Delivery date : Saturday december 11th

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WWBD, Do you have any information on Ecotality assessments? I`m in San Diego and have a January order date. My Ecotality status is "pending". My installation is easy. 400 AMP panel in garage with avaiable slots is 4 to 5 feet from charger installation point. I have spoken with the local Ecotality people who are very cordial but I can`t get them to inspect an obvious easy installation. I am very concerned that my dashboard will not open until the "pending" issue is resolved.
Their priority is still the November order dates.
After that, guess what, those with a December Order-Month will get priority. THEN, you can expect some action.

Recently, the enabling of orders seem to be bunched near the END of the order month. Be patient.

Even those who are willing to pay (not getting "free" EVSEs) are having to wait.
Garygid, thank you for your thoughtful response. My problem is that we have done without a second car for several months now. My wife has been willing to wait without a car and endure the inconvienance because we both feel strongly that our Country needs to become less dependent on oil. But, the wait is starting to get to her patience and each delay wears her down. That is why I am trying to do everthing I can to move things along.

Perhaps I should cancel the request for a free charger and ask Nissan for a charger waiver. That way my dashboard will open on time. What do you think?
stanley said:
Garygid, thank you for your thoughtful response. My problem is that we have done without a second car for several months now. My wife has been willing to wait without a car and endure the inconvienance because we both feel strongly that our Country needs to become less dependent on oil. But, the wait is starting to get to her patience and each delay wears her down. That is why I am trying to do everthing I can to move things along.

Perhaps I should cancel the request for a free charger and ask Nissan for a charger waiver. That way my dashboard will open on time. What do you think?

The answer to your problems: jewelry.
stanley said:
Perhaps I should cancel the request for a free charger and ask Nissan for a charger waiver. That way my dashboard will open on time. What do you think?

NO! But my goodness, Stanley, that is one of the easiest installs I've read. A few feet of Armored conduit with a 3-wire 20A run and mounting of the unit is like cake compared to my install.

But I think these Ecotality issues aren't holding orders back. Yes, they want day-one info but I don't think they're going to give your car away because Ecotality couldn't play ball. Put another way, say the Blink charger retails for $500 or so; can your wife use a portion of that savings to make the wait easier, such as the occasional rent or taxi?

Speaking as someone about to drop >$4k on his EVSE install, I say get the gift and tell The EV Project folks how you're helping to make the LEAF the envy of all other drivers.

That's just my 2¢.
I do not think that there is anything you can do to SPEED your December order or the eventual delivery.

But, call Nissan's LEAF CS at 1-877-664-2738 and ask that the "AV waiver" be enabled on your account, then it is unlikely that either EVProject or AV EVSE issues will DELAY your ordering.

Have you picked a PD and negotiated a sale price yet. If not, do that.

Buy a $400 car for transport for the next 5 or so months?
Get her favorite color?

The actuall INSTALL of the EVSE will not delay getting the LEAF.
I know it doesn't really add anything to the discourse to post this comment, but I have to say, after years of farting around with message boards, Aptera-watching-and-waiting, deposits and what not, the idea that we might only be 12 days away from retail deliveries of a production EV from a major manufacturer is quite remarkable.

(nearly as remarkable as me showhorning all that into a single awkward sentence)
LTLFTcomposite said:
the idea that we might only be 12 days away from retail deliveries of a production EV from a major manufacturer is quite remarkable.

It will be quite interesting to see what is actually delivered to Gudy.

Will it really be a "production car" or will it be another custom built car? Perhaps we will be able to tell from the VIN - but Nissan is smart enough to probably put a production VIN number on the car regardless of how it actually is assembled.

Will it really be a "retail delivery"? With the lack of ships sailing from Oppama to the US, maybe they are air freighting this to Gudy just to make a statement that the Leaf has arrived (although one wonders what type of statement would be made if the first consumer EV was air freighted!)
I suspect that the car is already here and that the 30 or so members of Nissan`s fast action team are going over the car and other Leafs that will be delivered in December very closely. There is too much at stake for Nissan to not do this.
LakeLeaf said:
It will be quite interesting to see what is actually delivered to Gudy.

