Running out of gas coming this summer

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Well-known member
Leaf Supporting Member
Nov 3, 2015
Bradenton, Florida, US
I’m glad we have our Leaf.

This may have the same effect that chip shortages have on trucks. Carvana offered us $10,000 more than we paid 18 months ago for our 2019 F150. Then 2 weeks later after the offer expired I renewed it and the offfer went up $1,000. Then this week that offer expired and Carvana offered another $1,000. So now the offer is $12,000 more than I paid for it new in December 2019.

Wonder what will happen to EV prices with chip shortages and gas shortages.
If I'm not fully happy with my new Leaf, maybe I'll wait for the height of the new car shortage, and see if someone will buy it for $5k more than I owe on it. ;)
They'd have to pay me $20k more than I owe on mine: I've owned it outright since mid-January, and even though the damn bank sat on the title for two months, the pink slip has been safely locked away in my safe for over a month. :p
Back in 2016, after a hurricane damaged the refining facility pipeline in the southern US, there was a gas "shortage" where vehicles were scattered all over town (out of gas) and the picture I took (from my 2013 Leaf of course ;) ) showed the only gas station left in town still with gas (Kroger gas station). It might be hard to tell from the picture, but all of those cars were fighting to get the last drop of the most expensive "premium" gas at that station, since they had run out of regular and plus. Will we see a repeat of those days I wonder? I'll have my camera ready just in case...

To make matters worse, people were running out of gas on the side of the road trying to get to the next gas station (that was out of gas) and thus started a bad feedback loop of out of gas vehicles scattered all over the city. Was really weird to see, like a bad zombie movie, :lol:
My only concern if they run out of gas it that I will have to find some way to lock both my Leafs up to keep them away from the gas Zombies. :shock:
Ransomware attack shuts down pipeline to the East Coast of the USA.
dmacarthur said:
Electrical infrastructure is possibly more susceptible than gasoline..... we be next!

Natural gas should be fine, it's transported more by pipes than trucks I believe. Coal is usually trains. I think automobile gas, diesel, etc. is probably what is transported more by trucks for the "last mile" delivery part.
LeftieBiker said:
I assume that it carries only one type of "fuel." Is this a gas pipeline?

A "pig" is inserted between different types of fuel. The pig seals between the different types, and is carried through the pipeline. Pigs are also used to internal inspection, cleaning and such.
This sounds like fear mongering and needless worry over useless software. Don't pay any ransom.

My uncle lived and worked at a pipeline station (a 24/7 job life) and you could hear a loud rumbling when the pigs came thru. He had to open and close valves as necessary to extract the various fuels at the times after a pig came thru. All they had and needed was a telephone to share the timing for the various fuel pigs.

A man has to open the hatch and load in the pigs; a man has to open the valves and send the load; no software can do those tasks. Software may have replaced the telephone but it's not gonna shutdown the pipeline.
dmacarthur said:
Electrical infrastructure is possibly more susceptible than gasoline..... we be next!
It's crazy how vulnerable the energy infrastructure really appears to be. imagine if we were engaged in an actual war and it's not just some random hackers testing to see how vulnerable it is (assuming that's what happened over the weekend, but I don't know).
knightmb said:
It might be hard to tell from the picture, but all of those cars were fighting to get the last drop of the most expensive "premium" gas at that station, since they had run out of regular and plus.

In case you didn't know any gas station built or remodeled in the last xx decades only have two underground fuel storage tanks. One for regular & one for premium. Plus/MidGrade gas is merely blended at the actual pump you are using & if either tank runs dry then Plus/MidGrade is no longer available
HerdingElectrons said:
In case you didn't know any gas station built or remodeled in the last xx decades only have two underground fuel storage tanks. One for regular & one for premium. Plus/MidGrade gas is merely blended at the actual pump you are using & if either tank runs dry then Plus/MidGrade is no longer available
I had no idea, nice info. Explains why the regular/plus runs out so quickly!
The panic has started already, gas prices have gone up 38 cents in the past 24 hours and people are doing things like this... :roll:
knightmb said:
Regardless of what we think, it has been shutdown. The software must do something vital? has statements from the operator.