New Federal GREEN Act - Impact on used EV prices?

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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2019
Denver Area
There's movement afoot to restore EV incentives looking forward - up from 200,000 units to 600,000 units so that Tesla and GM are no longer disadvantaged for having had some success in the market. Good news for folks thinking about buying an EV, at least from them, and likely not bad news for Nissan, since they're next in line to hit the current limit.

No question that incentives have helped move EVs.

That said, as a guy who currently owns a 2019 SL Plus, one who might be selling our car once the weather turns, what do folks here think about the likely impact to used EV prices?

I'm guessing that any increase in EV sales will possibly stimulate more interest, and since the incentives aren't growing any larger in the proposed bill and are already priced into current used EV pricing, there might be a slight increase in demand, but nothing to worry about. Maybe a positive, likely not a negative.

Used EV incentives will hurt the prices/value for late model used EVs (with some mitigation if the incentive applies to them), but boost the prices of older ones.
LeftieBiker said:
Used EV incentives will hurt the prices/value for late model used EVs (with some mitigation if the incentive applies to them), but boost the prices of older ones.

Hmmm. Interesting. Why would that be? Boost the prices of older ones?

I get that incentives mean a dollar for dollar reduction in resale value for used vehicles, in general. But I'm not following your thinking entirely.

Actually, come to think of it, if net Tesla prices drop again, the bottom will fall out of the Leaf market. I hope they take their time passing this... I don't want to sell an EV in the winter time. Want to wait a few months.
If incentives were offered to buyers of used EV's, it should increase the selling prices a little (maybe half of the incentive as Leftie suggested). Extension of incentives on new EV's that are already beyond the 200,000 vehicle limit will help those manufacturers at the expense of other manufacturers and used EV sellers.

Is Nissan still below the threshold so that the full $7,500 tax credit is available? I got a call from a salesman at my dealer trying to get me to trade up. I first said I was not interested, but finally said I would consider going to look tomorrow if he has an SL Plus with light color interior (and with a recent manufacture date). He promised that they have such vehicles in stock, but I have my doubts--I will find out tomorrow.