How do you temper your desire for more Leaf information?

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2010
I don't know about the rest of you, but I am going a little crazy. There are so many questions, and so little answers. Here are the things I do to try and feed my addiction or calm myself down:

  • Check this forum way too much
  • Google "Nissan Leaf" and change it to the "latest" or "past 24 hours" view
  • Remind myself that we have it much better than the Tesla crowd - the Model S was announced way before the Leaf, and I believe they don't even have a solid production start date.
  • Remind myself that the info will be coming - I've been told that Nissan should be mailing us at the end of July about the home assessments, and we've been told that cars will start showing up in December.

So how do you handle your Leaf Addiction?
Checking this forum, the forum, the Leaf Facebook page, and the Nissan EV area of, way too much.

Having a Google Alert for news articles on the "Nissan Leaf", set to deliver notification emails to me on an "as-it-happens" basis.
in addition to the websites, i've been reading these two books:
I've been spending a bit of time following the X Prize. That and hitting the Aptera site and Autoblog Green helps a bit.

I would love some "straight from Nissan" news though. :)

Ok... you guys are reminding me that I'm even worse than I originally thought. Other places I go:
  • Nissan area of
  • searching on "Nissan Leaf" on
  • Nissan's Twitter feed

I don't go to priuschat and teslamotorsclub as often now that I've found this site. I still go though - is there a cure? :D

The books mentioned by trentr made me remember I also have Who Killed The Electric Car in my Netflix queue - maybe I should bump it up to a higher priority.

Gavin said:
I would love some "straight from Nissan" news though. :)
I'm with you... I'm really trying to relax on this front. As frustrating as it is, I feel Nissan has been pretty good with the info so far, and I'm sure more will be coming.
JasonT said:
I don't know about the rest of you, but I am going a little crazy. There are so many questions, and so little answers. Here are the things I do to try and feed my addiction or calm myself down:

  • Check this forum way too much
  • Google "Nissan Leaf" and change it to the "latest" or "past 24 hours" view
  • Remind myself that we have it much better than the Tesla crowd - the Model S was announced way before the Leaf, and I believe they don't even have a solid production start date.
  • Remind myself that the info will be coming - I've been told that Nissan should be mailing us at the end of July about the home assessments, and we've been told that cars will start showing up in December.

So how do you handle your Leaf Addiction?

The Google alert was the way to go ... came across this recent interview with Mark Perry, director of product planning and strategy for Nissan North America, most interesting comments was where the reservation holders were coming from (mention of TX, NC, FL, MA and GA as well of course a lot of interest from the West coast). So we should hopefully get more forum members once they find this site!
I know we will hear something eventually. Unlike most of you, I am avoiding this site for now. It just gets me too excited. I drop by once in a great while to catch up, but for me it is easier to just wait until I know there is something new.

Going quietly nuts, David :lol:
JasonT said:
Ok... you guys are reminding me that I'm even worse than I originally thought. Other places I go:
  • Nissan area of
  • searching on "Nissan Leaf" on
  • Nissan's Twitter feed

Apart from these
- Facebook

and I'm sure I'm missing a few more.