Battery temperature-6 bars at ~60 degrees F weather. Normal?

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Sep 18, 2013
Apologies in advance if this should be in a different thread (checked but couldn't find another thread addressing the question)...

Been driving the Leaf little over 600 miles now and have only seen a 5 bar battery temperature reading once very briefly for a few minutes. Other than that, I've always been at 6 bars.
In the afternoons, I'm driving back in ~70-80 degree most of the time so I expect 6 bars.
But in the mornings, I'm driving at around 5:00am and the outside temperatures is in the 60s. The car is always in a garage, both at home and at work. The car is not being charged right before I start driving.
Shouldn't I be expecting a 5 bar battery temperature reading in the morning? Or is 6 bars normal for you? This is in OC/LA area of socal. Thanks.
1. Park the car outside after the sun goes down. The night breeze will help cool the battery pack.

2. Get the LEAF Spy app so that you can see what the battery temp really is." onclick=";return false;
Great feedback all. Thx. Might try keeping the car outside at night once in a while and see if that makes a difference. Would be nice to keep the battery cooler, but doesn't seem worth stressing too much about for now. Just hoping I don't see 7 bars when summer rolls around next year.