Ford Focus 110 MPGe rating, topping LEAF?

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TomT said:
With the questions over QC standards and the foreseeable scarcity of QC stations, Ford's decision does seem to make just a little more sense that Nissan's...

Maybe, if they only plan to sell it in the US. Over here, QC stations are much more plentiful. I have at least 5 of them within the Leafs range, that number should more than double by the end of this year (probably will triple).

And all our public AC charging spots are 3.7kW (230V 16A) only, so no use for a 6.6kW charger away from home. At home I have no need for more than 3.3kW.
ttweed said:
The complexity of the thermal management system looks like a maintenance nightmare to me, and the quality of the fittings seemed run-of-the mill, at best.

I even see a coathanger wire there!
TomT said:
With the questions over QC standards and the foreseeable scarcity of QC stations, Ford's decision does seem to make just a little more sense that Nissan's...
That is a very short sighted view esp. if someone buys the car. It is going to be end of this year before people can buy this in any numbers. Even if QC network takes 2 more years - it would still be useful. With all the problems we are having with QC (given free funds !) can you imagine getting another QC network of SAE chargers that Ford etc are apparently waiting for ?!

Forget FFE, I won't buy Model S because they aren't (yet) supporting CHAdeMO.