Poll : What is your daily commute ?

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What is your daily round trip commute ?

  • 0-5 Miles

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • 5-20 Miles

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • 20-50 Miles

    Votes: 16 44.4%
  • 50-70 Miles

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • 70-100 Miles

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • > 100 Miles ! Why are you here ?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2010
Seattle, WA
This is a question the Nissan asks while booking Leaf.

So, what is your daily round trip commute ? I hope you answer this correctly - rather than how you may have answered Nissan's question :lol:

On second thoughts, can you also post whether the commute is city/highway etc ?

AndyH said:
Home office - so I'm closer to '0' than '5' ;)

Thats my next poll !

Current mode of commuting - car, walk, bike, mass transit, and specially for you - home office.

BTW, mine is usually 12 miles of city traffic. Once or twice a week it might be up to 30 miles - still mostly city.
With a 77 mile (freeway, often high-speed) trip twice a week, that is just a 22-mile per day average.

However, my "average" is totally misleading and useless in my analysis of my real-usage EV "range" issues.
garygid said:
However, my "average" is totally misleading and useless in my analysis of my real-usage EV "range" issues.

Amigo, there are no Leafs delivered yet, so none of us have range issues. ;)

And if anyone along the I5 corridor - especially those in SoCal - complains about charge infrastructure after January 2011 I'm going to have to make a large potato cannon and start lobbing spuds over Arizona. :p :lol:
I didn't take the poll, because I'm retired and don't commute. That certainly doesn't mean my average distance traveled is zero, though! I've kept a daily driving log for the past six months so I had no problem answering question 3 (average is closer to 20 than to 50). Question 4 had me scratching my head, though:
* short commutes - suburbs to downtown
* congested urban traffic
* long cross-town commutes

None of them fit. My driving is a mix of local suburban and freeway to nearby cities. I would expect others to have problems with that set of choices as well.
planet4ever said:
I would expect others to have problems with that set of choices as well.

As a matter of fact....I did.

First time round I think I chose 'Congested Urban Traffic'. When I changed my car color, I chose 'Short Commutes - Suburbs to Downtown'.

Why? Well, even though I'm on the freeway, it's frequently congested, and I don't really consider 30 miles each way to be more than a 'short commute'. I know some guys who drive in from places like the Antelope Valley and Riverside County - that's what I'd call a 'long commute'.
I drive one way about 38 miles. I am hoping I do not need to charge at work but I am asking around. The building manager said he thought I would be able to and said to buy the car.

I drive all highway and I would be willing to drive at 55 if it meant I did not need charging at work.

The reason I am buying the car is to save money on gas. I drive a ford focus and it get about 30 mpg. But at $3 a gal it cost almost $1500 a year that is money at offset the cost of the car.

If I bought a new car for 15 to19,000 then buy gas over 5 years that is $7,000 making a $19,000 car $26,000 in 5 years so subtract the $7,000 in saving from the leaf price gets you back to $19,000. The more you drive the cheaper the car cost. AND if tax on gas or oil goes up to $4+ because of cap and tax. win win. I have a new solar home and will not have to pay much to charge so its a win again.
garygid said:
What kind of Solar electric system do you have?
How long has it been working?
What are your generation results so far?

Sunpower corp.
I have 24 215 panel for 5.16kwatts.
I get about 34kwatts a day and around 1000kwatts a month.
50 miles round trip for work, but afterwards I can and often do either 1 or 2 additional 10 mile one-way trips which would add 40 at most to the work numbers... thus that becomes 70-90... I am in Indiana so winter heating is an issue and if I do all this, I may need to charge at work too...