General Charging Questions (looking also for advice)

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Shaka said:
vrwl said:
One thing you may not know... ECO mode reduces the output of your cabin heater, so if you're looking for heat while you're driving, either set the temp to 90 degrees if you're driving in ECO or switch to D and set at a lower temp. (I just found out this fact recently myself.)

I had known the A/C was reduced output by the ECO mode but was unaware of the HEAT also being reduced until reading that actually in another thread earlier tonight. This is good info to know, as the low temp this weekend one night is supposed to be 7-deg F, and the high that same day in the mid-teens. So yeah, some cold weather is coming.

My garage has a heater, but I usually let it go down to 40-45-deg-F as that seems reasonable for a garage and keeps things warm enough to melt the snow off the cars, etc. However, I may use the heater in the car on the really cold days just to make things more efficient. And on those days that I'll be leaving work in below-freezing temps, I wish the auto-climate-control worked when not plugged in as I don't have a plug-in spot at work sadly.

As much as I love ECO mode, I kind of wish the heater wasn't affected and only the A/C ... because I can deal with sweating ... but I hate extreme cold!

I will sometimes drive around in D for a few minutes to let the heat crank for until the heater gets warm. This gets the car heated up fairly quickly. Then I switch back to my normal ECO mode which lowers the heater power.
Charging question: I'm using the method of setting the charge timer to always be on, and always charge to 80%, with the option of charging to 100% if I use carwings or the override button. This works great, but the car now starts to charge when it falls to 79% or so, stopping again at 80%. This happens once a day. *I* don't have a problem with this, and it may even help the accessory battery, but is this going to get me a black mark with Nissan, through the data reporting system, because I'm "topping off" often?