LEAF sales disappointing? Duh, what do you expect?

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Alric said:
I do think there will be a critical mass point when people will feel they are being left behind, or are at a disadvantage by relying on gasoline. The more LEAFs on the road, and the more people start realizing it is not necessary to have a car with a 300 mile range if your commute is 20 miles, the sooner it will happen.

Here in Madison WI LEAFs appear to be selling briskly.
wonder if you know how many sold in WI so far?
LTLFTcomposite said:
the salesman gave me an earful about how they are bad for dealers, they can't sell them, they decided they aren't going to carry them, they think the whole electric thing is going to die.
Hard to believe the Leaf wouldn't be a great success with such enthusiastic dealers. :cry:
SanDust said:
LTLFTcomposite said:
the salesman gave me an earful about how they are bad for dealers, they can't sell them, they decided they aren't going to carry them, they think the whole electric thing is going to die.
Hard to believe the Leaf wouldn't be a great success with such enthusiastic dealers. :cry:
That was the Mitsubishi dealer. Salesman at the Nissan dealer seem to be at least respectful of the product, of course that's probably the first commandment of car sales... if it's on our lot, it's wonderful. (The second commandment no doubt is if it's on someone else's lot, it sucks)
Dealer I bought from was trying to hit their sales goal and they thought they would. Had a white sitting in the show room. Evidently the whites are harder to move than the other colors around here.
LTLFTcomposite said:
SanDust said:
LTLFTcomposite said:
the salesman gave me an earful about how they are bad for dealers, they can't sell them, they decided they aren't going to carry them, they think the whole electric thing is going to die.
Hard to believe the Leaf wouldn't be a great success with such enthusiastic dealers. :cry:
That was the Mitsubishi dealer. Salesman at the Nissan dealer seem to be at least respectful of the product, of course that's probably the first commandment of car sales... if it's on our lot, it's wonderful. (The second commandment no doubt is if it's on someone else's lot, it sucks)
Hard to blame Mitsubishi dealers for having a bad attitude and passing it down to their staff. They were probably promised sales similar to what the Leaf was selling last year and were on board, especially with it being cheaper. Yet, the actual product isn't a Leaf-killer because it really isn't something that American's want and it's ugly. Now, if you're a dealer and you're stuck with them on your lot you're not happy. I don't blame them for being down on it and EV, and it's in their best interest for you to buy a car from their lot and not talk up the competition.

I think Mitsubishi is going to pull the plug on the i-MiEV and the 300 or so on the road will be all the U.S. will see. It's going to be tough to resell one.
7/18/2012 update from Maroone Nissan in Delray:

They now have four Leafs on the lot, all SLs, one black and two silver 2012s and what looks like a somewhat-weathered-looking 2011 demo. Except for the demo they are prominently displayed, one smack in the middle of the showroom and two just in front outside the main entrance.

As I was waiting for my tire rotation I wandered about the showroom, and of course was approached by a salesman as I stood there studying the sticker on the one on the floor. There were no other customers so he didn't seem to mind chatting a bit even after I told him I already had one and was just waiting.

Two bits of information he shared with me: 1) he said he isn't allowed to talk to people about the car because he isn't a Leaf expert, and 2) you have to go to the internet to buy one. Of course I'm not knowledgeable on how to run a dealership sales floor, but wouldn't you want everyone on the sales floor armed with a few talking points, and maybe a small spiff for any salesman who has first customer contact and refers them to a specialist?

Towards the back of the showroom is the customer waiting area, where they had CNN reporting on Israel blaming Iran for the bus bombing.