOP depends on the internal resistance of cabling and voltage of your grid. Lower SOP = better grid. Voltage drop per kW of power and starting voltage are used to calculate SOP.
SOP can be:
0-1 = perfect (home cabling and junctions are superconductive, cables are thick)
1-2 = good
2-3 = average
3-4 = bad
4+ = very bad, contact your electrician (losses of energy in cabling exceed 10% of total power; thus, cables are heated).
SOP will be calculated after charging any car for a while.
The charger will monitor SOP and alarm if rapid electric grid degradation occurs - thus it would be an additional ward for your safety.
Please report your home SOP in comments; screenshots are welcome.
I have updated a concept of SOP and added it to the main screen of Accelev EVSE electric car charger.
It looks now like this:


Also, the final method of calculating is below:
The SOP is State of Power (similar to SOC - state of charge, SOH - state of health).
It is displayed at the main screen of Accelev EVSE electric car charger.
It represents the quality and capability of your power source (home grid).
It will alarm you, when your grid may fail or connection is bad (not only at the charger, just whole electric network in house or garage).
The SOP uses an electric car as a load to test the grid under stress and is calculated as:
- (voltage drop per kilowatt charge power)*(250/voltage at the start)
Smaller values = better energy source.
It will change slowly intentionally. But charger will detect an unexpected increase in SOP as potential damage/failure of a network. So chargers will be able to detect ageing of cables, sockets, plugs, bad contact, water penetration in home grid etc.
0-1 perfect
1-2 typical
2-3 bad
3-4 very bad, consult your electrician
4+ do not use this grid for car charging, consult your electrician

My SOP is now 3.1 and it looks bad. Best till now is at one guy with Nissan Leaf in Norway. SOP = 0.5