Got my new Leaf!

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Jul 19, 2013
Reidsville, NC
Just got my beautiful red 2013 Leaf SL w QC and the goodies!
Love it! Drives like a dream, feels very solid and "Mercedes-like".
It will work for 90 % of my driving needs, my trusted 2006 Prius will
take care of the rest :)
I am somewhat concerned about the battery issues so I leased.
If there's an issue in 2 years, or something radically better turns up, I'll walk away.
If not I'll be able to buy it out.
Until my workplace gets with the program and installs some chargers I will need to charge to % 100 to make the round trip. But the drive is fairly undemanding and since NC very rarely gets extremely hot I
hope that won't be a problem.

I look forward to joining the Leaf community!

Welcome, congrats on going electric and getting a LEAF! It looks like you have done your homework, and hopefully this will be a smooth journey for you.
apvbguy said:
welcome to LEAF ownership, but thinking it is like a MB is a bit over the top.
After being around EVs (or let's just call them "next generation powertrain" cars) I'm reminded back in about 2002 I think it was, my mom got an expensive top of the line TV at the time, a sony "wega" tube TV with a flat screen. As I recall it cost over $2k and weighed about 300 lbs.

There are a lot of expensive cars in this town, BMWs, Ferraris, Jaguars, you name it, and whenever I see one now I think of that TV. People see those cars are the ultimate, but in reality they are all obsolete technology... the owners and admirers of them just don't have the awareness (more polite than saying they are too stupid) to recognize it.
LTLFTcomposite said:
apvbguy said:
welcome to LEAF ownership, but thinking it is like a MB is a bit over the top.
After being around EVs (or let's just call them "next generation powertrain" cars) I'm reminded back in about 2002 I think it was, my mom got an expensive top of the line TV at the time, a sony "wega" tube TV with a flat screen. As I recall it cost over $2k and weighed about 300 lbs.

There are a lot of expensive cars in this town, BMWs, Ferraris, Jaguars, you name it, and whenever I see one now I think of that TV. People see those cars are the ultimate, but in reality they are all obsolete technology... the owners and admirers of them just don't have the awareness (more polite than saying they are too stupid) to recognize it.
I had one of those 36" in wegas, pronounced vega at the time it was the top, the state of the art and I was lucky that I was able to sell it for about $500 to make room for a 50 inch plasma, which I still have and use.
I don't think the ICE cars are on the verge of disappearing anytime soon, at least not until a sub $25k EV with a range of 150-200 miles and a battery that will outlast most of the other components of the car becomes available from more than one manufacturer
LTLFTcomposite said:
apvbguy said:
welcome to LEAF ownership, but thinking it is like a MB is a bit over the top.
After being around EVs (or let's just call them "next generation powertrain" cars) I'm reminded back in about 2002 I think it was, my mom got an expensive top of the line TV at the time, a sony "wega" tube TV with a flat screen. As I recall it cost over $2k and weighed about 300 lbs.

There are a lot of expensive cars in this town, BMWs, Ferraris, Jaguars, you name it, and whenever I see one now I think of that TV. People see those cars are the ultimate, but in reality they are all obsolete technology... the owners and admirers of them just don't have the awareness (more polite than saying they are too stupid) to recognize it.

I think a lot of folks are starting to recognize it. They learn about a Tesla and it's sort of like those early flat-panel HD TVs. Way too expensive, but they'd sure like to have one!
And even bigger grin!
Just got my upgraded EVSE - a one day turnaround!
Plugged in to the dryer outlet, car charged from 6 % to
100 % I'm 4.45 hrs!
What's not to love!
I just picked up my second LEAF today, a 2013 white SL to replace my silver SV that was totaled last week. My lease payments are still high compared to others on this forum, but the monthly payment is $125 less than I was paying on the SV.
I just leased my new 2012 Burgundy (Cayenne Red) LEAF from Maple Nissan in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada.

I've been driving several Prius' over the Past 10 years, including two modified Prius' with a Hymotion L5 Battery Pack under the trunk floor and plugging them in every night for 30 miles of more than 100 MPG driving every day. So, I already am aware of really smooth, quiet EV driving.

But, Wow! I've never experienced such ultra smooth, ultra quiet, ultra vibration-free and ultra fast driving as I've experienced over the past few days with totally All-electric driving. It's difficult to put into words ... you really have to experience it to comprehend the ultra joy of driving a silent, powerful EV.

Only negative is that I will miss all of the storage space of the Prius.
Dress rehearsal over, today was opening curtain.
To work, park 2 day and then home. 67 miles total.
Then a few errands on the way, + 8 = 75 miles.
About 88 F average, AC on Auto at a comfortable 72 F.
When pulling in to the driveway 15 miles left of 100 % charge.
Speed limit.
GOM surprisingly accurate once a few miles in to the drive.

MyLeaf passes with flying colors :)

No, probably won't work come winter - but by then should have charging options
installed at work!

i am still a big fan and at 28k miles later.
still 12 bars.
still smiling when i plug in.
still love the silence.
really love the torque. point and shoot.