Any other scheduled December deliveries?

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Not me. No Carwings. No Owner Portal access. Car still showing ONS in dealer dashboard.


There are cars in port at Long Beach. :D
Japanese engineers have landed to work with the local ones.
There has been an (undisclosed) issue with Carwings that has now been resolved.
Just got off the phone with my dealer in Portland. He was told the car will be 'at the dock' on 12/23/2010 and 'there is a chance' of delivery before Jan 1st. We'll see! Also spoke to ETEC today and found out there are only 2 charger installs scheduled in Oregon so far for December - both on 12/13/2010. Mine is one of them and dyhopper is the other, but he had a September order date. So, who is the lucky Dec 16th delivery in Oregon?!?
check post #1 ...updating deliveries as they come in. anyone know of something other than these dates? have every day next week covered except the 12th? guessing OC, San Fran or LA
PDXLeafer said:
Just got off the phone with my dealer in Portland. He was told the car will be 'at the dock' on 12/23/2010 and 'there is a chance' of delivery before Jan 1st. We'll see! Also spoke to ETEC today and found out there are only 2 charger installs scheduled in Oregon so far for December - both on 12/13/2010. Mine is one of them and dyhopper is the other, but he had a September order date. So, who is the lucky Dec 16th delivery in Oregon?!?

You're getting close, PDX!!!! A December 31 delivery would be great, then have the weekend to get to know your new LEAF. Please keep us informed what you hear from your dealer and Nissan.

Good luck!!
I'm surprised we haven't heard a word about who these people are in the other cities. I'd think anyone else that was so on top of the purchase experience to be first in line would be the sort of person that would have found these forums. Hmm..
I received an email tonight from Nissan inviting me to the first AZ LEAF delivery on Tues., Dec. 14th. I have a feeling it isn't anyone on this forum. I'm going to accept! :mrgreen:
OMG OMG!! i got a VIN!!

delivery still set for Jan... this is getting real! i am calling my insurance company today for a quote!!

garygid said:
It is unlikely that the VIN shows up in the insurance databases yet.
But, please report results.

probably true. they had to do "temporary" coverages on both my Zenn and my 2010 Prius. (i was first in WA state to take delivery) so to provide them info a month in advance might be fruitless, but interested in the rate changes.

i pay them a ton, so i will make them earn some of it!!
DaveinOlyWA said:
OMG OMG!! i got a VIN!!

delivery still set for Jan... this is getting real! i am calling my insurance company today for a quote!!

Dude !!
If you got a VIN, you can pay for it - even though it's not in your physical possession. That'll give you the 2010 tax credit !!

hill said:
DaveinOlyWA said:
OMG OMG!! i got a VIN!!

delivery still set for Jan... this is getting real! i am calling my insurance company today for a quote!!

Dude !!
If you got a VIN, you can pay for it - even though it's not in your physical possession. That'll give you the 2010 tax credit !!


You pay for it with just a VIN? I'm skeptical. Pay who? The dealer probably won't touch it with a 10 foot pole until the car is sitting right there. :?
DaveinOlyWA said:
TRONZ said:
#2 just showed up in the Dec 11 Thread. Screen name reeler.

ya saw that. he must be on the 12th.

No, he's the 13th in SD.

WWBD, in the dealer dashboard or your own account? If the former, please see the first post of my delivery thread. If the latter, it shows up in the account you make thru the Carwings setup.
I am not sure about any of the rest of "us," who confirmed on 31 August, but I am getting disgusted with Nissan's lack of transparency on what is causing the delays in actual delivery. I kept getting reassurances directly from Leaf "customer service" when I called in September and October that my car would "arrive 3-4 months from the order date." That would have gotten it to me in 2010. Now, though I am one of the 31 August order confirmations, my dashboard reads "February 2011." This tells me that less than 200 cars will actually be delivered between December 2010 and the end of January 2011.

What in the heck has produced this kind of delivery delay? Isn't anybody else wondering WHY Nissan cannot get even 200 cars into the US for customer delivery (as effectively implied if not promised) between their highly public start of production in October and the end of December?

I have NEVER owned a Nissan before, though we have owned an Infiniti. I have not had anything like this order of frustration and delay in ANY new car order that I have placed in all of my 40 years of getting new cars. I must also note that my August 5 confirmed order for a Chevy Volt is every bit as frustrating, as I had anticipated both cars in my home garage by the end of December, and it now looks like it will be more like the end of February....

Even though only two weeks ago my phone conversation with "Leaf customer service" reported to me that "actually we are only 15 days behind our original delivery plans." YIKES me the cars !!!!

George Parrott
W. Sacramento, CA.