Consumer Reports says windows down does not effect mpg

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I'm sure more energy is consumed with AC and windows up than with no AC and windows down at the speeds I typically drive, but I haven't noticed a clear difference. If it's nice out, windows are down. If it's hot or humid, windows are up and AC is on. I don't fret too much over energy consumption because no matter how inefficient my LEAF is, it's still cheaper to operate than hypermiling my gas car.
I saw the episode of MythBusters where they tested fuel consumption of a boxy American car with the windows up running AC at low, medium, and high speed, and then again with windows down and no AC. The break-even point was about 45 mph, which is about as fast as I would be willing to leave the windows down anyway. On a low-drag vehicle like the Leaf, the break-even point is probably at a lower speed.

In terms of comfort I prefer to have the AC going. It's quieter, more private, and a lot less dust/pollen gets inside the car. And there's the wind-blown hair factor. If I park in the sunlight, I'll open the windows for a minute and blast out the hot air while the AC is getting up to speed.

It would be interesting to see an actual test on a Leaf at 20, 40, and 60 mph.

MaxPower said:
In terms of comfort I prefer to have the AC going. It's quieter, more private, and a lot less dust/pollen gets inside the car....

When you haul around a 155-lb Mastiff, leaving windows open is an opportunity to REDUCE the DHPSI (dog hairs per square inch). :p
Nubo said:
MaxPower said:
In terms of comfort I prefer to have the AC going. It's quieter, more private, and a lot less dust/pollen gets inside the car....

When you haul around a 155-lb Mastiff, leaving windows open is an opportunity to REDUCE the DHPSI (dog hairs per square inch). :p

I bet you get to ingest a few of them as well, reducing the count even further :)