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dhwhat said:
Wow does it cost a lot to repair a Leaf...or worse...GET PARTS!!!!! I had the typical accident...stupid people on the interstate stop for nothing and then the change accident happens. This happen Oct 13 and we still are not sure when the parts will be in.

First it was the main battery cable, only to find out they were national back order with no expected delivery dates. Along with hood latch and several other basic parts. Guess being a new version, there are no stock parts and everything seems to be back ordered. And yes, I took it back to the dealer's shop for them to fix and repair.

Oh, and by the way...each headlight is $986.00. Yes I said each, thank God I have insurance.....

I guess now I get to find out how expensive this is. I had my nose sticking out into the road waiting for traffic and someone did not see me there...after dozens passed already. It is a single lane road with width enough for two lanes and the only way to really see is to stick your nose out a bit, and there is plenty of room to go by. Anyhow she barely clipped the nose of the car, but pretty much totaled it and did almost no damage to her own car. It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out with the insurance and the repairs. I need two of those $1000 headlights and radiators and bumpers and at least one fender. I drove the car home afterward, but it was dark by the time I got home so I've not had time to really get in there and assess the damage. Tomorrow should be interesting.
Here is the result...



Doesn't look like a "total" to me, from the few photos, but it certainly will be expensive.

BTW, one (small) factor in my recent decision to buy-out my lease, was so that in a "total" loss accident, I would have the option to buy my LEAF at the "salvage" price.

I wasn't thinking about a Nismo front mod, though.

I was thinking of a being rear-ended, and as a result of some creative body modifications, having the first LEAF pick-up truck....
MrIanB said:
Easy, cell phone or texting.

Take your pick.

Ian B

I don't know for sure if she was talking on the phone when she hit me, but afterward, as soon as I asked my wife if she was ok and I looked at the driver of the other car, I noticed that she was on the phone with someone. Hard to believe she made a call to someone that fast.
LakeLeaf said:
MrIanB said:
Bassman said:
How can somebody miss seeing a white car? Sorry to hear about it Michael. :( Hope the repairs go quickly and smoothly.

Easy, cell phone or texting.

Take your pick.

or just a plane old crappy driver!

"Plain" not "plane" :) don't give us flyboys and our aeroplanes a bad name :)


PS .. Sorry about that, I am not a spelling nazi, but just HAD to do the pun ... my fingers took over and I couldn't stop them! Wait, Stop! the right index is trying to go in my nose now ! >.... Aiiiiii!
Well, I feel like my car is in good hands. We'll see what they come up with as for cost. I had my car towed to a local body shop that has a good reputation for good work. They are a certified MBZ, BMW and Jaguar repair and they are also the only body shop around here with certification in aluminum body work. When I called them on Friday to discuss it, I was passed to the GM who was excited to talk about working on the Leaf, but he admitted that they had not worked on one before (not surprising). I had the car towed there today and I was greeted by the owner, the GM and the lead estimator. They all seemed excited to be working on a car that was different.

Estimator said I'd probably hear something tomorrow regarding the estimate for repairs. I'll be very interested in the estimate. As we looked over the damage today we can see there is lots of items in need of replacement.
Also, I'd be interested in hearing from dhwhat from the original post. He indicated that he had been waiting for 5-6 weeks for parts on his repair, and was getting frustrated with the car ownership. He has since not posted. I'm curious if he sold the car and left us after his repair was complete, or if he is still waiting for parts. I'm hoping I don't have to be without the car for two months.
Got the rough estimate over the phone. Just over the $10k mark. I'll get the detailed estimate with a time estimate soon, I hope.

That's with the frame extensions and bumper doing their job properly. Fortunately the frame is not damaged. The aluminum bumper was pushed directly along its axis and the frame extensions bent and broke free from the main frame. No damage to the cooling systems and such, but lots of little frame pieces were bent and almost every plastic piece was broken. Headlights need to be replaced at $700 each. Saved $300 because its only the housing that needs to be replaced and the internals are still ok. I forgot to ask about the hood, but it looked ok, but the hinges needed replacing for sure. Driver fender was untouched, and the passenger fender got pushed by the headlight and bent it. Bumper cover pushed driver headlight which pushed the hood which pushed the passenger headlight which pushed the passenger fender. Vertical edges on headlights made it easy to transfer the energy. If they were flush like other cars, the panels would have gone over the top and not done as much damage (possibly...just a theory).

Remember: if there is any reason they have to bake the whole car (like to repaint) you may have to pull and protect the battery. I suspect a lot of people are going to forget that as more accidents occur.
Since it is only one bumper cover and one fender, I think they are going to paint them off the car, but I'll ask to make sure. We already talked about the bumper cover and how it being plastic and painted off car it wont be a perfect match. I told him I knew that the covers would not really match, and they don't match coming from Nissan either.
