Letting the Bush tax cuts expire ...

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no kidding! It has taken some extraordinary action to ward off
an actual depression thanks to the excesses of the Bush years.
Does that make any of us happy? No, but it does explain why
the steps were taken.
Quite correct.... the wars were not placed on the budget...
what a great way to hide insane expenses. Obama comes
along and puts EVERYTHING on the ledger and then they
bash him for the numbers.

Amnesia..... the Republican Party's friend.
Deficits are the bitter medicine you need to swallow to get over depression. :lol:

It is unfortunate that some people still swear by a defunct economic theory.
LakeLeaf said:

Ummm... this deficit was brought on by the Iraq wars, the Bush tax cuts, and a little something called the Bush Economic Disaster... all of which happened BEFORE Obama was sworn in. This is a legacy of BUSH's presidency... not Obama's. Bush just royally f'ed everything up and then gave Obama the keys.
mitch672 said:
this already has it's own thread name and is now under "non-leaf discussions", perhaps you havn't paid attention? :)

Actually, direct responses to my EVSE comments are related to the EVSE thread; the off-topic part was any discussion of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 enacted by the 107th Congress and the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 enacted by the 108th Congress and both signed into law by the sitting President.
LakeLeaf said:

Consider your source here! The Heritage Foundation is a right wing think tank with a serious axe to grind with not only the current administration but any Democratic legislature. This graph is definitely published with an agenda behind it, and doesn't necessarily present the whole story, as others have pointed out - wars off budget under Bush; trickle down economics which hasn't worked in nearly 30 years worth of Republican economic theory (yes, even Clinton enacted NAFTA and signed on with the WTO - at least Clinton balanced the budget and got it to a surplus, which Bush very quckly turned into deficit spending). Let the Bush taxes expire! Republicans are running the ol' Two Santa Claus ruse on the American public once again. If you don't know what that is, then simply put - Republicans spend like drunken sailors and cut taxes and then the economy tanks. Then they run a weak candidate (see McCain/Palin) ticket and let the Democratic party win and have to clean up the mess by having to raise taxes and increase spending. Then the Republicans get to complain about how the Democrats are doing this cause they are "tax and spend liberals", which should lead them back into power. They get to be Santa Claus when they are giving tax cuts and increase spending, and then they get to play Santa again when they have to "save" the country from the "tax and spend liberals".
chijayhawker said:
Consider your source here! The Heritage Foundation is a right wing think tank with a serious axe to grind with not only the current administration but any Democratic legislature.

No doubt! Much (the vast majority?) of anti-Obama rhetoric is coming from outside the political process.

Rupert Murdoch's direct contributions to Republican candidates:

Koch's funding and steering the Tea Party and others for their own pro-oil and pro-business agenda:

Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money. Cree Indian Proverb

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