Do not buy Costco bright yellow microfibers

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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2012
A huge pack of yellow micro fiber cloths have micro scratched the entire car. Stay away from these" onclick=";return false;
Mauileaf said:
A huge pack of yellow micro fiber cloths have micro scratched the entire car. Stay away from these" onclick=";return false;
I've used these micro fiber cloths on my LEAF for over a year without issue. Are you sure your bucket didn't have dirt in it?
I used them dry right out of the package (scratches the inside plastic molding as well!), with Mother's wax and just water. Washed and dried and still gives me scratches! What a pain to the already thinning paint Nissan provides. I still enjoy driving it very much! And it got it's first QC today with interested bystanders.

Sorry, can't prove it because it won't come out in the of those things that you have to see "in the light."
I too use those all the time with no issue. Have for years. I agree, either your got a contaminated batch or somehow contaminated them yourself. Microfiber cloths are notorious for holding grime, but these are so cheap I usually treat them as disposable and pull a fresh one for sensitive jobs. That said, I'm sorry to hear your scratched your car! :eek:
I too have had no problem with them. I use them only once for buffing after waxing. I use them over and over for drying, but I do wash them separate from everything else. If one of them hits the ground I only use it on other cars.
I just waxed my Leaf this weekend with those microfiber towels from Costco. No problem with scratches. I've used them for over a year without any problems.
I thought these would be great with my ocean blue. Maybe it's a lighter tint so the streaks get in? Who knows. This thread is done.