Range Chart Calculator

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Dec 4, 2015
Littleton, CO
Yesterday I decided to start working on a simple web app that would calculate range based on the parameters in that range chart that's floating around on these forums (found here http://www.mynissanleaf.com/viewtopic.php?t=4295. I was wondering if anyone would find this useful, and if anyone would want to work on giving me feedback/understanding the chart a bit better to make the calculator a bit more functional. Here is my prototype so far, if anyone is interested: http://codepen.io/nicholaswilson/full/PZEdEm/

Also please let me know if I'm duplicating efforts here.


Thank you for all the work you seem to be doing on this topic. I was wondering if this chart is assuming that the driver will drive the car until the battery has run out? (e.g., turtle?). As far as practical mile range calculator, I would want to know my range to the prescribed 20% battery. That is the point that a "responsible" Leaf owner should stop and recharge... Also, the charge in range calculator starts at 100% (true charge) not the "recommended" 80% charge, correct?
inphoenix said:
xboxremote said:
Also please let me know if I'm duplicating efforts here.


Check "Nissan Leaf Range Estimator" on Google Play. I think it is based off of this chart.

Thank you for the info. I don't have an Android phone, so this isn't too useful to me. But it does look like it was based on the chart. It also doesn't look like it's been updated since 2012.
powersurge said:

Thank you for all the work you seem to be doing on this topic. I was wondering if this chart is assuming that the driver will drive the car until the battery has run out? (e.g., turtle?). As far as practical mile range calculator, I would want to know my range to the prescribed 20% battery. That is the point that a "responsible" Leaf owner should stop and recharge... Also, the charge in range calculator starts at 100% (true charge) not the "recommended" 80% charge, correct?

I believe the chart gives mileage until bone-dry (turtle). That's a good idea though having the option to calculate to a minimum of 20%. As far as the max of 80%, at least with my app, you could already type in 80%. However, as a side note, I have heard that the 80% thing was found to be untrue?
