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mwalsh said:
LakeLeaf said:
One speculation -
they may feel pressure to delivery *something* in 2010, but already know that they will have to recall those first deliveries, so don't want too many cars out there to be reworked....

Any further speculation on what they might be needing a recall for? Thinking that notion through a bit, surely it could only be for an engineering problem that they don't expect to have a solution for in the near term? Otherwise, why not just fix the few cars they plan on delivering as they go out the door?

Hey Michael,

I figured after we talked this afternoon Michael there was probably a thread rolling on this subject here, and would check it out.

Kind of funny that I had been working a couple days on this, trying to get confirmation before doing a story from Nissan (I hate reporting something out of context...or just flat wrong, they would probably not like that much ether, heeh), and had not heard anthing really. Truth be told, I actually had gotten a 'GM special' -- "stay tuned" which I thought was amusing.

I ended up just saying to Nissan that I was going to roll with the story as I understood it from random PMs back and forth (so they would have a heads up), and Nissan just now responded, which is kind of nice.

Working the piece a little now, but probably won't get it up until later this evening (maybe 10-11 PST)

Just thought I would say that there is nothing so serious as a recall or engineering crisis (huZZah) but they did confirm parts of it.

EDIT: to appease the time cops
Actually, the one "good" news here is that dealers are not getting the demo cars because customers are getting these (until april).
I think that it totally makes sense, as the early adopters (like us), are likely not going to need to go to their dealer to test drive it.
mwalsh said:
Statik said:
Working the piece a little now, but probably won't get it up until later this evening (maybe 10-11 PDT---note the use of PDT for those who hate my use of PST, lol)

Damn! You tease! :p

It is mostly just me being lazy, lol.

I'll put it in the RSS feed right away when I get off my 'patoot' and get it done so it pops up on the "Latest LEAF News" section on the main page, and link it back here as well.
palmermd said:
Statik said:
Working the piece a little now, but probably won't get it up until later this evening (maybe 10-11 PDT---note the use of PDT for those who hate my use of PST, lol)

we're back on standard time by the way.

son of a b...
I hate you. That is all.

just kiddng, (=
mwalsh said:
Ummm...this is quite interesting (disturbing?) - the CVRP link for the LEAF....gone entirely! Now the LEAF is just lumped in with "more vehicles"! :?

When I was at the CVRP workshop Tuesday/Sacramento.. the guy running the meeting said that the Leaf had not been "approved" yet for the rebate, He hoped it would be soon...but it is still pending.
Shades of Aptera.

December is traditionally the month when the EV faithful are disappointed.

I'm beginning to wonder if mankind will ever be able to mass produce a viable electric car.
LTLFTcomposite said:
Shades of Aptera.

December is traditionally the month when the EV faithful are disappointed.

I'm beginning to wonder if mankind will ever be able to mass produce a viable electric car.
LOL. I hope you were not following EEStory last year.
Aptera- Dec, 08, 09,2010, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, after funding, after MM get's a marketing degree, after, after

Zap- a new product each year that is discontinued before it launches, but we have cheap chinese scooters to the moon and press releases to match!

Li-ion, or should I say L-lie'N, warranty sure 10 years 100k miles:)

And for those EVs you can visit ebay and get a milage booster, get um before they are gone. *Resistor life may degrade gradually over time:)
Check your account on We have delivery months all of a sudden! What a coincidence. :lol:

So......anyone actually get December?

mwalsh said:
Check your account on We have delivery months all of a sudden! What a coincidence. :lol:

Mine says Feb ...

estimated delivery date: 
month of February 2011

So anyone with Aug-31 order gets it in Jan and Sep-1 gets it in Feb :shock:
I'm still pending -- I ordered on September 10th.

What's that comic about extrapolation? Let's see -- August 31 = January, September 1 = February.... oh noosss -- I won't see my leaf until November 2011! :) Well... maybe it won't be that bad.

So do the delivery dates mean you car has been sequenced for production?