The 62kWh Battery Topic

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Have you seen any adverse effects from that cell? I'm not really worried about it, but I thought it might be nice to document it.
I haven't noticed any problems. As the charge drops the gap get narrower so it doesn't seem to affect range. I have driven the car down to as low as 5% indicated charge without any problem although I usually don't drive it with less then 25% charge just because it's a 20 mile round trip just get to a 7-11 and 30 mi or more round trip to go anywhere else.
My dicember 2020 Tekna e+, now 83.000 Km (i purchased used one about one year ago):
april 2023, 56257km, SOH = 90,89%, Hx = 83,78%
april 2024 , 82270km, SOH = 88,55%, Hx = 81,48%
Cells are leveled, only the part in the righ of leaspy screen are a little more different (20 mv about) , i thik this is because the higher cells in the modules are most hot than the lower one in the driving and charge. The modules under the rear seat are high and there is a grater difference in the temperature between upper and lower cells, respect other modules.
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Have you seen any adverse effects from that cell? I'm not really worried about it, but I thought it might be nice to document it.
None that I've noticed. Just seems to be a quirk of the battery design. If there are multiple batteries with the same quirk, I'd chalk it up to a BMS design flaw.
None that I've noticed. Just seems to be a quirk of the battery design. If there are multiple batteries with the same quirk, I'd chalk it up to a BMS design flaw.
I do not have a great numerical statistic, but seems most of that I found are that with many fast charges (also limited to los soc). E.g. seems unbalancing grow and grow and bring some cells to work near to upper or under voltage limits more times that the others cells creating a cascading effect. E.g. this cells increase their internal resistance and reduce their capacity. In resume it is a unsuccessful management of the BMS in balancing when used with many fast charges! resume of the resume, IMHO leaf can't be successfully used as Taxi.
I didn't get super low on the SOC, only about 17% on the dash vs what leafspy is showing. I saw some variations in the readings so I included two screenshots.

The difference between the lazy cell that reads low and the average cell level seems to be between 18 and 21mV at this SOC.

I don't think it's a problem, just documenting experience.
I didn't get super low on the SOC, only about 17% on the dash vs what leafspy is showing. I saw some variations in the readings so I included two screenshots.

The difference between the lazy cell that reads low and the average cell level seems to be between 18 and 21mV at this SOC.

I don't think it's a problem, just documenting experience.
IMHO nothing that some almost empty to 100% slow charges can't solve with a good balancing especially with that so high Hx that is telling that most of the cells (well not only cells, but they are the most influencer in conductance if all is ok) are good.
In any case I would monitor cell 43 to check at what voltage reach when fully charged and "discarged"
I have a little improvement in balancing , while chraging at 100% at low power (at home , 10Amps) , and again after few hours, and again another time.
Well, after bring home our S+ from Kansas to Chicago, the S+ has fallen to 90.49% (from the 93% it had been at for a few years). This puts it now just .75% from our SV+ which is at 89.75% SoH.

With the batteries now at 5 years (SV+) and 4 & 7/12th years (S+), I feel they are both performing to expectations from when I bought the cars 4 and 5 years ago.
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Isn't it interesting to exchange a used 40kWh now for a 62kWh: the mid spec ones N-Connecta go for € 18.000 now totally. My high trim 40kWh still supposed to get € 13.000 trade in.

Which means it would cost me € 5000 to upgrade to a used 62kWh, which is lesser than I expected. Also Tesla Model 3's are used now available for about € 20.000 totally. But the Leaf's in general have a lower mileage.

I must admit having a love hate relationship with the Leaf: one of the downsides of the 40kWh, is that the range is limited at some times. That's why a 62kWh could be interesting, providing the extra range.
Had my first upward SOH adjustment ever 87.91% SOH to 88.61%


did you changed the first 7s3p module? how much did you pay for it? was it a new module or one with similar SOH? for what I can see it should be a almost new module. Isn't it?
Module changed under warranty @ 27,000 miles, new as far as I know. Cells balance at low SOC. Works well and range is still normal.