Driving my wife insane - auto sort nav results?

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2012
So we search for a restaurant, say SWEET TOMATOES. (That's SouPlantation to some of you ;) )

It starts showing a list of them. Except nothing near me. Always starting with Tucson, AZ. (I'm in the Denver, CO area). We have to wait for more than a page of results to populate before the word SORT BY DISTANCE is available, which does what we want and shows them in descending order by distance, closest first.

Can this be fixed? Why the !@# is it always showing us results sorted by state alphabetically for god's sake?
It's a bad system, it is 10 years outdated. One would think in a EV you should start a destination in the same state not another. Not that a NAV is important in an EV.
wantonsoup said:
Not that a NAV is important in an EV.
Why? You've got all 950,000 places within the driving range memorized? ;)

To me having the nav in this car wasn't a make or break thing because for my needs the nav isn't necessary.
my usage of the LEAF is in a very limited local range.
the only thing a nav would be necessary for would be to find a specific address, which I can usually do on the 'puter with maps.com before venturing onto the roads or if I have to via an app on the phone if I get lost en route.
In L.A., with all the arcane places i have to go on a regular basis and which are in range, I find it invaluable! That said, compared to our ICE, the Leaf nav is crap!

Not that a NAV is important in an EV.
TomT said:
In L.A., with all the arcane places i have to go on a regular basis and which are in range, I find it invaluable! That said, compared to our ICE, the Leaf nav is crap!
Compared to my ancient Garmin C340, the LEAF nav is crap. ;)
As discussed infinitum, ALL the Nissan built-in navigation systems provided I think by Clarion are very poor. Nissan should buy better built-in navigation.
My 2011 LEAF navigation in general is a bit better than my 2009 Altima navigation, in that it does usually know which side of the street the destination is on and is a bit more precise than the 2009 Altima.
The Altima navigation will tell you that you have arrived when you're >1/4 mile from your destination and never has any information about which side of the street.
But the voice commands on the 2009 are a bit better than 2011 LEAF, but still abysmal.
Clarion should be ashamed of themselves for the completely useless voice command design of the 2011 LEAF navigation system.
Amazingly pathetic.
But I do still find the built-in navigation useful. In a LEAF you don't have much range to waste driving around looking for something. The navigation does usually get you where you're going.
wantonsoup said:
... snip... SORT BY DISTANCE is available,
which does what we want and shows them in descending order by distance,
closest first.
.... snip....
Good point, the Nav mostly does the job,
and even does it fairly quickly,
except in the many areas without full coverage.

In general, when one adapts to its "features", it is quite useful.
But agreed, many details could be improved.