Celebration ? First In The World Delivery of a Nissan LEAF

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mitch672 said:
I wonder if the governator himself will be there?

I guess the good news is he's converted three of his four Hummers to alternate fuels:


The governor, seeking the votes of green-minded Californians, championed fuel efficiency and
began converting his Hummers to run on alternative fuels. (He currently has four Hummers, three
of which run on vegetable oil, biodiesel and hydrogen, respectively, according to a spokesman.) By
the end of his first term, Schwarzenegger was regularly being photographed with smaller,
environmentally friendly vehicles and championing climate-change regulations.


This is what I call a "girly car..." It's a good thing I don't fit... I can't drive a girly car.

More at the Washington Post. It reads kind of like the GM EV1-Volt story.
Oh yes, the times they are a changin'.
Petaluma to Redwood City is only 64 miles. Shouldn't have any issues with stopping in SF especially since you'll likely be there for at least an hour - or another 10 mi of range.

So I would suggest - drive it like a regular car and let us know how it does. :)
Jimmydreams said:
MaryC said:
The weather is supposed to be very sunny and clear Saturday. I suspect they might use Crissy Field for that iconic shot with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. That is only my guess on where to have the ceremony.

I can just see it now....

"Ok, Gudy, let's get a shot of you driving away. Just go out a little and come back in case we need to shoot it again."
"Let's do that again, the light wasn't right."
"CUT! Again, sound wasn't rolling!"
"Cut, one more time please, and this time, use your turn signal."


At days end, everyone wraps up and get's ready to leave...then and ONLY then does Gudy realize that he doesn't have enough juice to get home. HAHAHAHAH Ok, so I'm evil.
:mrgreen: :twisted:

Well, thank God Nissan didn't decide to deliver the first one in Buffalo, Syracuse, or Cleveland. It just wouldn't look right putting on chains/snow tires and following a snowplow. :eek: :lol:
Gudys upcomming delivery made green.autoblog.com....

derkraut said:
Well, thank God Nissan didn't decide to deliver the first one in Buffalo, Syracuse, or Cleveland. It just wouldn't look right putting on chains/snow tires and following a snowplow. :eek: :lol:

If they wanted real snow as a backdrop, they don't even have to look past the initial roll-out state, only about 180 miles east of Gudy. :D
Wish I could be there.
It is a "once in a lifetime" transportation event.

Hopefully somebody will get good pictures and a "real" video, just as it actually happened.

The "Candid" EV DVD.
It Can be done, and they Did do it.

I would buy a DVD or DVD-DL.
Gudy: How are you getting from home to Petaluma ? Trade-In ( your bicycle :lol: ) ? Nissan picking you up in a limo ? :cool: Need a ride ?

I assume you've got everything pre-arranged to minimize paperwork delays :roll: at the dealer ?

Now if only CCSE had that LEAF link enabled before Saturday ! I notice the Smart ED is now enabled ! Why not the LEAF :?
Well, along with the speculation, occasional real info,
general excitement, and specific frenzy, a bit of "levity" ...
or perhaps old-timer's "insanity"? ;)

Sorry, New-GM, if I offended you too much.
(Oh, I forgot, one cannot offend GM TOO much.) :D :D :D
They should be picking up Gudy in a not-black non-production corporate LEAF (split one off from the Electric Tours or whatever). Drive him to Petaluma (about 69 miles), charge for one hour (+12) during the ceremony while he gets his LEAF, then follow him to SF City Hall (42 miles) for the next event (also with charging).

Voila ! 99 miles on a full charge ! And a "real" 111 miles with a short stop over.

Hybrid Nissan ... ok ... but shouldn't Nissan go ZeroEmissions on this First Delivery ???