Dealership Gouging for Orphan Leafs

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thankyouOB said:
The dealers who are gouging are opportunistic and greedy. What's their vision?

You say that like its a bad thing. I am sure the dealer made a risk/benefits calculation when he priced his car.. something like this: I can make $15k right now, or I can make $1000 thru the standard msrp profit, then Joe customer will be very happy and buy 15 more cars from me in the future and tells all his friends about it, plus he will come back and get all his service done here..

I think the "charge all the market would bear" wins here, most people expect to pay msrp or less and think nothing of the losses this dealer went thru for him, and we know dealers wont be making much money from maintenance on electric cars and so on. Negative publicity?, there will be none.. no one will admit to their friends/family that they paid a $15k premium for a Leaf.

Do you go back to that dealer that sold you a previous car at msrp or less to buy more cars?, do you get your service done there or at Sears?.. or do you shop around and haggle to get the best deal?.. I know several people like the former, guess what?.. they get treated very nicely by their dealers.
Herm said:
It has always bothered, since I was a teenager, to hear talk of dealers gouging the car buyer.. it is so hypocritical and I got into many heated discussions with friends about it. Yes, I did write the White House when I was a teen and requested a picture of Reagan, they sent me two, signed.. and to this day I have them framed up and on the wall. So many hypocrites in the world. I have mellowed with age and I dont get steamed about it anymore, feel free to complain about dealer gouging :)


Yep, that Ronny was a real wiz!


promised lower taxes... then raised them all while running up a huge debt.......

hard to believe gouging car dealers (even ones hiking the car price by 10k) become the heroes to some folks here, and the manufacturer gets to be the bum.

hard to figure how you great free market heroes compute to get that answer.

Herm said:
Jimmydreams said:
Can I complain about that picture? I was eating dinner. You should have put up a warning or something..... :lol:
(but really, what does RR have to do with the discussion?)

I was just sharing, the subject of gouging brought back my teenager passions... I was very happy when I got those pictures. Would Reagan have supported tax credits for electric cars?, maybe, tax credits are good since they reduce the tax load on those that actually pay taxes.. the very essence of a regressive tax. Then again it is free government money and you know where government gets their money from.

Regarding dealer "gouging", from mild to worst:

1. The person that believes that is anti-capitalistic, a communist liberal wacko, a 60s hippie.
2. Just does not understand basic economics, maybe a combo of ignorance or stupidity?
3. Has zero empathy for other people, its just me, me, me
4. Perhaps such a person makes his living off the tax payer and thus suffers from cognitive dissonance.. lots of people in that camp.
4. A hypocrite
I find it odd that GM is getting lots of flak from the press for dealers jacking up the price of orphaned Volts, yet I haven't seen any articles about Nissan dealers doing the same thing with orphaned LEAFs. Have any of you?

At any rate, I was in the Sacramento area last week, and happened to stop by Future Nissan of Roseville. They had three SL model LEAFs there: one that they use as a demo (white), and two orphans for sale (red and white). My wife and I test drove the white ones, and she was impressed. We were almost tempted to make an offer and have them flatbed the vehicle to our state, but... the orphans had dealer stickers for an "added fee" of $5,995. Ouch. Too rich for my blood.

At any rate, if other forum members live in the Sacramento area, and don't mind paying that much more over MSRP, they might want to give Future Nissan a call.
Yanquetino said:
I find it odd that GM is getting lots of flak from the press for dealers jacking up the price of orphaned Volts, yet I haven't seen any articles about Nissan dealers doing the same thing with orphaned LEAFs. Have any of you?

A Nissan dealer can only gouge an orphaned Leaf, of which there aren't that many. It's the exception to the rule.

GM dealers can gouge EVERY Volt they can get their hands of, which make it the rule, rather than the exception. That's why they get more press about it....they're simply doing it to a larger number of cars.
Power Nissan in Tempe told me they have two 'orphans' (Glacier Pearl) for sale and they will only charge MSRP. Randy Jacobs is the fairly new GM and I thanked him for not asking more than MSRP when a lot of dealers are charging $5K or more extra.