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dgpcolorado said:
pkulak said:
Selfishly, I'd rather Nissan never made another Leaf without the QC port; having cars that can use it helps the infrastructure rollout.
If it didn't raise the price I guess I wouldn't object. But with the nearest QC station 300 miles away a DCFC port certainly has no utility here, nor is that likely to change anytime soon. And with all the tales of woe about malfunctioning QC stations in other threads, can they really be relied on when they do exist?

On the other hand, the 6.0 kW OBC would be a big help. Making that standard would be more useful around here.

I see your point, and felt the same way until the QCs started arriving on the front range late this winter. Since even Pueblo has one now (but not, alas, backwoods Colorado Springs) it may not be too long until you see one in Montrose and Gd Jct.
cgaydos said:
... Since even Pueblo has one now (but not, alas, backwoods Colorado Springs) it may not be too long until you see one in Montrose and Gd Jct.
Unlikely, since the first public L2 station only appeared in May (I got to add it to plugshare :) ). The distances are too great and the population too low to support uber-expensive DCFC stations. I expect them to be overtaken by larger battery options on future EVs. Or, perhaps, the Tesla Supercharger model: much faster, many chargers at each location, more reliable, and intended for long distance highway travel, as opposed to extended urban travel. (But I don't suppose my crystal ball is any better than that of anyone else.)