COVID-19 aka 2019 (and 2020) Novel Coronavirus

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LTLFTcomposite said:
"Contact tracing" is another groupthink line, but totally useless in this situation. Works great for STDs like AIDS where even the most promiscuous can usually recall who they did it with, but the Woohoo virus is so contagious just passing within a few feet of someone may be enough to transmit it. You quickly find everyone has had indirect contact with the entire human race.
If you shelter in place, sufficiently socially distance, only leave home for essential activities (see the order I referenced at, limit visits to essential businesses and limit time spent doing such activities and go at less crowded times, then you will come into contact with very few people.

In the CNBC glimpse video I referenced, the woman in Wuhan said she couldn't come out of her apartment for 50 days.
There are now at least two contact tracing apps for phones. If you carry your smart phone with you, and use the app, it will tell you everyone whose phone has been in close proximity to yours.

Next we'll hear that hand washing is both a hoax and a conspiracy.
LeftieBiker said:
There are now at least two contact tracing apps for phones. If you carry your smart phone with you, and use the app, it will tell you everyone whose phone has been in close proximity to yours.

Next we'll hear that hand washing is both a hoax and a conspiracy.

I have no stomach for engaging the denialist culture. It's a total waste of time.
WetEV said:
LTLFTcomposite said:
If you're a registered Democrat you should take steps immediately with your doctor to have an advance directive added to your medical record that under no circumstances should you be administered hydroxychloroquine, sort of like a DNR.

"The evidence was anecdotal!" would make a nice inscription on your tombstone.
When Trump fails, he diverts attention. Sad to see his scam works again.

Trump has failed. Tens of thousands will die because of his lies.
A few more deaths on the ledger.

More deaths.

Some other squirrel will get Trump's attention, and thus his followers. Never an accounting for failures.
downeykp said:
Why do you all keep feeding the troll?

He has been brainwashed by Fox and OANN. He can't help himself.

Good point. I have him filtered ("Add Foe" option) but as a Mod I tend to think I have to read some posts. Maybe I'll rethink that.
I'm about halfway thru watching (also that my TiVo happened to auto-record tonight as a suggestion. Is good, so far. Its focus so far was on WA state and the first COVID-19 case there + early cases that surprised them.
LTLFTcomposite said:
Why hide that link behind
jlv said:
LTLFTcomposite said:
Why hide that link behind

Hmm...the Blaze. Great Pizza. Terrible politics.

Side note: So now I guess the virus is a conspiracy between Bill Gates, the WHO, and the lab in Wuhan. Time to invest in tin foil futures - many Conservative types will be making their hats bigger. And, of course, this will give Trump someone else he can blame.

Side note 2: Dear Leader is now suggesting the US Navy "shoot down" Iranian patrol boats. How dumb/far gone mentally is this guy? Can't the Continental Air Force simply bomb the airfield these boats are taking off from?
I miss George W Bush.

Yes, he was clueless in many ways. His attack on Iraq was arrogance and hubris, leading to disaster.

Not every way. And he sometimes would read serious books. And order real and effective followups.
WetEV said:
I miss George W Bush.

Yes, he was clueless in many ways. His attack on Iraq was arrogance and hubris, leading to disaster.

Not every way. And he sometimes would read serious books. And order real and effective followups.

Certainly both Bush and Obama took the perceived threat of a pandemic seriously,

Trump, quite honestly, could have given a ****.

It's hard to say what Trump's problem is. Certainly he has more than one.

He could be stupid, or lazy, or he could have a learning disability. Maybe a combination of all three. Certainly he's the kind of narcissist who makes other narcissists go, "Now there's a narcissist". I think he's kind of a dick, and always has been. I also think he's never really had to work hard for anything his whole life, except maybe scamming his siblings out of dear dad's money. Plus he's in some kind of mental decline now, just as his dad was when he got to the same age.

If November doesn't sweep Trump gone, I genuinely fear for the future of this country.

"The final lesson of 1918, a simple one yet one most difficult to execute, is that...those in authority must retain the public's trust. The way to do that is to distort nothing, to put the best face on nothing, to try to manipulate no one. Lincoln said that first, and best. A leader must make whatever horror exists concrete. Only then will people be able to break it apart."
Ohio man dies from coronavirus after online posts calling it 'Bulls---' and 'Political Ploy'
cwerdna said:
Ohio man dies from coronavirus after online posts calling it 'Bulls---' and 'Political Ploy'

It's hard not to get sucked into reading the comments. Fox "News" really wants to play this both ways, don't they? I wonder if there is an internal war occurring, between the actual news gathering section and the political theater section...?
COVID-19 Outbreak Associated with Air Conditioning in Restaurant, Guangzhou, China, 2020

Has a diagram ( of the restaurant and the folks who got infected along w/where they were seated + AC airflow.
cwerdna said:
COVID-19 Outbreak Associated with Air Conditioning in Restaurant, Guangzhou, China, 2020

Has a diagram ( of the restaurant and the folks who got infected along w/where they were seated.

Yeah. Gonna be until we get a vaccine before I'm the slightest bit interested in being anywhere but home, especially someplace like an aeroplane.

I'm wondering what my tack is going to be when/if they force me to go back to work in the office. I'm inclined to say that I won't, but I still need the job for another 4-5 years. Can't afford to piss them off too badly yet. But then, this has really proven that I can do 80% of my work away from the office, and I haven't shown any reluctance (albeit with full PPE) when required to go to the office for the other 20%. So, maybe they'll let me continue as I am now?
Re: testing, in one piece I watched recently w/a doctor speaking, one purpose is to get a sense of whether actual cases are rising, leveling off or falling.

Another brought up something else that has been an issue for hospitals (and has been brought up before). A negative test potentially saves PPE (personal protective equipment).

I've listened to hospital staff mentioning they have to treat anyone that comes to the hospital as being infected until they get confirmation they're not, thus the need for full PPE amongst the staff. Examples they're talking about are people coming in for broken bones or car accidents. In some cases, they are infected.
cwerdna said:
Ohio man dies from coronavirus after online posts calling it 'Bulls---' and 'Political Ploy'

I'm not going to wish that anyone gets sick let alone dies, not even The Dumpster, my new nickname for our Dear Leader as he's so into bestowing them on others (I also liked 'The Great Orange One', which someone used a week or two back). Still, I can't help but think that it would be no more than 'divine justice', as it were, if that preacher in LA who decided to hold in-person services in defiance of stay at home orders on Easter because 'neither a virus or the devil would stop him', or words to that effect, were to get sick.

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