Driver's side auto window question.

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Apr 1, 2014
Los Angeles, CA
On the Leaf is the driver's side auto down and auto up? I can't remember if pushing the up automatically goes all the way. I've noticed recently on mine that it's only auto down. On my 03' 350z it's both ways.

I've had my car for 5 months and 2 weeks and have already racked up 18,700 miles!!
marcomendoza said:
On the Leaf is the driver's side auto down and auto up? I can't remember if pushing the up automatically goes all the way. I've noticed recently on mine that it's only auto down. On my 03' 350z it's both ways.

I've had my car for 5 months and 2 weeks and have already racked up 18,700 miles!!

If auto-up stopped working, hold auto-up for 3 seconds and it will reset it.