Will it really be a "production car" or will it be another custom built car? Perhaps we will be able to tell from the VIN - but Nissan is smart enough to probably put a production VIN number on the car regardless of how it actually is assembled.

Will it really be a "retail delivery"? With the lack of ships sailing from Oppama to the US, maybe they are air freighting this to Gudy just to make a statement that the Leaf has arrived (although one wonders what type of statement would be made if the first consumer EV was air freighted!)

I suppose anything is possible, but I find it hard to believe what is being delivered to Joe Schmo retail customer (with all due respect to Mr Gudy) would be any sort of custom built anything. Nissan knows how to run a production line, and they showed some pretty impressive videos of battery packs being mass produced a couple months ago. You'd think by now something operable would have rolled off the line.

Yeah, air freight an EV... that would be pretty funny. Can you say "monster carbon footprint" ?

I guess the real "tell" will be what happens after the 11th... do they keep trickling out or is one car it for a while. 100 cars in December to retail customers isn't a huge number, but enough to start generating some real world user experience reports.
LTLFTcomposite said:
Nissan knows how to run a production line, and they showed some pretty impressive videos of battery packs being mass produced a couple months ago. You'd think by now something operable would have rolled off the line.

Is the first car being delivered in the U.S. or have Japanese deliveries already started?
It's surprising to me that we haven't heard anything from Japan. OK, sure, so we wouldn't be a native language site for them, but I would have thought we'd have had at least had one or two English speaking Japanese LEAF enthusiasts dropping by to say "Hi!".
DarkStar said:
Except that there aren't any Blink EVSEs available yet... :( Here in Oregon, nobody that is an EV Project participant has anything other than "Pending" in our dashboards, no month, nothing...

Not true, I have a Jan 2011 date that has been there since the new fancy yellow 'congratulations! we are getting your Nissan LEAF™ ready for delivery.' banner went up a couple weeks ago.

Hoping that I get a call from them soon to install though as November is fast disappearing!
jhm614 said:
LTLFTcomposite said:
Nissan knows how to run a production line, and they showed some pretty impressive videos of battery packs being mass produced a couple months ago. You'd think by now something operable would have rolled off the line.

Is the first car being delivered in the U.S. or have Japanese deliveries already started?

In Gudy's OP he says that Mark Perry told him the delivery would be the first in the world.

Gudy said:
Just got off the phone with Mark Perry and someone else (didn't catch her name, but she's in public relations).
They confirmed that I'm the first order in the US, and that my Leaf will be the 1st one delivered in the world.
They're planning for december 11th, asked me if I was ok with having the press there.
mwalsh said:
It's surprising to me that we haven't heard anything from Japan. OK, sure, so we wouldn't be a native language site for them, but I would have thought we'd have had at least had one or two English speaking Japanese LEAF enthusiasts dropping by to say "Hi!".

Surprising to me as well. There are at least a couple of folks in Japan who are active on the Prius Chat forums so I'm pretty sure they get the Internet over there. :D
WWBD said:
garygid said:
If your LEAF was "sequenced" for production over 2 months ago, it is unlikely that Nissan will let it sit in some parking lot in Japan waiting for you to get an EVSE installed.
It seems more likely that it will be arriving as scheduled back then, like the old "Here it Comes, Ready or Not". :D

This is sort of a fanciful notion of how the production/delivery process works. None of the cars are marked as yours or mine. What would have originally been my car is going to be sold in Japan in the next couple of weeks because the exchange rate isn't working in the U.S.'s favor at the moment. It's a very fluid situation. . . . . . . . . snip
Um ... fluid?
I guess I didn't realize how fluid. I guess there must be a special "removable stearing column" ... so the left had drives can be switched to right. Wow . . . I wonder if you can even do that while driving . . . . yea . . . now THAT's fluid.

turbo2ltr said:
None of the cars are marked as yours or mine.

So you are saying they will find someone else that ordered a LHD silver SL-e with no options and deliver it to them? I highly doubt it.

Since some of the options offered - such as the QC port - can't be dealer installed, doesn't that imply that installation is integrated into the assembly process somewhere - rather then installed after the car leaves the line? I'd tend to guess with Turbo that the cars are sequenced for the individual orders.